After the crimson light in front of him dissipated, Derrick Berg saw his room once again. He saw the pure crystal ball in his hands.


The crystal ball shattered from the inside. Some of it turned into pieces of illusory beams of light that flew into the void around him, while the other crystalline fragments fell noisily to the ground.

Derrick looked on, dumbfounded. He could see the traces of blood on his face reflected in the bronze mirror. He noticed a crimson light spiraling on the back of his right palm, forming a circle with lines extending out from the edge.

The strange symbol bore into the back of his palm and vanished.

Derrick fell into a daze in the time it took several flashes of lightning to illuminate the sky before snapping to his senses.

He looked at the fragments of the crystal ball on the ground, then looked at the back of his right hand as his gaze turned deeper.

He walked out of his bedroom, returned to the living room, and opened the door to look up at the sky above the City of Silver.

An arc of lightning streaked across the sky, illuminating the city with a silver sheen. Right on the heels of that was rumbling thunder. The world belonged to the dark. Without any speck of light, the heavy darkness only left people in despair.

Derrick clenched his fists. There was no joy in his eyes for they were still filled with the remnant grief and pain.

But he was no longer lost.

Phew, looks like I’ve managed to trick another person into becoming a member. No, I’ve managed to recruit another member… Klein shook his head and mocked the present strength of his Tarot Club.

The leader, The Fool, was only a Sequence 9, one who had just fully digested the Seer potion!

And there were at least three High-Sequence Beyonders at Sequence 4 in the hopeless City of Silver that The Sun spoke of!

“After mentioning the acting method one more time, I can start telling the Captain the specifics and hand in my special application. At the very least, I’ll stop being in charge of support once I become a Clown.” Klein didn’t stay in the world of fog. He extended his spirituality, wrapped it around himself, and initiated a descent.

Tearing through the gray fog and passing through the ravings, he returned to his room before dispelling the wall of spirituality.

Then, Klein picked up the key and headed out of the room. He first went to the two rooms booked by Dunn to take a look in order to confirm that the Captain and Frye hadn’t returned yet. He then headed to the first level and handed the key back to the boss.

The boss looked at the wall clock to the side and gave a thumbs up.

“Well done!”

I booked an hourly room? Klein wanted to

wronged, he tried to console

way, he won’t mention that I

out and going through the motions, Klein did a quick divination and returned to the inn based on the results. He headed straight to the second floor to find Dunn and Frye discussing their investigations in one of

confirm that the wraith appeared within the last three months,” Dunn summarized to Klein with a nod

immediately echoed, “My investigations also

main points of his questioning and concluded, “Heh, there’s a townsfolk named Scoundrel Gray who claimed that he had the portrait of the first Baron Lamud. He

you bought it?” Dunn’s eyes shimmered as he was taken

so stupid to be fooled that easily? Klein gave a

of experience in this area. I can more or less determine if something

most important piece

indeed, Dunn didn’t pay too much attention to it. He massaged his temples and said, “This is a small town near a historical site. There will always be a myriad of ‘antiques’ here. I

to sell me the insignia of the Lamud Family, claiming that it had been dug out of the castle,” Frye

subconsciously asked, “Did

at each other, and didn’t

out of town to somewhere uninhabited. Otherwise, a good half of the people in this inn will become idiots blathering praises of the Sun. Are you going first, or Frye?” Dunn looked at Klein

“It’s still quite early, so I can come back and have a

go over with Klein and confirm where you’ll exchange the Sealed Artifact.” Dunn turned to look at Corpse Collector Frye. He had already found an opportunity to hand Sealed Artifact 3-0782 over to Frye when they split up to conduct their investigations. Otherwise, he would have been purified and started praising the Sun. Frye hadn’t had enough time to recover, and could only hold the item for

from the inner pocket of his

the item with a fair bit of curiosity and interest. The metal was warm to the touch, as if hot water was

outward in waves and bringing with it a pure smell. At the same time, Klein felt that the dark golden Sacred Emblem carved with the symbol of the Sun was cleansing his spirituality, removing the impurities and

Sealed Artifacts have their dangers. Death might occur if one isn’t careful enough. It’s even possible to have a fate worse than death… He muttered to

walked out of the room and left the inn together with Frye. They headed

beside a sparse and deserted forest and

anyone who approaches you,” Frye coldly reminded, “I’ll come to take your place in two

Klein replied

previously. He picked up some leaves from the tree beside

with his finger and inspected the stone under the light

Klein put

stand when you can sit! Klein thought to

of silence, he looked at the dark, quiet, and rather scary forest. He couldn’t help but stand up, taking out several metal bottles from his hidden pockets and scattering their contents—herb powder and essential oils—around the

an incantation in Hermes. With the help of the materials, he created a barrier of spirituality, sealing the area he was

rely too much on his premonition for danger as a Seer to defend against corpses and spirits launching

a hundred times better than insect

out of curiosity. He began

how it became special… He took out the pen and paper he always had on him and wrote a statement: “The

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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