The gray fog filled the air in its eternally unchanging manner as the illusory crimson stars hung around him at varying distances. Klein sat inside the lofty palace that looked like the home of a giant as he looked at the familiar sight before him.

After a few seconds, he looked away and made a yellowish-brown goatskin appear before him. Then, he lifted a pen to write his amended incantation for the summoning ritual.

“Light a candle to represent myself.

“Use a spiritual wall to create a holy environment.

“Drip a drop of Full Moon Essence Oil in the flame, Chamomile Pure Dew, Slumber Flower Powder, and other ingredients. (Note: There’s no need to be too particular in this step because it’s summoning oneself).

“Recite the incantation below.

“I! (In ancient Hermes, Jotun, Dragonese, or Elfish. It must be a deep shout)

“I summon in my name (Hermes),

“The Fool that doesn’t belong to this era, the mysterious ruler above the gray fog; the King of Yellow and Black who wields good luck.”

After scrutinizing it three times, Klein wrote a divination statement at the bottom:

“There will be danger if the ritual above is carried out outside of this world.”

Phew. He let out a breath, put down the pen, took out the silver chain in his sleeve, and held it with his left hand.

The topaz pendant hung above the goatskin steadily, only a slight distance above the divination statement. He reined in his thoughts and entered a Cogitation state.

“There will be danger if the ritual above is carried out outside of this world.

“There will be danger if the ritual above is carried out outside of this world.”

After reciting the statement seven times, Klein opened his eyes which were almost all black and looked at the topaz pendant which was spinning counterclockwise.

That meant a negative outcome: there would be no danger!

“I can give it a try then.” Klein made the items before him disappear. He then extended his spirituality to wrap around himself and simulated the sensation of falling.

When he returned to his bedroom, due to the fact that he had sealed the entire room with a spiritual wall, Klein immediately cleared his desk and put out a mint-scented candle right in the middle.

He pressed slightly on the candle wick, rubbing it with spirituality to cause friction and ignite the candle.

Under the flickering dim light, Klein dripped the corresponding essential oils, extracts, and herb powder onto the flame.

soothing fragrance suddenly filled the air, and the room alternated between brightness and

back, Klein looked at the candle that represented himself and shouted in

to Hermes, “I summon in

Fool that doesn’t belong to this era, the mysterious ruler above the gray fog; the King of Yellow and Black who

sensed the wavering candlelight suddenly dance vigorously and produce a vortex with the surrounding fragrance. It

belongs to the red moon, please bestow your powers to my incantation…” Klein endured the discomfort brought about

tainted with a gray luster,

it above the gray

counterclockwise before arriving above the gray fog again. He saw that there was a rippling light above the seat

corresponding chair. The strange symbol that was made up of

my name, The Fool that doesn’t belong to this era, the mysterious ruler above the gray fog; the King of Yellow and Black who wields good luck.” Then, he saw surging spirituality combined with

shook as though it wanted to be opened. Klein immediately felt inspired and strongly willed

lofty palace was drawn forward. There were a few

towards the illusory yet

Klein pushed it, the door couldn’t be pushed open.

of Summoning has yet to take shape?” Klein reined in his will and creased his

had casually named the door

spirituality, so I can’t form a complete Door of Summoning. When I advance to Sequence 8 Clown and pass through the initial dangerous stage, I can give it another try. Maybe it

heartened as this was the first time that he received some sort of response from

here! Klein excitedly declared in his heart. He then made a rapid

he returned to his bedroom. He ended the ritual and

blew as he yawned. He collapsed into the bed, covered himself with a blanket and quickly fell

hazy dream that followed, Klein woke up abruptly and realized that he was sitting in the living room of his

Captain is here again? He was stunned at first

door opened. Dunn walked in slowly, wearing his black windbreaker that went beyond his knees and held

wearing his black top hat, and underneath it were his profound gray

the single seat sofa. He

off his hat, and leaned backwards. He sat there quietly and looked at Klein as though he was

are you trying to do

expose that he knew that it was a dream, he pretended to not be affected by

He lifted his head to look at Dunn who sat opposite him. He found out that the Captain was still sitting there quietly and was looking at

and forth multiple times, looking at Dunn from the corner of his eyes, and noticed that the

couldn’t sit in peace. He folded the newspaper and put it aside. He nodded and smiled

ordinary, so boring. There’s nothing worth observing. Hurry up and leave! Why don’t you pretend to be a ghost and I’ll pretend to be frightened, then you can complete your achievement as a Nightmare! He prayed in silence and lifted his head, but

such a quiet and constant gaze, Klein wiped all the furniture and cleaned his room. He was so

out the most was Dunn Smith, who was

while he made himself busy until he finally saw his Captain

breath and watched Dunn

his right hand

normal, Klein let

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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