After signing a contract with Millet Carter and receiving an advance payment of ten pounds, Klein didn’t rush to Williams Street immediately. Instead, he made an appointment for four in the afternoon.

Millet was understanding with regard to this. Alone, Detective Sherlock Moriarty definitely had to recruit people to carry out the exploration.

When the old gentleman left, Klein immediately returned to the dining table and cut the steak which had turned cold before wolfing it down.

Seriously, doesn’t he need to eat lunch? Why must he pick such a time to come…After barely filling his stomach, Klein bitterly began cleaning up.

At two o’clock in the afternoon, Mrs. Mary arrived as scheduled. Her eyes were slightly red and puffy, but her face was turning gloomy. Stelyn Sammer, who accompanied her, had no choice but to maintain her silence.

Klein handed over an envelope containing his carefully chosen photo.

“Madam, please confirm it.”

Mary paused for two seconds and slowly took in a breath. Then, she took the envelope, pulled out the photo, and examined it.

“… Excellent, very excellent. You’re the most efficient and responsible detective I’ve ever met. I’m honored to introduce you as a member of the Quelaag Club… This is the remaining 7 pounds for the payment. You deserve it.” Mary took out a wallet from her leather handbag and counted out a five-pound note and two one-pound notes.

Then, without waiting for Klein’s response, she stuffed the photo back into the envelope, put it into her handbag, and abruptly got up to leave.

Tap. Tap. Tap. Her buttonless boots made hurried sounds as she stomped on them. Stelyn Sammer struggled to keep up.

As she opened the door, Mary stumbled and almost fell, but fortunately, Stelyn caught her.

With this episode, Mary clearly slowed down and seemed to turn calm.

Madam, you forgot to take the portable camera… I’ll give it to Mrs. Sammer later, and she’ll bring it to you… Klein silently watched this scene, slightly shaking his head without saying anything.

He returned to the second floor, took a nap, waking up comfortably to the bell chimes of the nearby church.

Klein had already searched the map and confirmed that Williams Street was at the border of the West Borough and Empress Borough, a residential area in the heart of Backlund.

A nice house in West Borough and Hillston Borough costs about 2,500 pounds. Millet Carter’s house is close to Empress Borough, and it’s a property of a former viscount. The area is definitely sizable. The total purchase price will be at least 3,500 pounds, maybe even 5,000 pounds. That will be enough for a pretty decent mystical item… He actually came visiting me without a housekeeper or an attendant, perhaps because he’s new in Backlund and hasn’t settled in? Klein put on his double-breasted coat, hat, and held his cane before heading out into Minsk Street.

The gas lamps haven’t been lit yet, and the streets were surprisingly darker than during the evenings; however, the air was fairly alright, without the suffocating air in the boroughs to the east.

Taking a rental carriage, he went all the way to Williams Street. Klein saw a waiting manservant outside the Unit 8 house.

The manservant, who was dressed in a red vest and light-colored trousers, bowed respectfully at the incoming visitor.

“Good afternoon, might I inquire if you are Detective Moriarty?”

nodded and followed the

a mess, with a lot of construction materials placed everywhere. There were workers coming

wasn’t wearing a hat. Covering his

about the mess and dirt here, but I do wish that everything will be fine before my family arrives in Backlund. I can only urge

said that, he looked at the

no wonder that he didn’t bring any servants with him. Even his servants have become supervisors… Klein smiled and said, “I know a lot of doctors. They tell me that the newly renovated houses aren’t suitable for immediate occupation. One has to wait at least three months to ventilate it

Millet led Klein to the basement and

It’s said that this originated from the words passed down by Emperor Roselle,” Klein

to look at the door. He couldn’t help but frown before asking, “Mr. Detective, you didn’t bring an

bit of danger

that you can’t see her… Klein lampooned as he said seriously, “This is my first visit, so I’ll advance very carefully. If there are any problems,

won’t put myself in a dangerous situation. If I were matched with inexperienced assistants,

Millet was startled.

“You’re very professional.”


through the cluttered living room and down the stairs to a fairly

here, but four metal candlesticks were set

stone pavements on the ground,

has been “nicely decorated.” Furthermore, it’s

and said, “There’s a secret door over there. It was

not-very-bright candlelight, he saw a gray stone door in the corner. It should’ve been part of the wall, but it

safe.” The old gentleman, Millet, gave Klein a lighted

been ventilated ahead of time?”

shook his head

not particularly stuffy inside, but I didn’t let the workers go too

on a black glove, and, under Millet’s gaze, unhurriedly carried the lantern and approached the stone door. He pushed it open with

the heavy creaking sounds, through the light outside, he saw a deep-colored passageway paved

and at the end. They had already begun to

match… Did the viscount’s family change it before?Klein quietly

able to see a somewhat empty scene through the open door which was likely opened due to the exploration from the workers Millet had hired. There was also a long bench and

flashing… Klein did a brief inspection. Without stopping, he proceeded forward until he came to the end of the

gloved right hand, he half-clamped his cane

friction began to reverberate through the air as the stone door slowly

as he pushed the door open,

crack in the stone door widened rapidly, and

a triangular head and red floral patterns on its

tongue, and looked

fell from above the door as they piled up at the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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