Klein obviously couldn’t just bring up the Telepathist formula right at the start. However, he didn’t hide his intention either. After all, the man opposite him was a Spectator. He wouldn’t be conned so easily.

“Has Hood Eugen behaved unusually recently?” he first asked Daxter Guderian about the patient in the asylum who was a member of the Psychology Alchemists.

Daxter examined Klein’s eyes, expression, and gestures. He thought and said, “No, he’s acting normal. Frankly speaking, I think if he really wanted to leave the asylum, he could immediately behave in a very healthy and very normal manner. But he hasn’t done so, and he continues to stay in the asylum. He appears to be treating every patient. Yes, patients who exhibit chaotic, violent, or abnormal thoughts appear to be getting better. Maybe Hood Eugen is trying to train his Beyonder powers with this method.”

Psychiatrist, Sequence 7 that corresponds to Spectator? Perhaps even higher… Since Hood Eugen isn’t a doctor in the asylum but entered as a patient, it means that he hasn’t truly grasped the acting method. It should be as Daxter has guessed; he’s probably training his Beyonder skills and doing so resembles that of the “acting method.” To a certain extent, it could slow down the potion’s negative influence. Hence, Hood Eugen decided to just take the asylum as his home… Klein openly showed that he was in deep thought regarding Hood Eugen’s matter.

Because that would make Daxter Guderian feel that he knew and understood a lot, making him appear unfathomable.

With this in mind, Klein guessed something else. The Psychology Alchemists hadn’t grasped the “acting method.” After all, even a mainstay member at the Sequence 7 was unaware of this. In this era with few Beyonders, a Sequence 7 was considered mid level in any secret organization. They were important enough to know crucial matters, especially those that could help members resist the loss of control.

Plus, the Psychology Alchemists was a secret organization that had only been established in the last three hundred years or even earlier. It was understandable that they hadn’t grasped or deduced the “acting method.” The only organization that brought up the method explicitly was the Secret Order. They were an ancient organization that had more than fifteen hundred years of history and could be traced back to the previous epoch!

Hey, the Church of the Goddess is even older than the Secret Order. Just the Letter of Saints from the The Revelation of Evernight clearly indicates that it’s nearly three thousand years old. That’s not to mention the mythical legends before that… How could such an ancient church not discover the “acting method?”

During the long history of a huge organization, there must have been members who experimented with various possibilities, just like Spirit Medium Daly. They might not have understood the principle of the acting method in detail, but they acted out the name of the potion correctly anyway. They would have discovered the gist of it through the good feedback they received. As that accumulates through the generations of Nighthawks, unless the higher-ups were a bunch of curly-haired baboons, it would be impossible to deduce the “acting method!”

Klein’s thoughts made the connection and was suddenly shocked.

To the Nighthawks who didn’t know of the “acting method,” someone like Spirit Medium Daly was a genius, an example that an ordinary member couldn’t emulate. Hence, no one suspected that the experience of Daly and others could be adapted for their own use.

But to those who have grasped the “acting method,” this would be extremely odd!

Klein believed that in the long history of the Church of the Evernight Goddess, Spirit Medium Daly was definitely not the first member to have used the “acting method ” to digest the Low Sequence potions quickly. She might not even be in the top ten or top fifty!

It doesn’t make sense. Unless Daly didn’t understand the “acting method” on her own, but had other people’s guidance… Then, it could be concluded that every member of the Holy Cathedral follows the beliefs of the past, believing in their predecessor’s experience, and not daring to rebel against their teaching. After all, rebelling would imply the loss of control most of the time… Yes, other than this explanation, there is another possibility. The higher-ups of the church have hidden the “acting method” for some reason…

search for examples of Beyonders in the Church of the Evernight Goddess digesting their potions quickly, as well as

at him, waited for a few minutes, and asked curiously, “Officer, is there

other matters,” Klein

asked instead, “Has there been any actions taken

small gathering in Awwa to exchange

nodded slightly and said, “How

and have some illusions. If I wasn’t a doctor specializing in mental health, I might even think that I have some sort

ignore those illusions and ravings. That made me feel much better, but they still affect my sleep, and I have become more grumpy and short-tempered.

member of the Nighthawks now. There are benefits for you. As an ancient organization, we master many methods to keep

I’m willing to share with you my personal experience. You must know the man standing before you only used a month to shake off the shackles of illusions and ravings,

8 Telepathist, Klein bragged

of a lie in what you said, but it’s mostly the truth,”

a smile, “It’s not something that

Justice wants

course, he knew that Daxter would definitely assume

items or information you want is within

advance,” Klein said straightforwardly. “We want the

Captain as well. He would tell the Captain that Daxter used it in exchange for his

Klein would definitely verify the formula

he would use the fact that he used his personal experience in exchange for

merits, he might not even need to put in extra effort to apply for the Clown formula and main

formula for two deals, quite a good

best to get the formula, but I’m

about it.

Heh, I’m willing to use the word ‘theory’ to describe what you just said. This is just like a theory of a play and opera…

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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