After the color in Klein’s eyes went back to normal, Crestet Cesimir said with a laugh, “You can move about and try to get used to the changes in your body. Try to find the core powers that were given to you by the Clown potion.”

Klein nodded. He considered the fact that he might need guidance from the deacon and thus didn’t care about his presence. He repeatedly followed what he had been practicing all this time as he took a step forward. He twisted his hips and threw a punch forward, launching a frontal jab.


He heard the crisp sound of his fist breaking the air. The power in the forward thrust exceeded his expectations.

In that instant, he felt as though he was sitting in a carriage which had abruptly hit the brakes. He lost his balance and fell forward.

Oh no! This is about to become an embarrassing story—just like Leonard’s… Klein mused. But at that moment, he noticed that he could still effectively control his muscles, his body, as well as his center of gravity!

He simultaneously exerted force with his spine, tendons, and ligaments, instantly adjusting his center of mass and managing to stand firm despite his distorted posture.

Well… Upon gaining some understanding of this, Klein attempted several other actions. He confirmed that the biggest change in his body was the massive increase in coordination. He would no longer lose his balance unless there were some extenuating circumstances.

I feel like a roly-poly tumbler… I can even act in a circus now! It wouldn’t be too hard for me to walk on a rope… The Clown potion sure lives up to its name… Many thoughts flashed through his mind. Klein once again tested the extent of the improvements to his strength, agility, and speed.

Hmm, I should be around the same level as Teacher Gawain. After I get used to this and go through the specialized training, I’ll definitely become more powerful… Also, with my current mastery over my body, it would be easy for me to grasp combat techniques. Klein stopped moving and nodded in thought.

According to his plans, he estimated that he would become decent in combat arts only after half a year. But after consuming the Clown potion, he felt that it would only take a month, perhaps two or three weeks, before he could qualify as a policeman that was adept in combat.

That was the difference between an average person and a Beyonder.

In a sense, the talents of Beyonders were beyond the reach of normal humans!

Crestet watched silently as the newly advanced Clown tried out various actions before completely stopping. He then nodded.

“It truly is a potion adept in the field of combat.”

Without waiting for Klein to speak, he asked, “What sounds did you hear just now?”

Klein wanted to keep the term Flegrea a

of Deacon Cesimir. If he was willing to relay information regarding the Hornacis mountain range and the Nation

High-Sequence Beyonder can influence corresponding Low-Sequence Beyonders of the same Sequence pathway to a certain extent. In a way, some parts of the respective pathways contain the Realm of Demigods. The murmurings and howls might have been intentionally conveyed to you by them. They

cautious if the Sequence pathway belongs to an evil god. I had a chat with Dunn just now. The Nighthawk in your team who lost

said, “Your Grace, I will remember this.

time, he

all, the Sleepless pathway belongs to the Evernight Goddess, and Death which corresponds to the Corpse Collector pathway has already fallen… As for why the Church would still offer the Mystery Pryer and Seer, it’s because these two jobs are of a support type and can fill the shortcomings of the Sequence 9 and 8 pathways for Sleepless and Corpse Collector. Furthermore, they’re only at the beginning of the pathway, so

traits of the potions… or the lack of information as to what one should take note of

retracted his thoughts when he saw Crestet Cesimir pick up his suitcase to leave. He adopted

how to act as a Clown. Do I

his tall collar


can call them people who can see fate, yet remain respectful of fate. Of course, as I mentioned before, there are some differences to the rules concluded by each individual even if they consumed the same potion. You cannot completely reference the experiences of

Klein nodded in thought.

I can understand some of it. I can act as a Clown in

careful about his choice

on his chest. “Thank

a Clown? If I don’t take into consideration what a clown represents back on Earth and only think about what it means in this world, a clown is a job that entertains people using ridiculous methods. For example, hilarious getups, exaggerated actions, trickster-like performances? The core is that it must be ridiculous, and it must entertain others. It

and also drew a crimson moon before his


the Goddess

an intuition that felt like

the silver suitcase and step toward the entrance

watched as Crestet walked out of the hidden door,

dazed for a moment before he felt

Clown potion

could intuitively predict a person’s next course

this ability, coupled with his powerful coordination, exceptional agility, and speed, as

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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