Phew, I finally passed… I passed it just like that…

When Klein heard Crestet Cesimir’s announcement, he let out a breath of relief despite being mentally prepared for it. It felt surreal, as though it was a dream.

He had assumed that the examination would be tougher and lengthier, but when he thought carefully about it, he realized that what had just happened was what should’ve happened. If he had taken the normal three years to digest the Seer potion instead of doing it in a month, the examination wouldn’t have even been conducted by the Holy Cathedral. The Tingen Nighthawks’ captain would’ve been responsible for it instead.

I thought they would investigate my family and friends… Hmm, perhaps Cesimir arrived in Tingen two days ago and completed that in secret… I also thought that the examination would require me to complete some task. Heh, I was really overthinking it. The goal of the examination is merely to determine the level of digestion for the potion, as well as detect any latent dangers, and see whether I’m aware of the “acting method” and if I shared my experience with others… These thoughts flew past Klein’s mind. He flashed a sincere smile.

“Thank you, Your Grace. Praise the Lady!”

Crestet nodded gently and said, “To advance is to serve the Goddess better, so that you can protect our fellow believers better. You must remember this—trust me—it’ll help you fight the temptation of losing control.”

“Temptation…” Klein ruminated over the word.

Crestet sized Klein up with his green eyes and said sternly, “The ‘acting method’ can help you digest the potion and lower the risk of losing control, but it’s not the be-all and end-all. To a certain extent, you can even confuse playing the role and your own existence. You know, there are many actors in the theater that develop severe psychological issues. At a certain level, you might really go insane.”

Remember that you’re only acting… The only point of note concluded by the City of Silver is identical to what Deacon Cesimir said… Klein nodded thoughtfully in agreement.

“In addition,” Crestet emphasized, “Not only is losing control related to the potion, it’s also closely related to your emotions and mental health. The most important thing for a Beyonder is to control yourself. Only then will you be able to withstand the temptations of evil gods and devils, resisting emotions like greed and jealousy, and the erosion of desire. Of course, I don’t mean that you should get rid of all your emotions and desires, because that is something that no human or even demigod can do. Yes, perhaps only some special Sequences are able to achieve that sort of state.”

Klein suddenly thought about Old Neil. He couldn’t help but ask in reply, “We must keep our emotions and desires at a reasonable level, and not allowing them to drive us to do something irrational and abnormal?”

Crestet nodded solemnly.


After he answered, there were wrinkles at the corner of his eyes.

“That’s all I wanted to warn you about. Now, I’ll pass you the Clown potion formula and the relevant ingredients.”

He bent down and put his silver suitcase on the long table. He then turned around and moved a few steps, blocking Klein’s view.

When the surrounding lights strangely vanished again, Klein suddenly understood that the formula and ingredients were in the suitcase that stored the holy artifact. It was simply because his gaze was attracted by the pure white bone sword which was why he didn’t notice or perhaps, he couldn’t notice, the other items in the suitcase.

After a few minutes, the light of the gas lamps lit up the alchemy room again. Crestet picked up his suitcase and moved away, presenting the items on the long table to Klein.

It looked like a miniature version of a normal goat horn and was crystal clear, swirling with colors. There were faint layers

blue rose. There were red veins on the petals that

woowoowoo… Klein heard illusory laughter and crying diffused with each other, and he saw

complete stalk of a human-faced rose. The main ingredients of the Clown potion! He nodded indiscernibly and took a few steps

powder, 10 grams of golden cloak grass powder, 3 drops of poison hemlock…” Klein looked at the unfurled goatskin parchment and compared the written content with the formula that he

he confirmed that there was nothing wrong, he recalled the demonstration Old Neil

exhaled slowly to collect his emotions. With the apparatus in the alchemy room, he

formula, pure water referred to water that

he washed a black metal pot and threw in the supplementary ingredients one after another. He was as skillful as

yet, he didn’t see any obvious changes in the liquid in the metal pot. At most,

cast his gaze at the two main ingredients and gratefully thought, There’s no description of the exact size or weight of the required gray mountain goat’s single horn crystal or the human-faced rose. Perhaps a whole horn and a complete rose have no differences, regardless

so, I don’t have to worry about putting in

up the human-faced rose and threw it

touched the liquid, it immediately produced a sizzling sound. The

Hahaha, hahaha!



of a sudden, and the surrounding gray halos slowly converged into

in a mix of gold, yellow, and red. However, the three colors

were bubbles churning and fizzing from the liquid, but they failed to escape from the pot and

Klein of Sprite, the carbonated drink from

drink… A thought popped into his head that aligned with the characteristics of


was that there wasn’t a single bit of the potion left

people into Beyonders… Klein raised his right hand, and he

Cesimir, who had been silent the entire time, suddenly smiled and said, “Don’t worry. At the very least, I didn’t notice any

the potion. Don’t worry, as long as it isn’t anything serious, I

the Clown potion back onto the

and let the topaz pendant hang down

no answer. Of course, when there wasn’t enough information, the divination wouldn’t yield any useful answers at all. When the

pendulum could also vaguely determine the degree

dark as he recited,

“This potion is harmful.”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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