Klein instinctively reached for his pockets. He held the Flaring Sun Charm in one hand and Azik’s copper whistle in the other.

He acutely noticed that the cold, gentle Beyonder feedback of the latter had vanished as if it was being suppressed by an invisible power. However, the former was still warm and comforting.

Making use of this comforting feeling, Klein entered a half Cogitation state. He blocked out his feelings of worry and didn’t leave anything to chance.

He turned and shot a look at Leonard Mitchell, then tipped his chin toward Megose.

He then controlled his expression with his Clown abilities and smiled at Megose.

“Do you want coffee, black tea, or nothing at all?”

Megose stroked her stomach as if she was listening to something.

“A cup of warm water. I suddenly thought of chatting with you guys about Lanevus. I have the feeling that you know a lot.”

“Who told you that?” Leonard was no longer the frivolous guy that he usually was. His smile had turned rather stiff.

Megose suddenly giggled.

“My child told me. He knows a lot. He’s very smart!”

Klein fought back the urge to curse. He turned to the partition and signaled to Leonard to keep Megose calm.

Leonard forced a smile and pointed toward the sofa.

“That’s exactly what I’d like to talk about. We want to have a chat with you about Lanevus.”

Behind the receptionist desk, Rozanne looked on in confusion. She suddenly realized that she didn’t need to do anything.

Klein quickly made his way past the partition and directly pushed open the door to Dunn Smith’s office, then closed the door with a bang.

He saw Dunn looking shocked before turning serious and saying in a heavy voice, “Captain, something serious has happened. I know what Lanevus meant by bomb!”

Dunn stood up and pointed outside.


He had obviously heard Leonard’s shocked exclamation, but he was unable to see the looks of fear and cold sweat on his teammates’ faces.

quickly, “I tried to activate my Spirit Vision to observe Megose to ascertain her mental condition, but my spirituality stopped me from making the attempt. It kept “warning” me not to look, that I would die if I did

if the fetus in Megose’s stomach isn’t an evil god

black altar in Hood Eugen’s memories, to his Psychiatrist abilities, to the tragic world as described in Lanevus’s letter, I think that my guess is quite close to the truth: Lanevus obtained a ritualistic magic linked to the True Creator from an Aurora Order member. With Hood Eugen’s help, he turned Megose into a vessel to gestate a certain power. Then, this power will make use of the resentment, oppression, and gloominess surrounding the factories to quickly grow until maturity. In other words, the ritual itself needs

seriously for nearly twenty

from the Holy Cathedral immediately. Let’s hope that the baby in Megose’s stomach

we can’t just sit back and do nothing. Tell Leonard to keep Megose calm and keep

I send the telegram. We have to prepare for the worst, which is if Megose’s baby is born before the arrival of reinforcements

Tingen Nighthawks, I have the authority to use Saint


also ask for reinforcements from the Mandated Punishers and

he muttered to himself, “Lanevus’s case was originally under the purview of the Mandated Punishers. Old Neil and I were there to help when one of their senior members

spoke softly, his voice grew to a

if the member who lost control was tracking or keeping Megose

Mrs. Orianna and the rest. I’ll take this time to send a telegram to first ask for assistance from the Holy Cathedral, then I’ll inform the

he suddenly

turned around quickly and said to Dunn, “Captain, one more thing. Do you remember the coincidences I told you about? The clue to the Antigonus family’s notebook in the house opposite the kidnapping, Ray Bieber who didn’t make it out of Tingen in time, Hanass Vincent exposing himself because of a coincidence, and how a member of the Aurora Order lost his life because he chanced upon

letter is too obvious and direct. This coincidence was already laid bare before us, it’s no longer hidden! I think

risk in killing Member of Parliament Maynard? Is

it and gave a solemn reply, “I’ll include this point in

didn’t waste any more time. He exited the office and went straight for the accountant’s room on the opposite

complete it in advance just in case the Captain forgot about it again. When she saw Klein enter, she greeted

what claims do you

Klein exhaled.

will be on vacation today. Go back home

a while, looking at the

later, she stood up in


of the clerks in the office and the armory. I’ll inform

even pack. She grabbed her handbag and hurried out

corridor. She drew a crimson moon near her chest and said, “All of

in silence. He made his way past the partition into the receptionist area only to see Leonard chatting with

toward Rozanne as he filled up a cup of warm water. He then whispered, “Go home, it’s dangerous here. Come

but closed it again after

her head and packed for about ten seconds before picking up her

whispered, “To be honest, I

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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