The history circles of the Northern Continent countries all recognized that the Fourth Epoch was shrouded in thick mystery. It was impossible to tell what it truly was.

The historical records had too many missing pieces and ambiguities for this period of history. There were too few tombs, ancient cities, and literature, that had been unearthed to create an effective confirmation.

However, this didn’t mean that no one had done the relevant research. Its rarity implied that there were still some relics and information left behind.

The original Klein was a fanatic towards the history of the Fourth Epoch. He often read journal articles and books, so even now, Klein still remembered a lot of content.

Whether it was the Solomon Empire, Tudor Empire, or Trunsoest Empire, they all had similar architectural styles, architectural styles that went against common sense—they were disorderly, asymmetrical, and they stood out for their frequent use of black.

The most typical characteristic were the candlesticks hanging from the ceiling and the chopped floral pattern marks on black walls.

This was precisely why Klein’s first reaction was that the underground structure belonged to the Fourth Epoch when he raised his lantern. He had seen circular metal poles with candlesticks embedded at the bottom, that ran down from the dome, reminding him of the Fourth Epoch which was shrouded in mystery, leaving many historians and archaeologists regretful of the lack of knowledge in that ancient period.

Several journal articles have mentioned that the number of candlesticks within different buildings are different. Although the three Empires find asymmetry beautiful, they seemed to have strict and meticulous rules in every aspect… Three on the left, and two on the right is the highest standards that ordinary citizens can enjoy. This is based on the structure of the buildings and the houses that remain…Klein raised his arm and held the lantern high. He walked slowly, counting the candlesticks on both sides.

The hall was even wider than he had expected. He had walked for at least a hundred meters before he saw a platform half a meter above the ground. Only then did he see the thick wall that marked the end of the hall.

41 inverted candlesticks on the left, and 40 on the right. T-this is a bit of an exaggeration. What level of aristocracy is this? Powerful nobility? Sigh, the Antigonus and the Zaratul families are all aristocrats of the Fourth Epoch… They were also powerful and terrifying Beyonder family clans. The other noble families should be about the same… Holding the lantern in hand, Klein continued onward. He saw the stairs at the side of the half-height platform and saw the scuffing on the black stone tiles.

Is this really a relic of the Fourth Epoch? A thought flashed through Klein’s mind. With his keen eyesight and the light from the lanterns, he found two iron black seats on top of the platform that was half a meter above the ground. The huge, ancient seats overlooked the other seats below.

There were two seats!

Two? Why two? According to the layout, the seat here should represent the person with the most power and authority, but there are two of them? A powerful noble of equal strength? A double count, a double duke, or a double prince? Klein slowly began to feel that his knowledge of history was inadequate.

He clearly remembered that many journal articles mentioned that the three empires—Solomon, Tudor, and Trunsoest, had a strict hierarchy. Based on this theory, there shouldn’t have been leaders of equal standing within a faction.

“Strange…” Klein mumbled, in a way meant for Miss Bodyguard.

“What’s so strange about that?” An ethereal voice suddenly sounded from behind him. In the vast, dark, empty, and silent ancient hall, this voice was exceptionally frightening.

Klein’s mouth twitched as he explained the characteristics, history knowledge, and puzzling points that he had observed to her. He eventually added, “The ventilation here is very good. I wonder if there are any other entrances.”

Miss Bodyguard, who had mostly blended into the darkness, listened silently as she gave Klein a penetrating glance.

“How do you know so much?”

the History department… Klein cursed

a detective, perhaps I would’ve become a

nor did she disappear; instead, she floated up to the

lantern in hand, Klein quickly followed, discovering that the platform was very large. It was about 40 meters in length and 10 meters

Epoch,” he said

on the back of the chair. On this side, it’s a black crown… On the other side, it’s a hand holding onto a

the lady who was floating suddenly said, “This is the

Miss Bodyguard was referring to the hand

Which royal family member owned this palace? Klein frowned and said, “Do you recognize the other

was ranked as equal to a

her head

established their respective empires, they both maintained the original style that originated from the Solomon Empire, such as inverted candlesticks, scuffed marks, and so on and so forth. This doesn’t comply with common sense. If I were the emperor, even if I had to inherit many things,

mean that the three empires have hidden,

the Trunsoest families wielded the Dark

Bodyguard remained silent for a few seconds before saying a few words, “Only an Emperor can be called an

idea? Klein didn’t ask any more questions. With the lantern in hand,

look ahead,” Klein

sentence, Miss Bodyguard had already floated towards the end of the

the hall. They were lined

coin at random, and whispered, “I should begin from


landed on

to the left.” Klein

followed until they reached the door on the far left before saying ethereally, “It’s the

mouth curled up as he raised the lantern and examined the symbols and

crimson half-moon that was surrounded by radiant points of

Klein’s pupils constricted

Emblem! The symbol of the

had supported the Tudor Dynasty? He


slowly opened amidst rough

from the lantern shone into the room, Klein began to see the

entrance—also paved with dark

lantern to illuminate the item on

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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