Lanevus? That criminal who cheated both money and sex? To think that he had a connection to Hood Eugen from the Psychology Alchemists… Klein froze for a moment when he heard the name. He immediately thought about the implications the name “Lanevus” had.

He’s the cheat that escaped with more than 10,000 pounds!

Just a providing a clue would earn me 10 pounds. And if I help in capturing this moving treasury, I’ll earn 100 pounds!

He’s a scum that took advantage of the bodies and feelings of innocent women!

To think that he knows Hood Eugen and went to visit him three times at the mental asylum. Does this mean that he’s connected to the Beyonder circle, or that he’s a Beyonder himself? Klein suddenly recalled the name of a potion: the Marauder pathway Sequence 8—Swindler!

These Beyonders took pleasure in swindling others!

It’s very possible! Klein nodded in thought. He controlled his facial expression and body language, feigning nonchalance as he asked, “Then, when was Mr. Lanevus’s last visit to Hood Eugen?”

“Early July. I would have to check the registration records of the mental asylum to give you a specific date,” Daxter Guderian replied after a few seconds of thought.

Lanevus’s scam hadn’t been exposed back in early July and he hadn’t left Tingen…Klein then asked, “Does Hood Eugen mention this person usually?”

“No. You should understand that a Sequence 7 Psychiatrist would never reveal something by accident. Every word they say has been deliberated over thoroughly. It would be impossible to learn their secrets unless they have some other hidden motives. I was only able to get the Telepathist formula after Hood Eugen went mad. Oh right, have you determined the authenticity of the formula?” Daxter expertly hid his feelings of pride toward his pathway’s potion.

Klein laughed and replied, “It’s authentic. When you need to advance, you can use that to concoct your potion without worry. We can help if the Psychology Alchemists are unable to provide you with the ingredients. Also, how have you been lately?”

“Not too bad. Other than being a little worried about Hood Eugen’s condition, I feel rather relaxed. I no longer have symptoms of a split personality. You’ve helped me greatly in this regard,” Daxter Guderian said, full of emotion.

Klein wore a humble expression.

“It’s only right.”

“Let’s return to the topic at hand. Since you said that a Psychiatrist would deliberate over their every word before uttering it and wouldn’t easily reveal their secrets, why did Hood Eugen tell you that El is Lanevus? Was he hinting at something, or was trying to warn you of anything?”

Daxter froze for a moment, then creased his brows.

“This is really weird, to think that I didn’t notice this… Other than that, Hood Eugen didn’t mention anything else. Could his motive be for me to tell the upper echelons of the association about the name Lanevus should he meet with any problems?

“The association’s reaction seemed strange, too. After I informed them about Hood Eugen’s insanity, they did send a liaison. But after I described every detail, including Lanevus’s name, there were no more replies from the upper echelons. It was like being a stone cast in the ocean. Could this mean that they’ve figured something out?”

“A reasonable deduction.” Klein took out his demon hunting bullets and stuffed them into his revolver, then took aim at the target.

insane or die… And this has an untenable connection with Lanevus? But since he already anticipated it, why didn’t he ask for help from the

kind of temptation made him choose to take the risk.”

Hood Eugen had really become a mental patient.

with a lunatic? Oh right, Madam Daly once tried to use mediumship rituals to call upon my lost memories. The theory behind the mediumship rituals seems to have been derived from the Psychology Alchemists… This means that I can also use the mediumship rituals on the living and create a

about it first. I’ll see if she can provide

of action just because I want to

it down to a single line of thought that could solve the

approved of his

a person knows that there’s only the abyss in front of him, he’ll still

crazily testing the limits of fate…

to the mental asylum. Try to keep him sober for a period

your worries and anxiety. Establish more connections with the Psychology Alchemists and put pressure on them to solve Hood Eugen’s problem.

Daxter nodded seriously.

“I’ll try my best.”

“Has there been any abnormalities with Hood Eugen’s body recently? For example, thin scales growing on

of the conditions were when their attitude changed as if they had become a new person, but were still capable of rational thoughts and actions. That was “near-insanity.” “Insanity” was more severe in that the person would lose all logic, becoming a maniac and was difficult to communicate with. Those that couldn’t be saved were those whose body

dealt with promptly, insanity would lead to

to surveillance to ensure that Hood Eugen didn’t lose control. But if there were signs of him losing control, they would have

head and let

very afraid that Hood Eugen will lose control, so I’m paying very close attention

few more words, they left the shooting range ten

desire to sleep and took a public carriage

was neither reading nor was she fiddling with machinery parts. She was

Klein activated his Spirit Vision and asked, puzzled,

healthy based on the colors of her

retracted her gaze and pursed her lips, then looked

has been recommending the way that her family prepares breakfast back at home, she said that

is that?” Klein

in a pot, then adding water

is the standard recipe for food of unknown origins… Klein

“And so?”

shouldn’t waste food…” Melissa bit

are questioning life… Klein cleared his throat and


heard the sounds of flushing from

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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