“What?” The bearlike Tolle jumped in shock and looked at Klein before looking into the room. With agility that wasn’t suited to his body, he dashed in.

He pulled back the white cloth that covered the corpse and after examining the body carefully, he heaved a breath of relief.

“It’s better than I imagined. It’s not that serious a problem.”

Maybe I should’ve drawn my revolver and shot Maynard five times with demon hunting bullets. Let’s see if you find that serious or not… Klein lampooned inwardly and pointed outside the door.

“That’s all that you need me for, right?”

“No!” Tolle shouted. “Wait a moment.”

Klein asked, puzzled, “Why?”

Tolle explained seriously, “We have to prevent any accidents from happening. After we talk to Madam Sharon and get her testimony, I’ll send you back to Zouteland Street.”

If Maynard can resurrect after being dead for ten hours, what else couldn’t happen? What would I do if you leave? Tolle added in his head.

“Alright.” Klein massaged his temple and said, “Find a quiet room for me to rest in then.”

He wasn’t feeling his best in every aspect as he had just advanced a day ago. Having just performed multiple ritual ceremonies, used two charms, and suffered a nontrivial scare, he needed to enter Cogitation to eliminate any problems.

Klein was now extremely cautious about losing control.

Tolle covered the dead body with the white cloth again. He obviously relaxed and replied, “No problem.”

He brought Klein to a guest room that was closer to the sunlit side of the house. He pointed and said, “Inspector Moretti, don’t worry. No one will disturb you. I’ll be paying Madam Sharon a visit first.”

Klein nodded slightly and watched him walk away. Then, he closed the door and drew the curtains.

In the dim and silent bedroom, he slowly walked over to the rocking chair and sat down comfortably. He allowed his body to rock back and forth rhythmically.

There were countless spherical phantasmal lights overlapping in his mind. The buzzing sounds in Klein’s ears and the throbbing ache in his head slowly vanished, bit by bit.

When his situation stabilized, he opened his eyes and looked into the darkness. He outlined a bed, cupboard, and other furniture. Then, he calmly thought about his earlier attempts.

There isn’t much feedback from a few exaggerated jokes…

Maybe I have yet to control the powers of the Clown potion, as there are still remnant negative effects… Of course, I can’t eliminate the possibility that such “acting” has little effect.

Personally, I’m not quite willing to play the role of a clown. But since I picked the Sequence pathway, I can only bite the bullet and continue…

Actually, everyone has to act like a clown at one point or another in their lives. I don’t have to be so uncomfortable with the idea.

to quickly understand a

churned in his mind, Klein suddenly took out a

he divined if Maynard’s death was due

shook his head and laughed. His eyes grew dark as he recited repeatedly, “John Maynard’s death was due to supernatural


the rocking chair. He watched its brass luster twinkle as it rotated in

coin fell right into Klein’s open palm, revealing the number

in John Maynard’s death. I guess that man died of orgasmic pleasure. The deceased shouldn’t be laughed at, so I won’t

Knock! Knock! Knock!

clothing, put on his policeman’s peak

touched the knob, a scene appeared

Inspector Tolle was standing outside the door and pulling his collar. His expression looked

knob and opened

as he pulled at

for making you wait

obtained her statement. You can return to


emotions but he smiled and said, “Madam Sharon

manage to control themselves. When she found out that he died of a heart attack, she was very afraid so she fled the room after she tidied herself up. She then hid in her own guest room. We don’t have enough reason to raise charges against her right now, so we had to let her go while

leaned his head sideways and

are you

a bitter smile. “Oh yeah, I don’t have to explain it to you. I’m just frustrated by Madam Maynard, and I started

wife is back?” Klein asked

was something abnormal about the steam locomotive. It wasn’t late.” Tolle gave an

he had all his personal belongings,

you arresting

a murderer! I want to sue her, and I want to sue all

the best lawyer to

voluptuous and fair middle-aged lady staring angrily across her. Despite having two young men holding her

frequently read the magazine, Ladies Aesthetic, the first thought on Klein’s mind was something unrelated to the situation. He then saw a few gentlemen protecting a lady behind

brown eyes.

she had starred in. He quickly lifted his right hand, covered

left molars twice and observed the people present with

aura are thinner. From the colors of her emotions, she’s definitely

Madam Sharon’s emotions are shaded in blue, which represents rational thinking and calmness… This is totally contrary to her appearance of panic and nervousness. As expected, a socialite ain’t no

saw Madam Sharon lift her head and

I might’ve been fooled by your act… You should consider working as an actress… Klein lampooned. He didn’t stay any longer and left Maynard’s house with Inspector Tolle. They took the carriage arranged by

the shift from the Captain, he continued to stay on duty at Chanis Gate. He took the opportunity to write a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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