Inside the soon-to-be abandoned medical school building, Audrey suddenly felt adrift as she took a detour to leave the gathering which had just ended. She saw the familiar thick gray fog and the blurry figure situated in the center high above.

“This is a clue.”

Accompanying Mr. Fool’s solemn voice were scenes that looked like a film reel, a colored one at that!

A man who wasn’t particularly muscular but was nearly two meters tall in height was wearing a black priest robe and standing in the shadows. His light yellow hair was slightly curled, and his dark brown eyes were cold with malice. The corners of his mouth drooped slightly, making him look like a ferocious wolf.

A clue? A clue to the bombing on East Borough’s Dharavi Street and Gavin’s drowning? Is this the murderer? Audrey stared blankly for a moment before immediately coming to an understanding.

Mr. Fool already has a clue… He’s really impressive — No, he’s omnipotent. After sighing to herself, she turned to look at Fors.

As soon as Fors removed her mask and surgical cap and got into the carriage, she noticed Miss Audrey’s slightly strange gaze. She immediately asked in puzzlement, “Is there something on my face?”

“Nope.” Audrey looked away and sat down before removing her disguise.

Fors recalled the gathering and asked curiously, “Miss Audrey, why didn’t you announce that you were purchasing the Spectator formula? You could’ve established contact with the Psychology Alchemists that way.”

She remembered that the generous Miss Audrey had remained silent most of the time and only sold some spirituality-infused materials and responded to buying other varieties accordingly.

Audrey smiled faintly and said, “This is my first gathering in this circle. I think it’s more important to observe and wait.

“I’m looking forward to the potion formula and even more so, the mystical items, but I told myself that there’s no rush. It would be a better strategy to familiarize myself before taking action.”

This is also a ‘professional habit’ of the Spectator pathway. Moreover, there were no Beyonder ingredients like Dark Patterned Black Panther Spinal Fluid or Spring of the Elves Marrow Crystals which Mr. World wishes to obtain… Audrey silently added.

Looking at the girl who wasn’t eighteen yet, Fors suddenly felt that she was more mature than ever before.

She suddenly laughed at herself and said, “If I had been like you back then, I wouldn’t have wasted such a precious opportunity.”

Audrey gave a reserved smile as a response before saying, “I’ll ask some special friends in the morning if they have any leads on the Dharavi Street bombing. Wait for the information at the same place with Xio.”

“Alright.” Fors nodded without any doubts.

Instead of returning to Minsk Street, Klein slept in the one-bedroom apartment in East Borough’s Black Palm Street.

He was afraid that the suspected murderer in the black priest robe had accomplices who could be searching the streets for him.

Although the probability of meeting him wasn’t high, and he had disguised himself ahead of time so that it was unlikely he could be recognized, his divination indicated that there was a possibility. To be cautious, Klein made do and decided to spend the night at East Borough.

dawn, he changed into another dark blue worker’s uniform, put on a light brown

shrouded the surroundings. There were blurry figures of people passing by, and the

along, just like the people

temples. He

quivered, and the crumpled cigarette fell to the ground and rolled in front

up, and

thank you! I can’t live without this old friend. There’s only

and he appeared to not have shaved for quite a while. Exhaustion was expressed without reserve from the corner of his eyes as he lamented, “I haven’t slept for another night, I don’t know

asked, “Why doesn’t

since you can find a warmer place. Sigh, but this will make us lack the time or strength to

and he walked beside Klein. It was uncertain if his destination was at the end of the

intention of exchanging pleasantries and was about to speed away from him when he saw

looked like an apple core

fruit core into his mouth. He chewed it until it was

surprised eyes, he wiped his mouth,


sentence struck Klein’s heart, causing him to feel indescribably

I’m a reporter, and I’m currently writing about homeless people. Can

said, “No problem, it’s much

interview and let me sleep inside for

at a loss for words. He just silently led his “interviewee” into the budget café at the end

to the walls and windows inside, there were quite a few guests. The average temperature was

concealing his Adam’s

peas, two

your fill.” Once the

is for me?” the man asked with anticipation and

of toast and a cup of

eyes and said with a slightly choked voice, “… Y-you truly are

long, make sure not to

worked hard at

toast and watched quietly, waiting for the man

three months, no—half a year. In the workhouse, the food they give is just enough.” After a while, the man put down his spoon, leaving

to be a journalist, Klein asked casually, “How did you become a

bad luck, I was originally a worker leading quite a good life. I had a wife, two cute children, a boy and a girl, but a few years ago, an infectious disease took them away, and I also stayed in the hospital for a long period of time, losing my job, my wealth, and my family in the process. From then on, I often couldn’t find a job, and I didn’t have any money to rent a house or buy food. All

sip of his tea,

for an opportunity to enter the workhouse, but as you know, every workhouse only takes in a limited number of people. With good luck, and if I queue up in time, I can spend a few days in peace,


for a moment and asked, “How many cigarettes do

after I was chased out by the landlord. Heh, one can’t bring them into the workhouses, but I’ll secretly hide them in the seams of my clothes. I’ll only take

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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