Weak light shone through the narrow window from high above, making the interior of Morse Cathedral a little more visible.

Klein put his top hat on his knee while he leaned his leg against his cane. He sat quietly on the first row of the left pew and looked at the altar before him.

There weren’t any statues of the Goddess except for a massive Dark Sacred Emblem. Its base was black, with a crimson half-moon that was surrounded by radiant points of light.

On the wall behind the Sacred Emblem, there were a few openings which allowed sunlight to shine in from the outside. They were focused into tiny specks of pure light which combined with the dark surroundings to form a scene that resembled that of a lofty starry night sky.

None of the traditional Gods ever left behind an actual image. Only their symbols are worshiped and glorified by people… That seems to be a manifestation of the command, “Do not look directly at God”… Klein let his thoughts wander. He wasn’t in a hurry to make the Flaring Sun Charms as soon as he got the opportunity to be alone with Sealed Artifact 3-0782.

He felt that he had to be careful, patient, and had to wait. Within the first fifteen minutes, it was possible that Leonard and Kenley would enter at any moment to remind him about points that he should take note of.

In this extremely quiet atmosphere, time flew by quickly. Klein suddenly snapped back to his senses as he took out his silver vine-leaf pocket watch, flipped it open, and took a glance.

Twenty minutes have passed… He muttered to himself. He then set his silk top hat and silver edged black cane by the side. He got up and walked towards a hidden corner near the altar.

At first, he faced the side of the altar, but once he saw the large Dark Sacred Emblem and the holy scenery that resembled a depiction of a night sky, he felt guilty and uncomfortable. Hence, he turned his back to the altar.

Then, Klein took out the Sealed Artifact 3-0782 from the inner pocket of his black tuxedo. He bent down to place the golden unadorned badge on the ground.

Klein took a look at the Sun symbol that was filled with abstract meanings, then he took out a small candle mixed with sandalwood. He put it right at the bottom of Sealed Artifact 3-0782.

That was the dualistic ritual that he learned from the Eternal Blazing Sun. He used an item that was closely related to the deity to represent “Him” while he used the candle to represent himself.

He took a deep breath to ease his tense emotions. Klein then took out the items required for the ritual, one after another, including a carving knife, two thin gold slices, Sun essential oil extracted from the combination of black-rimmed sunflower, golden-rimmed sunflower and white-rimmed sunflower, Golden Hand fingered citron powder, and also rosemary powder.

After that, Klein adeptly used the silver ritual dagger to guide the flow of spirituality. He guided it to flow around the simple altar and created a shapeless sealed wall.

He squatted down, placed the silver dagger down, and extended his right hand. He lit up the candle that represented himself by rubbing his spirituality.

Under the flickering dim light, Klein picked up the Sun essential oil and dripped a drop onto the flame.

With a puff, an illusory fog spread out with the slight scent of sunlight.

After burning the fingered citron and rosemary powder, Klein held the carving knife and golden slices. He stood up, took a step back, and then recited in Hermes, “The blood of the Eternal Blazing Sun.

“You are the Inextinguishable Light, the Embodiment of Order, the God of Deeds, the Guardian of Businesses.”

Inextinguishable Light, Embodiment of Order, God of Deeds, and Guardian of Businesses were all parts of Eternal Blazing Sun’s honorable titles. If there wasn’t the prefix of the blood of the Eternal Blazing Sun, the ritual would require the god’s response to proceed. If so, Klein suspected that the Eternal Blazing Sun would recognize him as the disrespectful person that looked at “Him” directly. Then, Leonard and Kenley would only find a pile of black ashes when they entered.

Plus, the ritual had to be conducted via Ancient Hermes, a ritualistic language that stemmed from nature. Only a language without any protection but had outstanding effects could allow an incantation to sidestep around the Eternal Blazing Sun and point towards the Mutated Sun Sacred Emblem.

a deity, Klein had no way to divine if it would be successful ahead of time. He felt that it would result in him directly dealing with the deity again. So, he could only recite the rest of the incantation with

pray for you to give me

to complete the

Blazing Sun,

citron, a herb that belongs to the Sun, please bestow your

neared completion, Klein suddenly

badge radiated with an intense light, as though the sun had descended

enveloped in extreme heat. His hair was heating up rapidly and was

like they were stepping barefoot on yellow sand that had been exposed to the midday sun, and his face and body were greeted with the hot

to let the burning energies out. Otherwise, he would

and the strong winds, as well as his instincts and ritualistic guidance, to begin etching symbols, corresponding Path Numbers,

church, Leonard was standing in the shadows to

the sunlight intensified, like the hottest days of a year in

blue sky had no

Kenley also noticed the changes in


knitted his eyebrows slightly and

sun tanning her skin,”

blazing sunlight remained intense for a few minutes before

the cathedral, Klein’s carving knife

the spirituality on both sides of

Klein was finally relieved from the boiling and burning sensations. He examined the two Flaring Sun

luster on the surface of the charms had turned dim, and the pattern looked ancient yet complex. There was

have a more impressive trump card.” Klein

incantation for the Flaring Sun Charms as the word “light” in

Then, he put the Flaring Sun Charms into another pocket. He didn’t put them with the Slumber, Requiem, and Dream Charms, because

power of the Flaring Sun Charms can be maintained for at least a year, or even longer.” Klein reined his thoughts back and looked at the

didn’t look any different on the surface, and it still gave off feelings of warmth and purity. Klein finally relaxed, and quickly completed the ritual and removed

almost drenched, and he was covered in sweat. The edges of

He was so exhausted that he slept the moment he sat

eyes shot open, and he touched the Flaring Sun Charms subconsciously to

don’t look alright?” Leonard asked

his temples,

“I’m nearing my limit.”

out his silver pocket watch and took a glance. “Just in time. It’s your turn

he finished speaking, Klein took off the Mutated Sun Sacred Emblem and passed it

his frivolous attitude and examined Sealed Artifact 3-0782 attentively and seriously. He grew confused and looked

the three Nighthawks began their

town’s situation. If there were any paranormal incidents, he was to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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