“What?” Fors touched her earlobes, wondering if she had heard wrongly.

The beautiful, naive, curious, and scatter-brained Miss Audrey actually assigned an assassination mission!?

Furthermore, the target is the ambassador of Intis, a powerful country in the Northern Continent!

Xio was slow on the uptake as she hesitantly said, “Our strength i-isn’t enough to complete this mission.”

The first thing she considered was the difficulty of the mission!

Audrey ignored her question and allowed her to imagine the reason. She said, with faint dimples showing, “I’m not asking you to take the job. I just wish for you to find a Beyonder with the strength to complete it. For example, Mr. A, I’ll pay you 4000 gold pounds for this. Of course, this is only my initial offer. The details are negotiable.

“If it eventually succeeds, I’ll pay you 500 pounds. Even if the mission ends up failing, you will receive 200 pounds due to the risk you have taken.”

Her uninvested annuity and the rest of the bounty was around 13,000 pounds. However, any large utilization of it would certainly attract the attention of Count Hall, and even the Varvat Bank would investigate. She had calculated that 5000 pounds was the tipping point, and it was best not to exceed it.

4000 gold pounds… Xio heard her own heavy breathing, but she quickly became depressed, knowing full well that she wouldn’t be able to complete the mission herself.

Just 500 pounds to seek out other Beyonders in our names while maintaining it a secret… Miss Audrey is the most generous and beautiful lady I’ve ever seen! Xio quickly returned to reality.

While feeling enticed, Fors’s mind was filled with questions.

Why would Miss Audrey delegate such a mission?

Is there some internal strife among nobles?

Is this the precursor to inciting a war?

Is Count Hall representing some important figure in a bid to make the situation turn chaotic?

The duo quickly contacted Mr. A using a previously agreed-upon channel. At three o’clock in the afternoon, when the rare sunlight shined through the fog and lit up the whole of Backlund, they arrived at the house where they had previously participated in gatherings. There, they saw Mr. A sitting with his legs up and his hood over his head, but he gave off a condescending air.

“You said that you have something important to talk to me about?” Mr. A’s eyes move back and forth between the two ladies.

I heard that some female Beyonders would use their bodies to trade for potion ingredients with Mr. A… He’s really a disgusting pervert… Fors curled her lips and said, “There’s a large transaction; I wonder if you’re interested in it?”

Mr. A scanned Xio’s face and chuckled.

Let’s see what this large transaction

her triangular blade, Xio answered with the tone of a tribunal, “Assassinate the

fell silent, but since his expression was obscured by the shadow of his

back and said with

pathway, or that his weakness is

chuckled and said, “I can accept

potion formulas to Unshadowed, Cataclysmic Interrer, Prophet, or Manipulator. Of course, their price is higher than this mission.

Hurricane Qilangos. Bakerland’s strength definitely isn’t as strong as he is, but he has powerful aides. Besides, believe me, he definitely has mystical objects on

but that’s also an exaggerated price… Xio and Fors looked at each other and said, “We shall return and discuss it. At

Mr. A made a gesture of

by an attendant, Fors murmured in puzzlement,


to look at her

are a naive clinical doctor and author. You must know that Mr. A has many subordinates. They need a house to sleep in, stomachs to fill, clothes to buy, and the need to vent their desires. All of this has to be

men, Mr. A would be just as scary, but he will be rather lacking in

all the small gangs in the

said, “Xio, you’re not that stupid after

met the familiar large golden retriever at a

Audrey finished reading the note, not only did she not feel stumped, she even

she could

first of all, I’ll borrow 6000 pounds, no—8000 pounds. I can’t expose any problems with my daily expenses. Then, I’ll pay him back over four to five months, with interest of 1000 pounds… Before the new year, I will be quite poor,

advance of 2000 pounds and the remaining 8000 pounds

saw Mary Gale


Quelaag Club while tailing him. However, I wasn’t able to enter because I’m not a member of the club. Even so, according to my observations, about half an hour after your husband left, only one young

can live in Hillston Borough…” Stelyn

a gloomy expression as she remained silent for

Oh… The Quelaag Club, right? I’ll get two members to nominate you as a member, but you must fill in your particulars as ‘famous detective.’ I can’t get people to bring you in because it might not mesh well with the schedules of

but still asked, “Who will pay the

club, you will have to pay the annual fee of about 15 pounds yourself.” There seemed to be a fire burning

at least fifty

with the evidence

Klein went out again and continued to the

show his helplessness in front of the military’s special department and the police who were observing him in secret. He wanted to appear as though he was trying every method to save himself. Second, he also wanted to deceive the Mid-Sequence

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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