Most of the buildings in Morse Town adhered to a style that was popular a hundred years ago. The most eye-catching building in the town was the black cathedral spire.

After settling the carriage, Klein and the others quickly finished their lunch of bread, toast, bacon, butter, and coffee.

“We can still tolerate about two hours and thirty-five minutes of Sealed Artifact 3-0782’s purification.” Kenley stood at the door of the church and took out a pocket watch from his suit’s pocket. “I suggest dealing with the suspected haunting incidents first to prevent the situation from getting worse. Then we can return to the church and take turns watching over the Sealed Artifact to recover.”

Under normal circumstances, Sequence 9, 8, and 7 Beyonders had to stay far away from the Mutated Sun Sacred Emblem for two hours to recover completely, or at least an hour if they were to make a partial recovery.


“I have no objections.”

Klein and Leonard spoke in unison.

“Then which case should we deal with first?” Kenley asked.

Leonard wiped away his frivolous attitude and said, “Let’s start with the old man living alone who heard heavy footsteps in his house.”

“Why?” Kenley asked instinctively. Klein was also interested to hear an explanation.

Could this be the intuition of a poet? He mocked Leonard secretly.

Leonard shifted his gaze from Kenley’s face to Klein’s, then looked at Kenley again. He smiled.

“Because it’s the closest to the church.”

“How did you know that? It’s not written in the records…” Klein asked.

Leonard snickered. “Didn’t I go to the bathroom during our meal? I came across a trainee priest on my way back and had a conversation. He told me that Noah’s house was close to the church—Oh yeah, the old man’s name is Noah.”

He sure lives up to his name as an experienced Nighthawk when it comes to performing missions… Klein gave a dry laugh. He turned to Kenley and said, “Then let’s go to Noah’s house first.”

“Alright.” Kenley didn’t have any objections.

They arrived at Noah’s house a mere minute later…

Noah was an old man with thinning white hair. He had lost his left hand in a war when he was younger and had no choice but to leave the army. He returned to his hometown after he received his compensation.

At that moment, he opened the door and looked at the three strangers in front of him before looking at Siur who was rushing over from the cathedral. He said with a raspy voice, “Come in, I hope that you can solve my problem. I heard that you brought Holy Water, Sacred Emblems, a silver dagger, and garlic? This is great, my worries have eased greatly. Please forgive my blabbering, you have to understand the condition of an old man after not being able to sleep peacefully for two nights, Oh my Goddess, I’ve been so scared all this time that my head feels like it’s in a cloud.”

Leonard suddenly straightened his back when he entered the house, his eyes surveying the surroundings.

After that, Klein felt a cold aura within the room. Those were traces of activity left behind by a ghost.

“There really was an impure being here.” Kenley was the last one to notice as he suppressed his voice.

“Very weak.” Leonard said with a relaxed tone as he retracted his gaze.

Poet was a job with a relatively high spiritual sensitivity when compared to all the other Sequence 8’s in the

feel the warmth and purifying energy of Sealed Artifact 3-0782 quickly

the people of the town had all gathered at Noah’s

the Goddess, those impure beings will vanish quickly and won’t bring

that, he shot a look at Klein for him

Klein shot a

he didn’t know if Leonard understood

said softly, “You’re

me for being the one who volunteered for this mission. Klein tidied his clothes and took out the Holy Water, Sacred Emblems,

then peeled the garlic and tossed its cloves one by one to every corner of

this is how garlic is used

from the

“Will this work?”

looking at them broke into discussion, curious and excited, as if they were watching

I’m just acting! Klein suddenly felt that he had become a clown. He closed his eyes and splashed the holy water

splashed the water as he walked around the house, reciting an incantation, “The




a charlatan shocked everyone

people turned silent, it was easy for them

“What a warm feeling.”

feels like I’m

feel like I’m looking at a pure

Is this the


“Praise the Lady!”

slowly became that of respect. Noah also visibly

is doing all the real work here… We don’t actually need to do anything to chase the ghosts away, all we need to do is stay here for a minute. It’s not tiring or troublesome at all… After Klein purified the sinister aura off every corner of the house, he opened his eyes and put away his


have things to deal with, but we need absolute

stay. They receded from Noah’s house like a tide following Priest Siur’s lead. Even the master of the house had to leave

nap…” Noah

a step forward and closed the door,

a divination on the

Klein also wanted to find out

of a rather superior nature. Haha, a person that can live for 1300 years must be of a superior nature… So my divinations should definitely be affected. Under such circumstances, without the help of the mysterious space above the gray fog, even I’m not sure

cause of the

walked to a round table. He then took a seat, closed


to a pyramid, but stood inverted and was

obscured everything within the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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