Sir Ders Shaw? Mr. Hibbert Hall? Who are they? I don’t know them at all… Acting as though he had no doubts, Klein said half-jokingly, “Let’s hope that they can bring blue skies and sunshine to Backlund.”

“Yes, although burning in your own fireplace is everyone’s freedom and is a right granted by the law, blue skies and sunshine are more desirable things.” Luke Sammer, a member of the Soot Reduction Association, sighed with emotion and pointed to the hired carriage. “We should go. Mary urgently needs some help.”

Stelyn Sammer added, feigning a level of restraint, “There might be Members of Parliament coming to the banquet, from the Backlund district or from the kingdom.”

“I can imagine the grandeur of this banquet.” Klein flattered politely and watched the Sammers board the carriage and leave.

As he turned to head for the post office at the end of the street, a postman in a dark green uniform arrived in a carriage and delivered a letter to his letterbox.

A letter for me? Klein pulled out a bunch of keys and casually chose the one that was simple and had a brass color.


The Master Key easily opened the letterbox.

I just need to have this key on me in the future… Klein mumbled as he took out the newspapers he had subscribed to and the letter.

The letter was from Isengard Stanton.

He had also looked through the old and unresolved serial murders yesterday and had picked out the most suspicious ones, and after obtaining a preliminary confirmation from the police department about the present circumstances of the suspects, he had written to Klein, Kaslana, and the other private detectives, that were interested in this angle, to share his findings.

It included the two cases that Klein had focused on.

Great detective minds think alike… The letter I wrote just now was for nothing…Klein joked before returning to the living room.

According to Isengard, the random murder cases of people who returned late had resulted in a large number of suspects, but the suspect had never been narrowed down. After so many years, it was very difficult, almost hopeless, to try to find a new clue.

One of the four suspects in the other case was a teenager whose mother was also a victim—a prostitute and single mother who had him as her only child. He had been abused by his mother, had been the police’s first suspect, but less than half a year after that case, he had been seriously injured in a gang firefight in East Borough and died in a surgical room at a charity hospital.

His body was cremated with people bearing witness before being buried in the cemetery.

him to be connected to the

once come back

moved several times in the past few years. The police had lost track of his situation and needed more time to find him. One had gone through bankruptcy and moved to East Borough from North Borough, while the other was still running a

killers of serial murders are all cruel, brutal, and very aggressive. Please be careful not to get too close to them; act as

I need pertains to their recent mental state, such as whether they are irritable, whether they like to shut themselves in their rooms, rarely

Devil would eat the victim’s organs according to the ritual and stay in a bloodthirsty, manic state

safety, Klein folded the letter, stuffed it into a new envelope, and affixed a

name of

Empress Borough, the opulent

in the corner of the study, looking around as if

his pipe and said to his eldest son, “Do you know why

wish to influence the formulation of the relevant laws and

Constant Coal and Steel Consortium, I don’t really care about this problem. I’ve been urging them to make adjustments accordingly. I have no doubt that fixing atmospheric pollution is

Member of Parliament of the House of Lords in time, so why do some nobles have more influence than others when they are all Members of Parliament of the House of Lords? Notwithstanding the Speaker and other people with

nobility, wealth, commercial status, as well as the relationship between

those with rich experience, and those who have participated in many similar matters. In the future, if you wish to have any achievement in politics, in addition to inheriting a seat, you

the obvious privileges will be weakened, and one’s title will become less

you encounter something you aren’t good

teams, listen to their opinions, and make decisions. Everyone has a lot of areas that they aren’t good at,

enlightenment, “I

Susie, who was by the

everything she had heard, and finally muttered, “I

faint smile, “They were discussing a good thing that

that so?” Susie asked without fully comprehending

didn’t answer and thought of

quietly draw attention to the bad conditions of East Borough, the factory area, and the dock area, but in the last two social gatherings, she had found herself unable

never even talk about such matters. There

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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