“Alright.” Klein nodded solemnly.

Sergeant Faxine touched his short hair and said, “There are other arrangements. I’ll explain them to you in detail, and you can decide on your own.”

He cast his gaze towards the living room.

Klein made a polite gesture of invitation, then watched as Sergeant Faxine closed the door behind him, walked over to the sofa, and sat down.

“What are your plans?” Klein kept his coat on, hands still in his pockets.

Faxine leaned forward slightly, clasped his hands, and said, “You should be well aware that you have offended that ambassador. Tonight or tomorrow will be the most dangerous period for you.

“The higher-ups have given you three choices. The first is to go to the Holy Wind Cathedral for two days. I know that you’re a believer of the God of Steam and Machinery, but Saint Hierländ Cathedral is too far, and it’s easy for trouble to arise on the way there.”

Kleinn nodded indiscernibly and waited for the sergeant to give him the second choice.

Suddenly, his vision blurred and his head went numb. He felt as if there was a layer of thick glass around him.

He saw that Sergeant Faxine’s opening and closing of his mouth was slowing down, and he noticed that his thoughts had become sluggish.

This feeling was very familiar. Klein suddenly thought of the puppet from the Antigonus family, Sealed Artifact 2-049!

Back then, he was repeatedly affected in a similar way, but he had been awakened by Captain Dunn Smith and the others. To ensure that the others could detect any abnormalities in a timely manner, they kept stretching and retracting their arms!

The Antigonus family holds the Seer pathway… This person’s ability is similar to the Antigonus family’s puppet… He is the Mid-Sequence Beyonder of the Seer pathway… As expected, it’s him… Klein came to his senses, but there was no Dunn Smith to wake him.

The muscles on Officer Faxine’s face started squirming. Soon, he turned into a gentleman with black hair and blue eyes. He had a handsome face and a tiny stubble.

He said with a smile, “Given time, this is one of the most difficult abilities to deal with for anyone that isn’t a High-Sequence Beyonder.”

As he spoke, Klein saw the image of the woman in the black regal dress appear in the glass of the oriel window.

She walked slowly and stiffly out of the glass; her blonde hair, her delicate face, and her pale face made her seem more like a doll than a living person.

“I never thought that you would be able to hire such a powerful bodyguard. If it wasn’t for my divination ahead of time, I might have died here. What kind of compensation did you pay? By the way, my name is Rosago.” Rosago didn’t look back as he continued smiling at Klein, but he didn’t expect a fluent answer from the man he controlled.

At that moment, he suddenly felt a cold breeze blow across his neck, causing his hair to stand on end as goosebumps appeared all over his body.

There seemed to be an invisible person at his back, breathing down his neck!

laughed, raised his left


and a

Klein’s vision, these motions were all broken down into a grid

opponent had turned slow, but was

engage in lengthy monologues… No, he’s not stupid… He’s trying to conceal something with this discussion… Klein tried to think, to figure out the problem, but his thoughts were moving at

Rosago, taking in every

he saw a figure in each of Rosago’s eyes, a figure with blonde hair, blue eyes, a pale face, and a dark

was still behind Rosago. She was still

are tussling in the realm of mystery… I need to do something… I need to tip the scales of balance… Klein turned his attention to the Language of Foulness charm

hadn’t let down his guard and maintained

his opponent! Klein gathered his strength

to have rotted, and

ancient Hermes with a staccato

corrosive pain in his left palm, and he heard illusory whispers that could

was familiar with, and it didn’t affect his

most of his spirituality into the Language of Foulness charm which didn’t require the control of

three seconds, the voice of the True Creator would descend upon the


felt his scalp tingle, his mind abuzz, his veins throbbing. He

him, Rosago’s expression had suddenly turned adrift. His face


him quickened her actions, but soon, she frowned in

moment, Klein felt the weakening of the influence as he wished, regaining his smooth thought processes and felt as though

quickly pulling out and throwing the Language of Foulness charm from his left palm at


just regained some of his composure and was trying to leap to the side when he saw a rich

able to describe such a sound. All the veins in Rosago’s head protruded as if they were about

to the ground, writhing and struggling as his skin ruptured, inch

Klein and the blonde woman with blue eyes also failed to resist the pain as they fell to the ground. Each

red liquid ran down their noses. They could neither see nor

that Rosago had torn off his

was like a legendary red monster that had been skinned. He constantly tumbled around the ground while

didn’t wait for the result, because he couldn’t afford the possibility of the other

believed that the evil god

his revolver and adjusting the barrel to the firing position, Klein took two steps forward, circled

Bang! Bang!

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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