Sharp nose, thin eyebrows, slightly droopy cheeks, faint blue eyes… Qilangos examined himself in the mirror. He was certain that he looked no different from the unconscious man.

After he rehearsed a few of the man’s gestures, he bent down to drag the man off the ground and shoved him into a wardrobe.

Then, he extended his right hand. With an audible snap, he broke the man’s neck.

Qilangos took out his handkerchief and wiped his hands before closing the wardrobe door.

He slowly walked back to the mirror, wore a black double-breasted suit, tied a bowtie, and raised a bottle of amber-colored cologne. He dripped a few drops on his wrist, then dabbed them over himself.

Qilangos tidied his hair in front of the mirror, then walked out of the room. He clasped his hands and told his butler who was waiting outside, “Don’t let anyone enter my room; I’m keeping something very important in there.”

“Yes, Baron!” The balding butler pressed his hand against his chest and bowed. “Your carriage and personal servant is waiting downstairs. Duke Negan’s invitation card is there as well.”

Maintaining the baron’s mannerisms, Qilangos nodded indiscernibly. He walked towards the stairs in an arrogant manner under the company of his butler.

Heh, a baron who is riddled in debt, to the point of not wanting to hire a normal security guard, has actually maintained his hiring of a butler, personal male servant, two attendants, two first-grade maidservants, four second-grade maidservants, two laundry female workers, one carriage driver, one stablemaster, one gardener, one chef, and one sous chef. To these foolish nobles, dignity really is everything… I even had to waste some of my time to learn the strange pronunciations and so-called “noble slang”… Qilangos thought to himself in disdain.

Backlund, Cherwood Backlund. In a particular cramped apartment.

Xio Derecha sat cross-legged on a bed and looked at Fors Wall who was reading a novel with the light from the window.

“This is so disappointing. Qilangos didn’t leave any clues behind. We still haven’t figured out what he’s trying to do in Backlund.”

They had acted according to their initial plan and lodged a police report. Then, they secretly sent a letter to the local police station and described the strange situation at the crime scene in detail. They also mentioned that the suspect could be Qilangos.

The police station responded as they had predicted. The policemen were very careful, and they transferred the case directly to the Mandated Punishers.

After a day’s time, the news that Rear Admiral Hurricane had sneaked into Backlund was widely spread among all “enforcement teams.” Xio and Fors also left the place they originally rented and hid to investigate in secret.

They didn’t want to be brought back to the police station to help with the official investigation. The Mandated Punishers, Nighthawks, and Machinery Hivemind were all hostile towards non-official Beyonders. The Churches viewed them as potential criminals.

Hence, not only were Xio and Fors avoiding the possibility of Qilangos’s pursuit, but they were also hiding from the “enforcement” authorities.

could discover his purpose so easily, Qilangos would’ve been buried in a cemetery long ago, and the tombstone would be covered in weeds,” Fors replied casually. “We need to wait patiently. As long as the authorities continue to take this much interest in him, Qilangos

and looked

will take action soon and then flee

that happens, I don’t know when I’ll be able to advance to Sequence 8, let alone

“I don’t know when I’ll be able to take back the things that

gave her a

experiences into a

us handsomely. We’ve been busying ourselves for so long after all, and we’ve even caused Qilangos to

hope so… Sigh, why can’t I have any fortuitous encounters?”

encounters are usually accompanied with danger. I have yet to figure out what the ravings we hear during the full moon mean, or if they will result in negative changes. Heh heh, fortuitous encounters without dangers may exist, but they are very, very rare. It’s difficult for your wish to be fulfilled, unless… unless we receive the favors from an orthodox deity or the attention of some friendly hidden existence. However, it would be hard for us to

and drew a crimson moon on

the Goddess watch over

in Backlund, Empress Borough, where he was hosting

the ground floor, which was covered with glamorous stone slabs carved with complicated patterns. There was the duke’s excellent ensemble playing music in a corner. Up the stairs, there was a winding corridor that circled the hall located on the second floor. The guests were holding their glasses, leaning against the railing, overlooking the people dancing on the ground floor as though they were enjoying a fencing match from the stands. Occasionally, a gentleman would walk before a lady or his wife to

doors after doors. They were rooms that had been allocated to the guests as

on both sides of the

variety of delicious food and fine wine, and

groups. Some were seated and some stood around, chatting about all kinds of matters. Those who wished to get away from the frivolities for

on the huge crystal chandeliers hanging from the rooftop in a daze. However, she noticed that many young men were appearing to pump themselves up to come over and invite her for a dance.

when they dance. They remind me of animals seeking mates… Audrey lowered her head, looked at the tips of her

eyes caught an approaching figure. She slowed down, stood

Audrey greeted with

and faint blue eyes.

you again, Miss Hall. You are

few words, Baron Gramir headed for the dancing hall

steps, she suddenly frowned. There was puzzlement in

the same as

higher rank than he is, and one that’s relatively prettier, he

not ostentatious yet elegant. In other words, he would spray the cologne a few hours

footsteps. As a Spectator who had completely digested her potion, her sensitivity towards

she thought of a possibility. Her green

be Qilangos in a disguise,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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