In the evening, Klein sat down on a reclining chair in his activity room. Warmed by the fireplace, he picked up the information that Isengard’s assistant had just delivered.

As soon as his idea received praise from the great detective in the morning, Kaslana immediately claimed that she needed the same piece of information. Stuart had murmured that he had believed Klein was an excellent detective, given his calmness and composure when he faced Adol’s case, but he hadn’t expected him to be that outstanding.

At the same time, he told Klein that if he needed help, he could find him. He knew a lot of people in the detective circles in Backlund.

Isengard Stanton also promised to immediately contact the police and try to provide the corresponding information to the detectives who needed it before nightfall.

He truly was very trustworthy.

At the next Tarot Club, I’ll have to ask Little Sun through The World about the characteristics of Sequence 6 Devil and what powers the Beyonders of this Sequence possess… I didn’t plan on involving myself previously, so I had forgotten to gather the corresponding amount of information. However, since I’ve decided to help, it’s best to be prepared. At the very least, I would know what’s happening when danger rears its head… Klein thought for a few seconds, then he lowered his head and, under the light of the gas lamp, began to look through the unsolved serial murders in the last twenty years of the Loen Kingdom.

There were fewer than he had expected.

There were a total of four in Backlund, five in the other cities, a total of nine in total!

Yeah, although this world doesn’t have the concept of DNA yet and lacks many necessary detective skills, with the impetus of the Emperor, there’s already a rudimentary form of fingerprint investigations. Furthermore, there’s mediumship, divination, dream entry, and other Beyonder methods! The police usually wouldn’t seek out Beyonder teams from the three major Churches for individual murder cases that don’t involve the nobles, the rich, or officials. However, a serial killer has very negative repercussions. It easily causes panic, so they’ll definitely make the wisest choice… This way, having only a few unsolved serial murders in the past twenty years is reasonable and logical. Klein quickly understood the reason.

He gathered his thoughts and began flipping through the cases, one after another.

In the absence of sufficient information to perform a divination, he had initially selected two serial killings that might be related to the current incident and intended to use them as an initial starting point.

One case occurred four years ago. There were five victims, all single prostitutes with a child. They had been mistreated before they died but lacked any evidence of sexual intercourse.

The police in charge of the case at the time thought that the murderer must’ve known the whores, or else it would’ve been impossible to precisely select individuals with a child. They had identified the suspects from the people who lived nearby and from the regular customers of several of the whores, but in the end, they failed to find the real murderer.

Although the dossier only made a brief note, Klein could clearly tell that they had asked for the help of Beyonders from the three major Churches. Unfortunately, they were still unable to crack the case.

With the Beyonder powers of the “Abyss,” being able to tell signs that a woman had once been a degenerate doesn’t go against the law of mysticism. Likewise for recognizing an individual as a prostitute, but it doesn’t make sense that they would know that the woman was single with only one child… The police were right. What was the problem? The real murderer was like me, able to resist dreams, divination, mediumship, and evade the investigations from Mid-Sequence Nighthawk and Mandated Punisher Beyonders?

about the “serial killer,” the murderer might have had some fortuitous

to the name of Moriarty… He gave a self-deprecating comment and decided that the

Stuart to get others to help. That way, I wouldn’t appear directly, so as to avoid encountering any official Beyonders. After the situation has

Only then was it confirmed that it was a case of serial murders. The victims were men and women who had worked

was first committed—the

wraith of the deceased might even gather around the murderer… Of course, it’s also possible that the wraith can be “killed” by the murderer, just like this case… There’s probably

something to

to go to the area south of the bridge, to the Harvest Church on Rose Street, to find Bishop Utravsky in a bid to obtain the Apothecary

as a subordinate was

sick. He could encounter enemies who could harm him, and an Apothecary who he could find at any moment would be someone he could

himself and took the steam metro to cross the Tussock River and arrived at

darkness along the metro line and the

on the public carriage, Klein came to Rose Street

a Sacred Emblem of Life engraved on its outer wall. It was a baby surrounded by the symbols of wheat, flowers, and spring water. It stood

that moment, the cathedral’s lights were dim, and there wasn’t a

face with paint

at the top, at the front, there was a large Sacred Emblem of

his forties or fifties wearing a brown clergyman’s attire sat in

he was like a small mountain, giving off an extremely oppressive

wore a bishop’s bonnet, and his eyebrows were light and thin. There were obvious wrinkles at the corners of his eyes, his cheeks, and the corners of his


will not reject anyone. Why didn’t you take the main entrance?” The forty to fifty-year-old man didn’t raise his head as he spoke in a low

Utravsky?” Klein

attire replied gently, “I prefer to be called a

laughed. “Your name and your height tell me that you’re from Feysac. Why do you believe

and stared at the Sacred Emblem of Life ahead of him and said with emotion, “I was born along the coasts of Midseashire, Indaw.

is from the Feysac Empire…

most of the west coast belonged to Intis; and to

spread to the northeast, penetrating through the Feysac Empire’s territory and connecting with the North Sea. There were many islands in that part of the sea that were the habitats for polar bears

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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