The illusory feeling passed, and Klein saw the strange candle in his hand again, along with its black wick and palish-white flame.

The damage of the Dawn Paladin—the shattered ground, broken pews, and the sliced candles—had been restored to their pre-battle state. It was hard to tell where they had been damaged.

At some point, Bishop Utravsky, who had been standing opposite him, had taken a seat in the front pew, his back bent forward and his head buried in his hands. His hands were pressed to his temples.



Sweat trickled down his face and spread out from his feet. The ground was already completely wet.

When he sensed that the strange candle had been extinguished by Klein, he shuddered and raised his head to meet Klein’s eyes.

His slightly turbid eyes were filled with tears, and his wrinkled face was streaked with tears.

However, his eyes were filled with emotion, joy, and clarity.

If it was said that this “giant” bishop previously appeared tall and heavy, then all that was left of him now was the heaviness of his body but without the heaviness of his spirit.

At this moment, Klein felt like he was looking at a newborn baby.

Those tears were proof of new life.

The corners of Utravsky’s mouth curled up slightly as he smiled kindly.

“You’re much better than I expected.”

“No, this is because I gained sufficient understanding in advance and made the appropriate preparations. As for the past you, not only were you unsure of your opponent’s strengths, you were also greatly weakened. If I were to fight against you in the real world, I would be considering how to escape,” Klein calmly replied.

A prepared Magician and an unprepared Magician are very different concepts… He added silently in his heart.

Bishop Utravsky didn’t dwell on this problem. Brimming with relief from head to toe, he said, “Thank you, my friend.

“According to our agreement, I’ll give you the Apothecary formula. I’ll also give you an additional mystical item.”

As he spoke, from his pocket, he took out what looked like a combination of a needle, a tube, and a container.

“You have two choices. This is one of the two choices you have. When I got it, I didn’t know its name, and I never thought about naming it either. You’re able to use it to draw out a tube of blood, your own blood. At a critical moment, you can transfuse it back into you. That way, your fatigue will disappear. Your ailments and injuries will be alleviated, and your strength, speed, balance, and other attributes will all be greatly enhanced.” Bishop Utravsky pointed to the object in his hand.

its limitations and latent dangers?” Klein

a tube of blood, you’ll be weakened for a full twelve hours, and during those twelve hours, transfusing the blood back into you wouldn’t have any effect. Of course, the specific time limit isn’t that precise; it increases or decreases according to your body’s condition. In addition, it’s best not to use it too often;

a problem. If you carry it around for more than half an

previously draw his blood. Otherwise, if the past him can transfuse his blood, my chances of winning would’ve

frowned and was rather worried about the negative effects

state, these were all hidden dangers that didn’t seem too problematic. But after seeing Rampagers and hearing the ravings of an evil god, Klein believed that a Beyonder’s mental state

Klein said after

simple brass key from his other pocket

as well as a small number of locks that are augmented with Beyonder effects. And in a place without any locks or doors, it can open a passageway that doesn’t belong to

used, Beyonders cannot see any difference between it and

leaving Klein no

to the wall at the

twisted gently, and his entire body seemed to sink into water

the same way, Bishop Utravsky returned to the cathedral hall and entered Klein’s

mystical item?” the tall priest asked with his head

latent dangers of the Master Key?”

and said, “The person carrying it will occasionally

told me,

spiritual intuition… Klein mumbled, and his mind gradually

seconds, he said, “I want

be affected, and he didn’t want to accumulate the risk of

deepest part of a soul, the lowest level

the simple brass key to Klein and took back the strange candle wrapped in human

was examining the mystical item, Utravsky pointed at the back and said, “The Apothecary formula is

advantage of the moment when Bishop Utravsky’s figure disappeared from the hall, he took out a penny and divined

in front of him where a row of

turned the key, Klein’s vision suddenly blurred and then became

walls. There were only withered grass and muddy land strewn with a bit of garbage. To the

nodded, turned, and once again using the Master Key to

ten seconds of waiting, Utravsky walked in with heavy footsteps, a roll of

you can always find me at the Harvest Church. The “giant” bishop

an adult Flying Unicorn, 3 grams of a Royal Jellyfish’s venom crystal…

divine it above the gray fog…

word, he turned around and walked to the Mother

and chanted in a

Mother of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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