Waiting for cake? That really wasn’t an answer that I was expecting… Of course, if I was able to anticipate the answer of a mental patient, wouldn’t that mean that I was almost there myself… The thought flashed through Klein’s mind. He maintained his relaxed smile as if he was chatting with a friend.

“Who’s going to send you a cake?”

Hood Eugen’s expression fell instantly, his face long and depressed.

“No, there’s no cake… There’s no cake!

“You stole my cake!”

His voice suddenly became shrill as he glared angrily at Klein.

Without waiting for Klein to speak, he let out a shout and opened his mouth, revealing two rows of white teeth.

Following which, he leaped from his mattress while salivating. He closed in on Klein with one step and extended his hands, attempting to grab onto Klein’s shoulders. He wanted to drag Klein towards him and bite him.

Despite the sudden attack, Klein reacted quickly despite appearing a little flustered. He instantly bent his knee and squatted. At the same time, he tilted his body to the side and raised his left arm.


His shoulder slammed into Hood Eugen’s abdomen, causing Hood’s eyes to turn white and drool to drip from his mouth.

But Hood Eugen didn’t stop moving. He allowed the momentum to carry him down as he opened his arms in an attempt to pull Klein into a bear hug.

Klein tilted his body to the side and rolled over, his movements were smooth as though he had practiced them hundreds of times.

He pushed against the ground with his right hand and stood up with a somersault. He decided to go on the offensive and charged forward to restrain his opponent.

But at that moment, Hood Eugen only stood there blankly, his eyes losing focus, becoming vacant and lost.

Klein froze for a moment. He turned his head towards the corner of the room, only to see Dunn Smith, wearing a black windbreaker and matching hat, with his hands clasped tightly together and looking down.

The Captain has dragged Hood Eugen into a dream… Upon realizing this, he stopped his subsequent attack and took the opportunity to take out the silver ritual dagger that couldn’t harm anyone. He used it to create a wall of spirituality which sealed the ward.

Klein then took out three candles infused with mint and placed them on the window in a triangular formation. One candle signified the Evernight Goddess, another the Mother of the Secrets, and the last represented himself.

Soon after, he set up a simple altar and used his spirituality to ignite the candles.

Just as he was about to warn the Captain, Dunn raised his head and smiled.

“Hood Eugen’s dreams are a sea of chaos. There’s no way to guide it.”

returned to Hood Eugen’s eyes. It was no longer

insane Psychiatrist moved his waist, letting

remained quiet. He picked up

extracted from the night vanilla, Slumber flower, and chamomile into the flames of the

and looked out at the crimson moon outside

and sat beside Hood Eugen. He wanted to find something to break

the Eye of the Spirit medication to make Hood Eugen’s soul slip into a

a professional Spirit Medium… He had already thought of an idea

easy to carry around. It

of the cards was lined with metal threads made from pure silver, each of them was able to kill undead beings. Their patterns were complicated and

one hand and

some card

outside the

didn’t answer, placing the deck of tarot cards into Hood’s palm with a sincerity

Klein’s actions, trying his hardest to cut the deck with one hand to some

yet flexible, beautifully textured cards in his hand. He flipped over

a man in tattered clothes with his hands tied. He was hanging by

Hanged Man… Klein nodded in thought. He took the opportunity to grab the Eye of the Spirit medicine, dripping the amber liquid onto the candle

forth, inducing an intoxicated feeling

vision losing its focus. The deck of tarot cards in his hand fell

sitting upright, without

used Cogitation to fight back against the medicine’s dreamy effects of turning light-headed and ethereal. He took out

Sedative Agent!

throat, down his gullet, and into his stomach. Klein instantly felt unusually awake, without any

and herb powders, dripping them onto the two candles signifying the Evernight

solemnly murmured in Hermes, “I pray for the power of the

for the

pray for the

you would allow me to communicate with the spirituality of the Beyonder beside me, Hood

room, and Klein saw the flames of the candle, now dyed

guard against

space. All around him was boundless, silent darkness.

Klein was no longer a stranger to

he had this thought, a foggy world appeared before him. It was a world enveloped

Heart and Mind. Thus, he leaned over, digging into the

countless specks of light pelting him. He heard the voices of thousands of

Some included praises for the elegance of some lady, then it turned

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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