Back home at 15 Minsk Street, Klein was in no hurry to head above the gray fog to perform a divination. Instead, he acted as though nothing had happened.

In the process, he heard an illusory prayer and vaguely recognized it as a woman’s voice.

After experiencing the ravaging murmurs of the True Creator, my ability in this aspect has apparently improved a little… Klein turned the newspaper while engrossed in thought and settled himself on the reclining chair in a motionless half-slumped state.

He waited until the clock nearly struck ten, before putting down what he was doing and went to the bathroom on the second floor to clean himself up.

Entering the bedroom and pulling the curtains shut, Klein went above the gray fog. He saw that the crimson star symbolizing Justice was constantly expanding and contracting, and it was also echoing with prayers.

Klein spread out his spirituality and made contact. Dressed in a white silk nightgown, Miss Justice appeared in front of him.

Her figure was still blurry, as if she was in bed.

After reciting his honorable name, Audrey cut to the chase.

“Ambassador Bakerland is a Sequence 6 Conspiracist of the Hunter pathway. He’s suspected to have a Sequence 5 assistant…

“After I obtained detailed information, I got someone to inquire Mr. A. He has agreed to accept the assassination mission, but the conditions are 10,000 gold pounds or any of the potion formulas of Unshadowed, Cataclysmic Interrer, Prophet, and Manipulator. They do not need to be complete. A portion of the formula would suffice.

“I chose the former and paid an advance of 2000 pounds. Honorable Mr. Fool, was my decision correct?”

10,000 gold pounds… The corner of Klein’s lips twitched as he forced himself to focus on the matter.

The Sequence 5 assistant should be that Seer pathway infiltrator?

The first thing that should be done is to overestimate the enemy…

Would Mr. A have the ability to do it? Would he neglect the job after taking the money…

Cataclysmic Interrer, Prophet, Manipulator, and Unshadowed are likely Sequence 4’s. That is the threshold of a High-Sequence Beyonder…

It is very likely that Mr. A is one of the 22 Oracles of the Aurora Order. To be stationed in the City of Cities, Backlund, means that he’s second only to the five Saints of the Aurora Order’s upper echelons. He must be the cream of the crop among the Oracles…

The Aurora Order wields the Secrets Suppliant pathway which is the direct route to the True Creator. As an Oracle, he has a high probability of being a Beyonder of this Sequence chain. Based on Backlund’s position, it can be inferred that he’s at Sequencers 5, Shepherd. Of course, he could also be a Rose Bishop that’s one Sequence lower, but that would mean that he’s more outstanding in other aspects, such as his intelligence…

many interactions with Mr. A. The Beyonders of the Secrets Suppliant Sequence are either already lunatics exhibiting abnormalities or lunatics who have hidden their insanity well, almost without exception… Sequence 8 Listeners in this

to accept the mission of assassinating

as the corresponding ritual needed for the advancement. This can save

Prophet, and Manipulator? Are these paths that can be swapped at

Storms, and the God of Knowledge and Wisdom have pathways that are relatively similar; therefore, They view each other with animosity. From the looks of it, Cataclysmic Interrer belongs to the Lord of Storms and is Sequence 4 of the Sailor Sequence. Prophet is

does Manipulator belong

interesting if they can all be exchanged with the Sequence

who are always looking for opportunities to take revenge on the world to the detriment of public safety. Items of strategic importance must not be

then. Part of it includes the payment she would like to give to my adorer. The rest can

immediately. Instead, he conjured a pen and paper, ready to

only tell from the pronoun “she” that the person was a woman. Failure was inevitable if he wanted to directly divine

divination regarding his own safety, which would have a much

suffer an interference or how accurate the outcome would be, he wasn’t worried at all thanks to the gray fog’s

than ten seconds of deliberation, Klein wrote: “It’s risky for me to hire Maric’s friend to

the pen away, he removed his spirit pendulum,

eyes, he saw that the topaz pendant was rotating clockwise. However, the amplitude was very small

low… Reliable… Klein nodded

and inference. It was difficult to find out whether or not he was capable enough, or willing to keep

“Seer,” Klein quickly determined the

Klein knew very well what the other party was

Madan will have his life

his best to make the

spirit pendulum was still rotating clockwise, but it

complete the mission, and that there’s a good chance



must not show yourself when entrusting

activities. It will be done in the same way as before, and it would be best

news regarding the

pathway, Klein’s need for information about the

had originally wanted to ask for more than 1000 pounds, but in consideration of how Miss Justice had to pay 10,000 pounds to assassinate the ambassador, it was

linger and immediately

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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