The chirping of insects and the hooting of owls reverberated along the path back to the small town. Azik looked ahead and said after a few seconds of silence, “Even though I’m not entirely sure what happened to me, I do have a rough idea.

“Perhaps—perhaps I’m someone who has lived for a very, very long time.”

Mr. Azik, you have to seriously consider if you still fit the definition of “someone”…Klein thought to himself, but he didn’t dare to say it out loud.

“This wilderness, this silence, often makes one weak…

“I should’ve paid some sort of price in exchange for this long life. I’ve lived since the end of the Fourth Epoch, like a wandering spirit across the continent…” Azik’s voice deepened, as if he was trying to suppress his emotions. “I don’t remember the past. I’ve forgotten about the people and things that I’ve sworn to remember…”

Klein poked at the weeds in front of him and said, in thought, “Mr. Azik, I have a theory regarding your situation.”

“What theory?” Azik looked to the side.

“I think that there’s a cycle to your memory loss. Perhaps you ‘die’ once every few decades, and your memories of the events before that vanishes. Then, after some time, you wake up from the darkness of your slumber and begin on a new phase of life. This way, we can explain why you would have such varied dreams. Those are events that you came across over your several lives,” Klein described his theory.

Azik slowed down his pace, as if the darkness had grabbed onto his sleeve. He looked ahead with a turbid look before saying after a while, “That is consistent with the memories that were jolted awake just now.”

Memories that were jolted awake? Klein had an idea as he said immediately, “Mr. Azik, you might not have to leave Tingen to search for your lost past. You’ll regain your memories slowly!”

“Why?” Azik turned his head in surprise.

Klein smiled and said, “Your memories aren’t completely gone. The parts of your memory that jolted awake just now are proof of that.

“Furthermore, do you remember the moment you woke up in Backlund and discovered that you had forgotten all about the past?”

Azik nodded. “That’s a nightmare that bothers me till this day.”

Klein tapped downwards with his black cane and explained in detail, “Before today, I didn’t think that there was a problem with that. But your description just now, together with my own conjecture, makes it feel a little weird. You had a document of identification and enough money when you woke up from your dream. You also appeared in a way that didn’t startle anyone… All of that seems like it was arranged for you, allowing you to fit into society with little effort.

“Then, who made the arrangements?

is only one answer;

new life. Thus, he prepared everything for you, trying his best to not let you attract suspicion

the specks of light coming from the town, once again slipped

for were the past me all along…” He sighed, admitting that Klein’s deduction was very

you have to do is patiently wait for your memories

turned still, like a

wait that long. I want to have plenty of time to understand and free myself from this destiny. So I have to be more proactive in searching for my past, to

I ask

Azik nodded slightly.

do you need

his words and said, “I hope that you can head to a town between two and five hours away from Tingen by carriage next week, or the week after. I need you to cause a paranormal incident, something

He didn’t ask Klein why

tacitly confirmed Klein’s conjecture about

a follower of the Evernight Goddess when you are

join the team on the mission and suggest using Sealed Artifact 3-0782. Only then could he extract the divine blood from the

the most powerful item he

red chimney hasn’t left Tingen, and that Klein was

to the information I obtained, stealing a little of its powers wouldn’t damage 3-0782. At the very most, it would only lessen the amount of time it takes to purify… This is for the safety and stability of Tingen City!

care about his

the town and the estimated time beforehand so

of relief. He felt that

back the outermost layer of the mysteries surrounding Mr. Azik and had much more to find out, he had at least managed to gain the friendship of Azik, a reliable ally

night, Klein returned to

to dinner… Sigh. He wouldn’t have been

silently emitting its light, warmly illuminating the living room. Benson was sitting alone on the

just about to speak

the door and smiled, quipping, “I went to Lamud Town with Mr. Azik. There’s an abandoned castle with a long

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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