Kill you? It was the first time Klein had heard of such a request, and for a moment, he didn’t know how to respond to such a task.

He even started to suspect if there was a conspiracy.

Bishop Utravsky opened his eyes and looked down at Klein.

“Kill the old me.”

… Father, can you not have such long pauses when you’re speaking… Klein’s mouth twitched as he asked in puzzlement, “Even in the legends and myths, no one can return to the past. I’m afraid this task of yours can only be accomplished by the seven gods.”

“No, I mean, killing the past me which has never died as it resides in the depths of my heart.” Seeing that Klein was still confused, the slightly hunchbacked bishop said, “The former me, who used to love to kill and fight, didn’t completely die just because of my contrition. I can clearly sense that he’s still living inside my body, always wanting to regain control of everything, and I’m constantly suppressing him, hoping that he will be redeemed through mass, ascetic cultivation, and preaching, making him truly believe in the teachings of the Mother Earth and become one with me again.”

Simply put, the imprints of the past are too deep, and they fiercely conflict with your current life, resulting in a split personality… The pseudo-psychologist and keyboard warrior, Klein Moretti, made a preliminary judgment and said in deliberation, “It’s a psychological problem. I think what you need most is a psychiatrist.”

“I’ve attempted that before. Perhaps you aren’t aware. There is a Doctor Sequence among the Beyonder pathway that the Church of Mother Earth controls, which is also known as Healing Pastor in ancient times. They’ve studied my problem and believe it’s not as simple as a psychological ailment. It’s also mixed with the inclination of losing control. If the past me defeats the present me, I will lose control without a doubt and become a monster,” Utravsky said with a sigh.

Then what you need is the Spectator pathway’s Sequence 7, Psychiatrist… Klein thought for a moment and said, “Your words make me believe that you’ve found a way to solve your problem, but you only lack a suitable executor, am I right?”

“Yes, all these years, besides preaching, I’ve also been searching for people and objects that can help me. In the end, with Mother Earth’s blessings, I obtained a very mystical item. It is said to be a relic of an ancient dragon.” Seeing that Klein wasn’t scared away, Utravsky answered with some hope, “It allows the wielder to enter the deepest part of the target’s soul, or, in other words, the bottom of the target’s dreamland. There, a corresponding scene will be materialized. That way, you can see the past me directly, and then, through combat, eliminate him. In that special state, once he is truly dead, he will never appear again.”

As expected of the mysterious world; there’s actually such a method to treat someone with split personalities… Klein sighed with emotion and cautiously asked, “What restrictions are there, or what harm will it cause to the holder? Why do you think I’m incapable of completing this task?”

Bishop Utravsky looked down at Klein and said, “Once you use that mystical item, although the owner will remain conscious, there are many layers to the soul or dreamland. The past me will be able to make full use of this point to deceive you, or conversely, they can even kill you. And after a set period of time, yes—five minutes—that mystical item will make you completely lose consciousness, and your mind will never be able to return to your body and become its sacrifice.

“In this way, you will become a vegetable.

“In addition, as a result of the scene’s materialization, if you’re killed in the deepest part of your heart—or to put it in another way, the lowest level of the dreamland—similar side effects will occur. It’s equivalent to true death.

“Believe me, the past me is much stronger than you think.”

So that’s how it is… However, this issue isn’t a problem at all for me. I’m someone who can stay awake and rational during spirit channeling and dreams. Even if that mystical item wants to make me lose myself completely, there’s no need to worry too much. As long as there’s room for struggle, I can take four steps counterclockwise and chant my honorable name, and directly head above the gray fog… The problem is, how strong is the past Bishop Utravsky, and what are my chances of defeating him? What restrictions or taboos are there in fighting in a materialized spiritual world? Klein thought for a while and said, “How strong were you, Father Utravsky? I don’t think I would definitely lose.”


“I was a warrior.

have already reached Sequence 6 of my Beyonder pathway, becoming

He himself said that he had committed a crime and become a pirate before being converted by the Church of Mother Earth… Sequence 6. Yes, it’s not like I can’t win. A Magician is the kind of Beyonder that’s much stronger if they make preparations in advance. Also, due to my uniqueness, the deepest part of my heart, or the lowest level of my dreamland, can be considered

it’s still his main region of activity, so the weakening wouldn’t be too great. At most,

there anything I need to pay attention to in

effective attacks are always effective, illusions will remain illusions, but one thing must be noted, he can bring you into a few other levels of the dreamland at any time, creating a situation where it’s hard to determine whether it’s reality or an illusion.” Bishop Utravsky emphasized, “So, you have to be at least at Sequence 6, or some other special Sequence 7 to be able to complete this mission, and the risk is nothing trivial. Heh, if

is… I’m not afraid of a dream… The corner of Klein’s

take note of

his wrinkled face and said with a sigh, “This is something that requires

enough battles, others would often be able to conclude certain traits. Besides, the more details you know, the higher the chances

answered frankly with

within a 40-50 meter radius to be basked in the light of dawn. Such light cannot only dispel

would be equivalent to specially forged full-body armor that doesn’t weigh anything or inhibit their motion in any way. If destroyed, recovery would require a

two-handed rapier. It’s often called the

from that, Dawn Paladins have a type of Beyonder power to create a Hurricane of Light. It can directly destroy a

good news is that, other than for facing wraiths and specters, the mysteriousness of a Dawn Paladin is very low… Klein listened as he simulated a combat situation in his mind, searching for the

level of mysteriousness he was referring

He didn’t press him or drive him

give it a try, but I will

replied with a

remind you once again. Although I don’t know where your confidence

his hand to his chest, bowed, and stepped out of the Harvest Church. He found a

to the real world. From the beginning to the end, it only took

Harvest Church and said to Bishop Utravsky, who stood in his original spot,

before slowly saying, “If you succeed, not only will I give you the Apothecary formula, but I will also gift you a mystical item without much


another word. He took a strange candle from

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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