Xio has been in the bounty hunter business for a very long time. Many things were done on instinct without any thought.

When she saw the patron who entered was nearly two meters tall, she instinctively lowered her head and continued to eat her pork sausage and french fries as if nothing had happened.

Although the food entered her mouth, Xio didn’t taste it at all. She endured dozens of painful seconds before she slowly raised her head and pretended to look around casually.

Soon, she saw that the patron who had just entered was sitting in front of the bar counter, waiting for his booze and lunch.

Soft, curly pale yellow hair, dark brown beast-like eyes, a slightly drooping mouth, an aura of solitude and malevolence… Little by little, the details came into Xio’s eyes, overlapping with the image in her head.

It’s him!

It’s the suspected murderer!

The man who killed Williams!

Xio lowered her head again and slowly stuffed the rest of the food into her mouth.

After a few minutes, she set the tray down on the bar, along with the glass, and left the Workers Alliance Tavern without looking back.

Due to her high boots, they effectively masked the most obvious features of her boots.

Outside, Xio slowed her pace and found a secluded spot to observe the people entering and exiting the tavern.

After waiting for a while, she finally found an acquaintance, a technician named Burton, who lived in East Borough and worked at the East Balam Dock.

The young man liked to treat himself to a cup of shoddy rye beer at noon or in the afternoon, and his salary only allowed him to afford such a beer, and he couldn’t drink it every day.

Xio nimbly darted over and patted Burton on the shoulder. She lowered her voice and said, “It’s me, Xio.”

“Xio?” Burton looked up and down at the short man and nearly failed to recognize him as the famous Arbiter Xio Derecha of the streets of East Borough.

“I have something to ask you.” Xio pointed to a nearby corner.

Burton followed in puzzlement, only to come to a realization when he arrived in a secluded corner.

“Are you doing a bounty mission?”

He had heard that Xio was also a bounty hunter.

“Yes.” Xio nodded perfunctorily, fished out five pennies, and tossed them around. “Do you know that tall man at the tavern?”

“You mean the one that’s this tall, has pale yellow hair, and wears a fierce look?” Burton gestured.

and unfolded it. “You have

this tavern often for the past two to three months. I’ve never seen him before that. He’s very fierce, completely unreasonable,

when I saw that person just now, it was just like my encounter with a ferocious beast when I was young. I felt that I was in danger and wasn’t a match for him, so I had to immediately avoid

name is.

a while before asking again, “Where else have you

ask your friends the same question. Remember,

Dock’s Dock Union, I would occasionally see him appear there. Xio, why aren’t you a member of the union? You’re so just, and

organize a strike, they’ll come

stop.” Xio lowered her right palm and said,

all, we often discuss him in private,” Burton answered in a firm

didn’t say anything more and gave him five copper

“Drinks on me.”

I just asked.

corner and headed towards the Dock Union located at East Balam

later, Xio saw the

her canvas coat inverted and exposed the patches beneath, instantly transforming herself

the homeless people huddled around the corner, pinched her nose, and went over to sit down beside them. She glanced at the Dock Union on the opposite side of the street

the minutes passed, Xio endured the cold and the harsh environment while tenaciously observing the situation around the Dock Union and the

insistence on drinking, and she also remembered how she felt when she saw the

even more

about eight people came out of the Dock Union, and they headed for the café across the street to have

scanned every passer-by to

one suspicious… Xio was about to look away and wait for the next batch of people when the door to the coffee shop creaked and was pulled open as the heat from within rushed out. A man couldn’t help but take off his gold-rimmed glasses and wipe

a casual glance, and her

Those eyes!

That mouth!


jerked her head back, not daring

was craggy. He was very different from the portraits, except that

was the feeling

her head and stared at the flagstones on the

At the Sammers.

the hosts and guests gathered in the activity

rumors and humorous stories echoed intermittently as Klein maintained his smile, interjecting from time to time. He also saw

him, Jurgen Cooper wore his usual serious expression, occasionally providing legal advice

slightly, and asked in a low

topics are very interesting.” Jurgen nodded

was stunned and blurted a question, “Then why

and looked at

“Why are you smiling?”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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