Tingen City, Daffodil Street.

Klein was discussing the latest play with Benson and Melissa and was inviting them to watch it at the theater next weekend.

“I think the newspapers have said enough about it. ‘The Return of the Count’ is definitely a play that’s worth watching. It’s already been performed more than ten times in Backlund, and it sold out each time. I think that we shouldn’t miss this opportunity.” Klein, who had lacked sources of entertainment, was unwilling to give up. After all, he had been an ardent follower of television shows back on Earth.

Of course, if it wasn’t for the maintenance of my image, I’d rather go to a bar and play billiards… Yes, renting a venue for tennis isn’t a bad choice. That can be considered as it’s a leisure sport for the middle class. With my current fitness, as long as I don’t encounter other Beyonders, I should be able to handle most opponents easily… Forget it, it can only be a passing thought for now. I still have to reinvestigate the figures associated with Lanevus in the morning, go for combat training in the afternoon, and search for the house with the red chimney in the evening before returning home…

I sure am a busy man… Klein tried to remain optimistic.

Noticing that Benson was inclined towards his suggestion while Melissa was still a little hesitant, Klein smiled as he added, “I heard that the most popular supporting cast in ‘The Return of the Count’ is a genius mechanic.”

“Alright, we do have to see a play at a large theater once in our lives.” Melissa pouted and nodded her head grudgingly, but there was now a sparkle in her eyes.

Klein was about to respond when he heard a buzzing in his ears. He became dizzy for a few seconds.

Someone is praying to me… He supported his back with his right hand and chuckled.

“Then I shall wait patiently for the tickets to go on sale.”

“Alright, I’ll be returning to my bedroom to write up a report.”

“We also have to plunge into the sea of knowledge and hope that we don’t drown.” Benson let out a self-deprecating laugh as he returned to the dining room with Melissa.

Klein went to the second floor and locked the door to his room. He sealed the room with a wall of spirituality, then he took four steps counterclockwise as he recited the incantations, returning to the world above the gray fog.

His figure suddenly appeared at the seat of honor in the magnificent palace fit for a giant. A pulsing crimson star reflected in his eyes.

Klein lifted his right hand and extended his spirituality, establishing a connection with the star representing Justice.

With a boom, he saw a blurred, distorted image. He saw Miss Justice in a long beige regal dress sitting on a chair in a dark corner. Her head was bowed, her hands clasped.

At the same time, her still nascent and nervous voice stacked in an illusory manner, reverberating around the space, “The Fool that doesn’t belong to this era,

“You are the mysterious ruler above the gray fog;

“You are the King of Yellow and Black who wields good luck.

“I pray for your attention.

for you

by Duke Negan and encountered someone who’s suspected to

disguising himself as Baron Gramir, and

a little different than usual.

what was happening. Finally, he understood what Miss Justice was

has actually used the special powers of Creeping Hunger to infiltrate Duke

is a Spectator, a Spectator who has committed the mannerisms of Baron Gramir to

And what should I do? I’ve tried conducting the sacrificial ritual without spirituality-infused materials over the past two days and realized that I can create something like the Door of Summoning, but I’m unable to open it. I was going to find some time to purchase some materials with spirituality in the underground market to prepare for my second experiment. Miss Justice definitely wouldn’t

a small prayer room

few times before finally stopping. She tidied her clothes and walked quickly

she couldn’t be gone for too long because her parents would worry about

the door, Audrey took a deep breath, extended her right hand which was covered in a white veiled glove, and released the

followed the path back to the dining hall. She saw the figures holding wine glasses and plates get closer when her vision suddenly turned blurry. She realized that an illusory fog was spreading into

wide fog was an ancient chair, and atop the chair was a

Audrey almost shouted

heard a deep, familiar voice: “I’m

images of the long tables of food

in her heart vanished as she subconsciously straightened her back and entered the dining hall with light steps. She walked toward the recreation

the magnificent palace in the world of

started to think about how to convey the message to The

authority… After all, what mysterious existence would personally take on the role of a messenger!? He deliberated for nearly a minute before an idea came to him. He conjured the scene of Miss Justice praying


Cherwood Backlund. At the

in a simple room, trying to

was a stack of paper

back in his chair and rubbing his eyes, he saw his field of

seemed to exist eternally, deep within the endless fog. Atop the chair was a

as this thought came to Alger, he saw that another hazy figure in a regal dress within

a ball held by Duke Negan

Baron Gramir, and

little different than usual. This made me recall the appearance-altering Beyonder

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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