“The origins of this drop of golden liquid.”

After reciting the divination statement seven times, Klein held onto the goatskin and the illusory golden liquid before leaning back in his seat.

He didn’t know if he could divine with the item that was instantiated based purely on a feeling. All he could do was make bold assumptions and carefully seek confirmation.

In seconds, Klein’s eyes darkened, turning from brown to black as he entered a state of Cogitation.

His eyelids drooped down and he “saw” the illusory yet blurry dream.

In the blurry world that looked in shambles, a golden, glaring sun suddenly appeared!

A low grunt resounded across the void. The pure and clean light suddenly lit everything up as the gold and burning flames swept outwards.


Klein was instantly expelled from his dreamworld and flipped onto his side as he shivered. His body seemed to become a huge bonfire which burned with a raging flame.

At that moment, his thoughts were all over the place. No proper idea could form from the chaos in his mind.


The mysterious space above the gray fog shook violently, and the lofty palace collapsed inch by inch. The ancient, mottled bronze table broke into a few pieces.

The terrifying changes only continued for three seconds before the world above the gray fog returned to tranquility as though nothing had happened.

The gold flame on Klein gradually extinguished. He rolled around on his charred skin as he groaned in pain, until he eventually regained his ability to think.

He supported himself on the armrest of the high chair and stood up with great difficulty. He was terrified and confused about what had just happened.

He had never imagined that a mere divination would result in such consequences!

He panted and lifted his head to survey his surroundings. He realized that the lofty palace and ancient bronze table, which looked like they had stood unchanged since ancient times, had been damaged. In the world above the gray fog, which had never experienced any abnormality, it was simply an unprecedented level of damage.

What happened? Did my divination point towards some unfathomable existence?Klein calmed down slightly and let his burned flesh shed while he speculated. If I wasn’t protected by this mysterious space above the gray fog, there might not even be ashes of me left behind… Could that drop of gold liquid be the blood of a god? Did I see the Eternal Blazing Sun, or some powerful angel of His? No, that was the sun, so I think it was the former… Damn, did I just look directly at a god?

felt more fear as he thought about it.

die… In the future, I can’t just

happen once more, I don’t know if this mysterious space could even shelter me from fatal damage… When that

must have sensed the sudden, hidden and unexpected influence from the divination above the gray fog and failed to respond in time… If He were prepared, this mysterious space might not have been able to withstand the

no longer charred, but compared to before, he

massage his temples and commanded with his mind to restore the palace

the long table cast

sat down and leaned against the back of the chair. He

know the limit of the mysterious space and I have a certain goal… Only powers

Spirit Vision either. If I were to look directly at

Klein’s expression turned odd because

Yes, knowledge!

Eternal Blazing Sun, Klein was constantly in his divination state. Hence, he could

used a dream divination to recall and organize what he had gathered that wasn’t his primary objective. He picked up the black fountain

not look directly

“2. Pure white angel.

technique of making a Flaring Sun Charm… It’s a relatively high level charm in the domain of the Sun. Its potency can last a year before it deteriorates… There’s no need for a ritual

of Storms and

“5. Bard potion formula:

ingredients: a Crystal Sunflower or an adult Flint Bird’s tail feather or a Fire Bird’s tail feather… A piece of Siren

Midsummer Grass, 5 drops of July Wine Juice, a blade

Light Suppliant potion

powder of Dazzling Soul or… Blood of a Mirror Hedgehog or

a Golden-edged Sunflower,

of Light

main ingredients

5 grams of Rosemary, 7 drops

the Mutated Sun Sacred Emblem. It could also

of supplementary ingredients

down the eight lines, Klein couldn’t help but rap the edge

gained way more

divination earlier, but now he

Sun held was called Sun, and its Sequence 9 was Bard. It would allow the Beyonder to imbue courage and strength for themselves and their allies

and hold rituals from the Sun’s domain which were very effective against corpses

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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