“The potion formulas for the Seer pathway.”

Klein leaned back in his chair and tried to communicate with the spirit via dream divination.

In a gray illusory world that didn’t seem surreal, a gas lamp suddenly lit up, illuminating the stone slabs on the ground and a desk with a goatskin scroll placed on top of it.

After the Seer and Clown formulas appeared one after the another, Rosago stood there with a fur shirt, listening to a voice of unknown origins.

“Before the advancement, I have to warn you that you’ve been too reliant on divination.

“Divination is a revelation, a result; it is unable to tell us the process. For example, you might decide to invest all your money because your divination says that a railway stock can make money. But in fact, what that revelation really means is that in the long run, in thirty years, the railway stock will make money, and before that, it will fall more than it rises. Fate isn’t so easy to master, and there are many times when it’s impossible to quantify it. Divination isn’t all-powerful.

“In addition, divination can be interfered with and cause you to be misled. There are too many things in this world that cannot be understood. If you completely rely on divination, then you’ll definitely die because of it.

“Divination is a revelation. It must be combined with one’s own carefulness, caution, and self-control.”

Rosago was unable to divine the corresponding danger because the Language of Foulness was involved with the mysterious space above the gray fog, and that led to him dying at my hands. Otherwise, with his mystical abilities, it would’ve been difficult for Miss Bodyguard and I to escape today… This is also a reminder for me. Even if I had the gray fog to isolate all interferences, I cannot afford to be careless. No matter how certain my actions are, I need to leave some leeway… From these words, it seems like they aren’t aware of the “acting method.” Otherwise, some of those words could be directly summed up as being respectful and fearful of fate… As his thoughts raced, Klein heard Rosago’s reply as he unfurled the parchment.

“Sequence 7. Magician:

“Main ingredients: One true root of a Mist Treant, all the spinal fluid of a Dark Patterned Black Panther.”

“Supplementary ingredients: 60 ml of purified water, 30 ml of Mist Treant’s juice, 3 grams of Droplet Gem powder, 4 drops of Fantasy Grass essential oil.”

Magician… This is also part of a circus. It can form the foundations of a circus with Seers and Clowns… Klein first lampooned before he recalled the suited clown that he had encountered before.

From the looks of it, he was a Magician. His abilities seemed to include firing air bullets, the ability to fire air bullets, flaming jumps, and drawing slips of paper as weapons… Not bad… Just being able to cast spells quickly can greatly increase my battle prowess…

As these thoughts flashed through his mind, Klein saw the scene before him change.

This time it was a splendid room, surrounded by golden statues and ornaments.

It was the same voice from before, but it reminded Rosago of the same thing.

“According to my experience, after you consume the Faceless potion, you have to remember this point—you can disguise yourself into anyone, but you are ultimately yourself.

Faceless? Sequence 6 of the Seer pathway is Faceless Man? This should be the Beyonder power that allowed Rosago to transform into Officer Faxine… From the looks of it, the fake Detective Zreal was also played by him…

augment a person in a straight-up battle, but it’s more useful than 90%

Rosago pick

“Sequence 6, Faceless:

ingredients: Mutated pituitary gland of a

black Jimsonweed juice, 10

type of dragon, but not a particularly powerful kind… It shouldn’t be a dragon of the spiritual system, but it’s still extremely rare. It’s almost extinct… Klein instantly recalled

this point, the scene before him didn’t change,

white wig, a dark tuxedo,

in conjunction with a ritual. If you succeed, you’ll obtain one

Rosago asked,

and drink the potion while she’s singing.” The speaking old man opened an ancient

the book’s

“Sequence 5: Nimblewright Master.”

he suddenly had a headache. It was

charms from the Evernight Goddess’s domain, but he had also summoned himself and

of shattering. Klein held on and scanned the remaining content

ingredients: Dust of ancient wraiths, core

Golden Spring, 10 grams of

ritual: Consume potion in the midst of a singing

the dream to shatter into countless illusory specks of

hints of madness faded away, he was pushed back into the real world

fragments, entered Klein’s vision. He bent over and retched a

of the mysterious space above the gray fog when I’m out of spirituality… Klein looked around and saw that Miss

the items related to the ritual, and then panted heavily. After a while, he finally regained some of

cold wind blew at the back of his neck, causing him to shiver

that Miss Bodyguard in her black Gothic regal dress had woken up and was floating in the

pale face seemed to have diminished a little. Her entire person seemed

quickly explained according to the

blew his head off, I discovered that his body was still squirming. Because I was afraid he would come back alive, I

that the divination had revealed earlier… If she’s not satisfied with the explanation and thinks that I attacked

made his

head and looked at herself, then asked with an unperturbed tone, “What charm was it

the voice of a great existence, and that if I was lucky enough, I would benefit greatly. If I was unlucky, I would die on the spot. Back then, I couldn’t get a bodyguard, and since I was in such danger, I could only take the gamble. The result was pretty good,” Klein replied absolutely truthfully. “When I heard the voice of the great existence, that black ear shattered by itself and turned into

blue eyes swept over him slowly. The room was silent, as if

the black regal


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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