Klein opened the letter, feeling both expectant and nervous before he began reading Azik’s reply.

“… I thought about a few possibilities regarding the scenario you described, and I remembered a few things about Vampires and Mutants.

“Natural vampires were already on the brink of extinction before the dragons and giants bowed out of the stage of world history. Later on, they might occasionally be discovered. The Vampires we usually talk about, as well as those mentioned in folklore, are more similar to Beyonders. I recall that the name of a potion in a particular pathway is called Vampire.

“If your superior is now in a half-insane state, then it’s very likely that he mistakenly consumed such a potion. The result of mixing two potions from different pathways makes a half-insane state a certainty. Yes, I vaguely remember the pathway of the Evernight, which is also the Sleepless pathway as you know it, can be interchanged at High Sequences with the pathway of Death and the pathway of Giants. But it doesn’t include the Vampire pathway.

“Of course, we cannot rule out the possibility that your superior might have accepted it willingly. After all, Vampires have a long life, an exceptional constitution, and excellent looks. When compared with these benefits, accepting a state of half-insanity is reasonable.”

Klein froze when he read the letter. He didn’t expect Mr. Azik to provide him with this much information.

The Death pathway is also known as the Corpse Collector pathway. It can be interchanged at High Sequences with the Sleepless pathway. I knew about this from Emperor Roselle’s diary. But to think that it can also be interchanged with the Giant pathway after Sequence 4… The Giant pathway is the one that the City of Silver possesses, which is also the present-day God of Combat pathway… I’ve always suspected that Giant King Aurmir was the ancient God of Combat…

Yes, Emperor Roselle’s diary described the Church of the Evernight Goddess and the Church of the God of Combat as mortal enemies… Could this be because the pathways they possess can be interchanged at higher sequences?

If I follow this line of thought, I can find an explanation as to why the three ancient churches, the Church of the Lord of Storms, the Church of the Eternal Blazing Sun, and the Church of the God of Knowledge and Wisdom, are at odds with each other. That’s because the pathways of Sailor, Bard, and Reader can be interchanged at High Sequences!

Yes, during the end of the previous Epoch, the Pale Era, it ‘s likely that the fall of Death was caused by the Evernight Goddess and the God of Combat…

The Captain is perfectly fine usually, other than his poor memory. He doesn’t show any signs of half-insanity. I can rule out the possibility of him consuming the Vampire potion!

Mr. Azik has recalled quite a number of things recently… Could the Creeping Hunger have really stimulated his memories?

Klein nodded and continued reading the letter.

“Mutant isn’t the name of a particular species. It’s more like the description for many similar creatures. Under normal circumstances, they’re no different from an ordinary human, but there is an innate, suppressed, twisted desire in their hearts. This desire erupts when they come into contact with a certain scene or object. They become monsters, succumbing to their desires for blood and massacre.

“After everything settles, they will return to normal again. They become slightly more merciless and unfeeling after each time their desires erupt, this will continue until their souls are completely twisted.

“The only example of this that I can recall is the werewolf. They’re similar to humans for the most part, and they cannot be distinguished using most Beyonder abilities. But, during the full moon, the twisted desires in their hearts intensify, and their bodies also change accordingly.

be a potential Mutant. The death of your teammate might have triggered his true

guarantee that there are no other possibilities since I haven’t gotten all my memories back. Perhaps

consumed the Vampire potion, or if he’s a Mutant. Of course, many people have theorized that Mutants were originally ordinary human beings,

of losing control. I would advise that you report this directly to your superior’s superior and hope that there’s

at the desk after placing the letter down. He slipped

a Mutant was a very possible one, but he couldn’t eliminate

should’ve received the letter yesterday morning. If she replied immediately, I should’ve seen the letter last night or this morning… It’s almost noon… Does that messenger not dare to go near Chanis Gate? Or was Madam Daly held up by something? Klein shook his

world, Klein was suddenly jolted to his senses. He

then saw Dunn Smith in his black windbreaker appear

with a normal dream, Klein gave a delayed greeting,

slightly and said, “Leonard found a clue when he was investigating the Lanevus case. He needs your help.

replied in a

adding, “There’s no need for you to return to Zouteland Street. Head to 62 Howes Street directly. Leonard will be there waiting

finished his sentence, Klein’s dream shattered. Klein

incidents lately, one after another, as if they’re culminating in something… Klein thought as he got up slowly. He washed up in the bathroom before changing into a white shirt,

eleven yet, and Benson and Melissa hadn’t returned home. Klein informed Bella that he

messy-haired Midnight Poet—Leonard Mitchell, whose hair exuded beauty, waiting for him

He had paired it with beige pants. He swept

might be the building rented by Lanevus

out?” Klein asked out of

pointed to

likely connected to that member of the Aurora Order—the cloth merchant Sirius Arapis—I had to change my line of thinking after my normal investigations revealed nothing. I

residents on Howes

“What problem?” Klein asked.

to be going to the Southern Continent to do business after Hanass Vincent’s death and never returned. His

could only be a coincidence.” Klein creased his

showed the residents around here Lanevus’s picture, an old man felt that he looked similar to the resident at number

62 Howes Street with Leonard, and at Leonard’s request,

The result was yes!

hidden compartment in this

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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