In the corridor within the deep and serene basement, the nearly four-meter-tall bone messenger disappeared before Klein’s eyes after taking the letter.

When all that was left of the surroundings were the classic gas lamps embedded in the walls, he put away Azik’s copper whistle and walked towards Chanis Gate.

As he was writing the letter, he had already decided on which Sealed Artifact to pick.

Firstly, it would be almost impossible for the Grade 3 three Sealed Artifacts to have any effect on the baby in Megose’s stomach. Unless it was an item like the Mutated Sun Sacred Emblem which had hidden powers.

But, at that very moment, in such a situation, Klein wasn’t in the mood to explore or research a secret that might or might not exist. Plus, most Sealed Artifacts would carry a certain level of danger for the user. So, Klein eliminated the Grade 3 Sealed Artifacts that would weaken the user without affecting the enemy.

Secondly, the Tingen Nighthawks didn’t have any Grade 1 Sealed Artifacts and only three Grade 2 artifacts. That was originally a secret that Klein wasn’t allowed to know, but due to the urgency of the situation, Dunn made use of an emergency clause and told him the general situation.

Dunn Smith couldn’t hold any other Sealed Artifacts at the same time while holding Saint Selena’s ashes.

And behind the Tingen City’s Chanis Gate, there were three Grade 2 Sealed Artifacts: 2-030, 2-078, and 2-105.

The name of 2- 030 was “Inexhaustible Poison.” It originated from a Beyonder with an unknown Sequence name who suddenly went mad and cut his wrist to commit suicide. He let his blood flow into an ordinary silver cup. But when his blood ran dry, the silver cup wasn’t filled, and the liquid in the cup became crystal-clear and alluring. It was a temptation that even a Sequence 5 Beyonder had failed to resist. After he drank the liquid, he died of poisoning on the spot.

After the person died, the poison seeped out through his pores and pooled together again. Its volume was the same as before he drank it. Not one bit less.

Dunn said that the researchers in the Holy Cathedral suspected that the poison could kill a High-Sequence Beyonder. However, the question lay within the fact that it was almost impossible for a High-Sequence Beyonder to be tempted to drink it. Furthermore, the traits of 2-030 were obvious, so no one would consume it by accident. If one wanted to poison them, they had to first capture them, seize control of them, and then force it down their throat. But then, why go through the trouble?

2-030 would constantly tempt the living things around it to drink it. The user had to be fully focused on resisting its power. Any slight negligence would make one drink the poison as though it was only natural to do so.

When Dunn finished his description, Klein decided, almost instantly, to not pick that Sealed Artifact.

The name of 2-078 was “Door of Death.” Its appearance was like a normal wooden door. Any living thing that passed through it would die instantly. No High-Sequence Beyonder had ever participated in the test.

It possessed living traits and constantly attempted to escape. It could change its appearance and disguise itself into pre-existing doors. If the user made any mistakes, he would lose control of it. Then, he would need to be careful and not pass through any door near him. He would have to try to wait at the original spot for help or break through a wall to escape.

thought of using 2-078, but after reevaluating the latter two, he felt that the intuition of a legendary creature would be very sharp and would be

the end, he

break contact with it, the

from a target within a specific

the person who was robbed would lose the corresponding ability while the person who wore the item would be able to use the ability skillfully. Ten minutes later,

and Black who wields good luck, after all… Besides, our main goal is just

2-105, he wasn’t worried because he wasn’t planning to

he already had the Flaring Sun Charm and Azik’s copper whistle who he had no idea if it would still be

secret… Klein muttered and saw Seeka Tron standing by the

remained silent for a few seconds before saying, “Why don’t you guard Chanis Gate?

you don’t have Flaring Sun Charms… Klein replied with a smile, “Madam, I’m already a Sequence

are many Sealed Artifacts that possess living traits that are itching to take action. Well, if we fail, the people here will definitely

and wait for

puckered her lips slowly and drew a


to write the document in time, Klein couldn’t enter Chanis Gate directly. All he did was watch Seeka Tron

a few minutes, she appeared by the door, and she was holding a thick, blood-tainted, pale blood vessel in

extended his hand to take it, and he


stiff state from earlier, and his expression didn’t look abnormal as he talked about the recently discovered house

about it before…” Megose replied normally, creasing her eyebrows

grabbed her blonde hair, pulled out a handful, and casually threw it into the trashcan

He gulped with difficulty, and his

stairs to the second floor with the Blood Vessel

room, where Dunn Smith stood silently in his black windbreaker. His eyes were gray and deep, just like

myself, Nighthawk, Dunn

Dunn by Kenley’s

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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