When he was out of the room, Klein carefully held his cane and lantern in the same hand, leaving his left hand free so that he could retrieve the contents of his pocket as quickly as possible in the event there was a sudden turn of events.

Inside, there were charms, Azik’s characteristic, some tarot cards, and apart from the remaining Rosago’s characteristic, the All-Black Eye, his pocket contained all the means available to him.

Klein and Miss Bodyguard had barely taken a step to the side when the light of the lantern illuminated the emblem on the door next to them. It was a simple drawing of a baby surrounded by the symbols of wheat, flowers, and spring water.

“The Sacred Emblem of Mother Earth…” Klein said in a solemn voice.

As a former Nighthawk, one of his basic skills was being able to distinguish the symbols of other churches.

Miss Bodyguard nodded slightly, as though to confirm this.

Her black Gothic regal dress looked even eerier and terrifying in such an environment and atmosphere. Her pale face looked like a grieving wraith under the illumination of the lantern.

If any other adventurer were to come here and see this scene, they would definitely flee while stumbling out of fear.

Holding his breath, Klein reached out with his left hand, pushed open the stone door, and raised the lantern high.

He found that the layout here was very similar to the one before, like a perfect fusion between a small prayer room and a giant statue.

Across the empty wheat-colored stone tiles, Klein illuminated the three steps ahead of him with a lantern.

On the platform was a white stone sculpture about four or five meters tall. It was a plump and beautiful lady, with ears of wheat growing from her feet, and she was surrounded by spring water. Her dress seemed to flutter, and embedded in it, there were different herbs and flowers, as well as the depiction of different animals.

The lady’s chest was raised high, and in her arms was an adorable infant in swaddling clothes. She stood there, tall and sacred.

“Don’t tell me that this is the statue of Mother Earth?” Klein said softly with his lips curled.

Miss Bodyguard didn’t answer or deny it.

After checking their surroundings, the duo left the room and opened the third door nearby.

Behind this door was a corridor that allowed four people to walk alongside each other. Ahead of them, it was dark and deep, filled with mystery and oddities; it was unknown where it led to.

“Let’s first confirm the situation behind the four doors on the right,” Klein suggested.

He didn’t dare to rashly enter.

Using her actions as an answer, Miss Bodyguard floated backward.

The duo opened the four stone doors on the right, in succession. They separately saw the Storm Sacred Emblem, which was made up of the symbol of gales and stormy waves; the Sacred Emblem of the Sun, which was surrounded by lines; the Sacred Emblems of the God of Combat, which was made from the combination of the symbol for dusk and a sword-shaped symbol; as well as the Sacred Emblem of Knowledge and Wisdom, which was represented by an open book and an omniscient Eye.

In contrast, there were four suspected statues of deities in the room.

A dignified middle-aged man in black armor, standing over churning waves, surrounded by stormy winds, with lightning flashing behind him and a trident in his hand.

a young man in a pure white robe, holding a book of deeds in one hand and a golden sphere which resembled the sun in the other.

above, holding a sword in front of him. His face was hidden behind his helmet’s visor,

hooded elder holding a book and the omniscient eye, with only his mouth, wrinkles, and long white

the God of Steam and Machinery, there were six humanoid statues of

weak position of the Church of the God of Steam and Machinery before the appearance of Roselle, there seemed

with a sigh, partially because he couldn’t stop it,

which was a hundred meters deep, actually had six of the orthodox

was something unimaginable in

Gods allow their gods to live in the

give off weird vibes… Just what had happened to make the images of the six gods evolve into abstract symbols in this day of age… No, perhaps it’s been like this all this time, but the master of this

didn’t answer his query and

Klein suddenly

his point of view, doors placed in the middle often had a special meaning, perhaps the core region of

course, this also likely implied the highest

meant that the situation was

spiritual instincts were more reliable than his divination means at present. After all, she was in a very special state, close to that of a spiritual body, allowing her to communicate with the spirit world without any obstruction to

replied a few


you venture deeper,

guessed, he and Miss Bodyguard walked to the central stone door and stepped onto the

to drive out the darkness ahead. Klein had his left hand in his pocket, holding Azik’s

about thirty steps, Miss Bodyguard

his right hand and saw that the road ahead was blocked by boulders and

ones in the main hall. The right side was ajar and filled with

some reason, it eventually sank and collapsed,” Klein mumbled. “There’s only one direction we can choose

he saw Miss Bodyguard float

twitched, and he began to patiently

a few minutes, Miss Bodyguard came out from the mud on the right, her body completely

completely collapsed,” she concluded

moment Klein was speechless

of them simultaneously looked to the left where the

looked through

blocked by the stone door,

least four bright and powerful spiritual lights inside, two that were close to dark gold in color,

his Spirit Vision, a “narrow” scene appeared in

the black stone tiles. On top of the tiles were piles of bones covered

characteristics? Mystical items? As these thoughts flashed through his mind, Klein swept

wall stood a

pair of bifold

to remnants of fresh blood on the door. They continued sliding down as they

to let Miss Bodyguard scout the way ahead when he suddenly felt a change in Azik’s copper whistle that he was holding

suddenly became bone-piercing. It was a profound

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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