Countless rays of brilliance drowned Klein as ravings of a million people filled his ears. However, Klein thought nothing of it. His abilities as a Clown told him that his spirit was being engulfed by a black shadow that was rapidly expanding.

The black shadow was a huge cross, and there seemed to be a person hanging upside down on it!


The chaotic tornado of thoughts unleashed its load outwards and turned uniform. Slowly, Hood Eugen’s spiritual world disintegrated.

Klein noticed that he had exceeded his fastest flying speed from his previous trial; his soul had become significantly stronger after he briefly mixed with some of the strength from the mysterious space above the gray fog.

Just as the cross’s shadow was about to engulf him entirely, he dashed out of the blurry “world” and felt his body.

He familiarly stimulated a descent, and Hood Eugen’s long skinny face and messy blond hair instantly appeared in his vision, along with the three candles that were burning at the window ledge.

He had managed to get out of the mediumship state in time!

In that instant, he saw black scales growing one after another on Hood Eugen’s face. His vacant pupils turned into slits, becoming extremely cool and ruthless.

Oh shit! He’s going to lose control! Klein’s pupils constricted, and before he could react, he saw a figure in a knee-length black windbreaker and silk top hat take two huge strides before Hood Eugen. He then raised the revolver and pushed it against the man’s head.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Dunn Smith fired five bullets consecutively. Hood Eugen’s head suddenly blew up like a watermelon falling down from a high height. The red and white rainstorm splattered across each and every corner of the room.

He had taken care of Hood Eugen before he lost control completely!

Klein, who was fifty centimeters away, was covered in blood and dirt. He looked at Dunn Smith in a daze, only having the feeling that the Captain was very handsome at that moment.

As long as you ignore his memory problems, the Captain is very trustworthy… He complimented sincerely from the bottom of his heart.

“Did an accident happen?” Dunn put away his revolver and watched Hood Eugen’s mostly headless body slowly fall to the floor.

Just as Klein was about to organize his words, he saw that the body had become a pile of bloody flesh within a few seconds and the asylum uniform that covered it appeared to have its most basic structure damaged.

items. There were dozens of scales twinkling with a black shimmer, and his

magical luster, like a diamond

restless. It could create tension or develop chaos. But other than that, there was

Dunn holstered his revolver, he took out a black glove and wore it on his right hand. He then squatted down to pick up

According to what the Captain previously mentioned, it could be used as the main ingredient for the formula of a Sequence 7 Psychiatrist… But, would it lead to the advanced

looked at the ground and asked curiously, “What kind of items

as they pass the three months mark, leaving only a tiny portion of demon-hunting characteristics in the remnant materials. If the materials used were something like the black scales, the effective period would be as long as a year or two, and the effects would be even better. Of course, due to their characteristics, the black scales are obviously not suitable to be made into demon hunting bullets,” Dunn explained as he took a

just like the materials we use as

back up and


really become a monster… Klein sighed. He seized the opportunity while the room was still sealed with a wall

it was different from the mainstream ones. It wasn’t the

was a member of the Aurora Order. As Melissa’s friend, Selene, had peeked at his incantations and completed

Smith saw something close to the True Creator in his dream, but it was a different image than the mainstream image that was

over the tarot card of The Hanged Man, Klein had actually already expected it. But he never thought it would be presented in such a way. Of course, it was only

he listened to Klein’s description, Dunn’s expression

and said with a deep voice, “A huge cross,

I’m not injured. I only noticed a huge cross and figure similar to a man being hung upside down,”

that moment, all he cared

Eugen was related to the True Creator? So the


don’t understand why he said that it was the worst

Hood Eugen provided involved a sinister and dark altar… I suspect that Lanevus is plotting

stirred as

do you remember the letter written to Mr. Z? The letter that the member from

he was waiting for an appropriate opportunity, something about the arrival of the end of days, he will offer

Lanevus be the Mr. Z

be setting up a fake steelworks company to scam people while the Aurora Order was up to something. It would introduce too many variables in

insane, it would be perfectly normal for

with which

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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