Klein and Leonard lifted their gaze from the letter and exchanged glances. They muttered, “He’s crazy, right?”

“Lanevus is secretly a lunatic?”

A lunatic who truly has a delusional disorder and an antisocial personality… Klein thought and felt a tug at his heartstrings. He quickly redirected his gaze to the letter.

“Ladies and gentlemen, the hint is that I’ve placed a bomb in Tingen, a bomb that will grow stronger over time.

“Seek it and finish it before it explodes. If you lose the game, there will be a boom, and the entire city of Tingen will be reduced to a ruin. Trust me, I’m not lying at all about this.

“—Lanevus, who enjoys giving his friends pleasant surprises.”

“A bomb?” Klein looked at Leonard and muttered to himself, perplexed.

Leonard held the letter up to the sunlight and looked as he flipped it around. He didn’t find any other clues.

“The term ‘bomb’ is probably an expression. I’ve never heard of a bomb that can grow stronger.”

Klein creased his eyebrows and said thoughtfully, “No, I mean, he might be using ‘bomb’ to reference something in mysticism. Such as an evil ritual that continuously accumulates power…”

Leonard cocked his head as though he was listening to something when suddenly, his facial expression grew solemn.

He nodded as his green eyes constricted. “Maybe you’re right. Isn’t there a description at the beginning of the letter? Child laborers that die before their time, factory workers who seldom live past ten years after entering the factory because of their working conditions, female workers who risk severe illnesses for a meager salary… Boundless resentment surrounding every factory… Perhaps, that might be the energy source that constantly strengthens Lanevus’s bomb.”

“Yes… that’s very possible!” Klein suddenly tensed up and said, “We need to report to the Captain immediately!”

Leonard laughed and said, “There’s no need to be so nervous. You should know that Lanevus is a Swindler. The part where he said that he didn’t lie might be a lie itself.

“Of course, regardless, we have to return to Zouteland Street to report to the Captain. It’s best if we can request the Holy Cathedral to send a mysticism expert over and find the location of the altar through the abnormal accumulation of resentment.”

Someone is apparently very familiar with protocol… But why would the setup of such an altar need Hood Eugen’s help? What role does a Psychiatrist play in this? Klein didn’t object to the idea. He left 62 Howes Street with Leonard and rushed back to Zouteland Street on a hired carriage.

Just as they entered the Blackthorn Security Company’s door, Klein saw two familiar faces, one voluptuous and one scrawny. They were Maynard’s wife and sister.

They were still in black dresses and black hats. The fine checkered black gauze concealed their faces.

The two ladies were chatting with Rozanne, and when they suddenly saw Klein’s return, they turned around and walked forward.

“You really are the cream of the crop in this industry.” Mrs. Maynard nodded slightly and said in a low voice, “I’m very pleased with the outcome and am also impressed with your work approach. Here’s the reward that you deserve.”

The scrawny woman passed a light brown paper bag to Klein. It was filled with thick stacks of cash. There were ten pound notes, five pound notes, one pound notes, and also five soli and one soli.


mood to pay any attention to the money. He passed it to Rozanne and said, “Take this to Mrs. Orianna. I doubt the two respectable women would make a

in Mrs. Maynard’s hands. On the most eye-catching spot on the front page, there were two

dies in involvement with MP Maynard’s

takes the blame for the worsening public security in Tingen for the past

today… Klein nodded at the two ladies and followed

clues?” Dunn Smith closed his document, lifted his head, and looked at

letter that was left behind by Lanevus.” Leonard didn’t provide any further descriptions and simply passed the Captain the

quickly. He rubbed his temples as he said, “He really

Sequence 8, Sequence 7

who can damage the stability of social order. Even though he’s weak, we can’t belittle

about his and Leonard’s

as he said, “That was my thought as well. I’ll immediately send a telegram to the

to be extremely

and nodded

Holy Cathedral, Klein returned to the reception hall to

at the partition and read the two articles with full

the sudden death of Member of Parliament Maynard… The police received a tip and took action at night. They discovered that Madam Sharon and her accomplice had knocked out her servants to carry out a pagan ceremony in her bedroom.

and her accomplice paid the price for their evil

he wouldn’t be

Klein sighed and knew that it was the best

order to prevent the forces of evil from taking revenge on their family

folded the newspaper quietly and returned it to the reception desk. Klein suddenly saw a visitor who

was in a ruffled hat and loose dress. She had lovely facial features, blonde hair, green eyes, and also a depressed yet silent

most eye-catching thing about her was her stomach that bulged out. She looked like she was

he felt that he had seen the

heard Leonard say

young lady who was conned by Lanevus! She’s pregnant with Lanevus’s child, and as such, there might be something wrong with her mental health. She says her child sings in her stomach and also whistles… Klein

relaunched the investigations of people related to Lanevus, the lady’s photo had been

even earlier. Her aunt Christina, whose savings had been conned by Lanevus, had brought her to the Divination Club to

at the both of them vacantly and replied


sudden visit. He felt it was

found Lanevus’s letter, and Megose

her stomach and

suddenly thought of coming to Zouteland Street and suddenly thought of coming up to

and check

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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