Klein paced around the small shooting range as he pondered over the intent of the Church of the Evernight Goddess regarding the Seer pathway.

Do they not want Nighthawks to choose this pathway, or do they not want Beyonders to become powerful through this pathway? As such, they only revealed the Sequence 9 Seer which is clearly a support type? Captain also mentioned that the Holy Cathedral might have the subsequent recipes…

No, they didn’t even provide the names of the potions for Sequence Numbers 8 and 7 in the confidential information that I read. They merely described the battle characteristics of each Sequence… In other words, they don’t want those under them to realize that the Church might hold the actual formulas.

Is there a possibility that Nighthawks who chose this pathway could become “vengeful spirits” for the Antigonus family, and thus, the higher-ups of the Church made a decision like this? Or could there be some other reason?

Klein suddenly felt incredibly suspicious, a sense of intense wariness and vigilance, towards the higher-ups of the Church. He began reconsidering whether he should openly hand over the special application to become a Clown.

If there are some terrifying secrets behind this, wouldn’t I be jumping into the fire myself? Frankly, I’m not a person that can be placed under strict investigation…

But the Tingen branch has handed the Clown potion formula over to the Church. Any Seer who learned of this would hope to advance. Isn’t that normal? Sequence 8 is still considered a low Sequence, so it shouldn’t invite too much attention…

The only problem is that I would only take a month to completely digest the potion and submit a special application. If the higher-ups are familiar with the “acting method,” they would be able to realize what I did immediately… Of course, I do have an excuse; I know Spirit Medium Daly after all. Old Neil, who is strict in abiding by the Mystery Pryer’s maxim, is also my friend. The claim that I gained inspiration from them and refined the “acting method” isn’t too hard to believe.

Yes, even Daly received attention from the higher-ups only after showing signs of digesting a Sequence 7 potion in three years, and is now being nurtured to become a future Archbishop. Being at the stage of Clown shouldn’t garner me too much attention—unless I fully digest the Clown potion in a few months, giving them confirmation to believe that I have truly mastered the “acting method”…

In other words, applying for the Clown potion isn’t a risky move. I can continue with that plan, but I should pay attention to this in the future. Sigh, I’ll have to take things one step at a time. I’ll do a divination back at home.

Klein collected himself and took out his revolver from his holster before carrying on with his daily shooting practice and maintenance.

The quality of the revolver that he had gotten from his schoolmate, Welch, was unexpectedly good. Without any surprise, it would last for quite some time. Of course, he had to credit Dunn and Leonard for teaching him how to maintain a revolver.

To be honest, it doesn’t matter if it’s damaged. These are all things I can request compensation for. Klein looked at the target, put away his revolver, and left the Shooting Club.

He took the public transport back to 2 Daffodil Street. Before arriving at his destination, he saw a young lady pacing about his door.

This lady was dressed in a blue lacy dress, as well as a thinly veiled hat. She was Melissa’s classmate—Elizabeth who had her adorable baby fat.

She quickly approached when she saw Klein arrive, taking off her hat to reveal her joyful face.

She paused for two seconds before smiling.

“Good afternoon, Mr. Moretti. I’m guessing that you just came back from Lamud Town, right?”

I’m sorry, I came back in the morning… Klein smiled.

I came from Zouteland

that was a very honest answer…

for a moment, then said with excitement, “Alright, I guessed wrongly. I came to look for you because I wanted to tell you that I didn’t have that nightmare last night. I no longer dreamed about the knight in black armor! This was exactly the same as

was completely purified by Sealed Artifact 3-0782. I couldn’t channel his spirit even if I was there, much less your dream… Klein laughed and replied

Bye bye, Mr.

she smiled and thought proudly, Melissa definitely doesn’t know how

as though my explanation just now was useless. Young ladies would rather trust their intuition and the truths made up in their minds… Klein saw Elizabeth board the carriage and opened

to consolidate everything that had happened over the past week, including the questions he

burned his notes, took out his pocket watch,

still had time, Klein put on his oldest suit and headed to Smyrin Bakery at Iron Cross

spirituality at fifteen minutes to

of goatskin and wrote down a divination statement:

down and untangled the spirit pendulum on his wrist. He grabbed the pendulum firmly with his left hand, allowing the topaz to be suspended right above

darkened and the pendulum in

so it’s appropriate. But it’ll be hard to say for the sequences after Clown. I should seriously develop my Tarot Club… Klein did

down on the dark red star representing the

to bring the youth from the City of Silver in early and ask if he revealed whatever had happened in this world to

room of the Berg household in

the side of his

of the house after he “returned.” He had nearly finished all the food

stomach, Derrick felt as though he was a

a dark red color spread

lonely world appeared in his field of vision once again. Seated at the seat of honor, The Fool, who was obscured by the thick fog, presented himself in front


we meet again,” he said smilingly,

what had happened.

are a Fool who keeps

members will arrive in a while. Before that, I’ll confirm a few things with you first.” Klein used the Loen language this time, but willed the mysterious

words rang through the air, coming to Derrick in

“What’s the matter?”

whatever I say in real time. This means that I won’t have to worry about Justice and The Hanged Man not understanding whatever Sun says… Sigh, why does a boss like me have to work so tirelessly? Klein pinched the bridge of his nose.

recite my name; remember

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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