City of Silver, in a cramped room.

Derrick Berg was sitting by his bedside, quietly recalling the information regarding the seven gods that he had received.

The names of the deities that he had never heard of and the vague ancient myths all indicated to him that there was a new world outside which was completely different from the City of Silver.

Is that a piece of land that hasn’t been forsaken by the gods? Or perhaps, it’s a land that is protected by new gods? Derrick sat in the dark, motionlessly. Lightning flashed from time to time outside the window, bringing with it intense light.

He slowly focused his thoughts on the different powers that were concentrated in the hands of the seven gods, and he compared them with the ancient gods such as the Dragon of Fantasy, Ankewelt.

The so-called God of Combat is very similar to Giant King Aurmir. The Lord of Storms wields power similar to the Pixie King, Soniathrym. The Evernight Goddess appears to be the fusion of the King of Demonic Wolves, Flegrea, and Vampire Ancestor, Lilith. As for the Eternal Blazing Sun, Mother Earth, God of Knowledge and Wisdom, and God of Steam and Machinery, I can’t find anyone corresponding to them…

Regarding the mythical legends, I wasn’t too attentive in class and missed out a lot…

Phew, since there’s no patrol duty during this period of time, I should head to the spire’s library and read up on them.

Derrick stood up and did as he planned.

The problem he faced was shared by the majority of the residents in the City of Silver. When they were being educated with general knowledge, their focus was all on the practical courses such as Devil Studies, Monster Classification, Charms, and Beyonder Foundations. They were all focused on the knowledge that could be used to deal with monsters in the dark and increase the production of edible plants. As for supplementary classes like Myth Studies, they often didn’t pay much attention.

If the history regarding the City of Silver hadn’t been able to make the residents more united, raise their sense of honor, or heighten their sense of mission, and how the six-member council was very strict in this regard, Derrick believed that he could at most remember what had happened in the last two or three decades.

Carrying the Axe of Hurricane, Derrick walked out of his house, following the clean, simple, but old and mottled stone road until he reached the twin towers on the north side of the city.

One of the spires of the twin towers served as the City of Silver’s library, an exchange spot where merit points could be exchanged and daily necessities could be distributed. The dome was where the six-member council resided and was rumored to contain a mystical item which had sustained the City of Silver for more than two thousand years, as well as a repository for formulas and ingredients.

Entering the spire, Derrick went straight up to the third floor and, according to his recollections, found the shelves where materials regarding mythology and the corresponding ancient books were stored.

Just as he was about to take out a book related to the creation myth, a slender, fair-skinned, and good-looking palm rushed forward and took the book away from him.

Derrick traced the arm, and after a single glance, he lowered his head, pressed his hand to his chest, and said in a low voice, “Greetings, Elder Lovia.”

The one who had taken the book from him was one of the members of the six-member council, Shepherd Lovia.

She wore a long black robe embroidered with mysterious purple patterns. Her silvery-gray hair was thick but curled up slightly.

Her face was smooth and fair, her appearance gorgeous. She looked to be in her early thirties, and her pair of light gray eyes seemed to be able to pierce through one’s soul.

Lovia tersely acknowledged Derrick’s greeting and gently nodded her head without saying anything else. She silently took the ancient book and left the space between the two bookshelves.

Elder Lovia seems to have returned to normal. She’s not like before, always switching between different temperaments at random—sometimes crying, sometimes sneering, sometimes grunting angrily, sometimes indifferent… Such a thought subconsciously flashed across Derrick’s mind.

Suddenly, he felt an inexplicable sense of fear.

was because Elder Lovia was acting


through the entire dossier, Klein found no record of

obvious that the original investigation

I can’t rashly perform my own investigations. Without talking about how I don’t have the special means or confidence to avoid a Devil’s intuition towards danger, just the possibility of me meeting a Nighthawk would be a very troublesome matter. My goal is to always take an auxiliary role. My job is to analyze the case and

dare to hand over the matter of investigating whether or not

isn’t like those bunch of lunatics from the Aurora Order. He wouldn’t proactively expose himself. Tomorrow or the day after, Stuart will definitely hand in a report. Perhaps there might be clues that others might not be able to detect. Klein stood up and stuffed his hands into his pockets as he paced around the activity

dilemma was on how to get the main

same if I attempted to guide

a letter, grabbed a fountain pen, and

“Dear Mr. Stanton,

when the detectives were in discussion, they all found the murderer’s actions skilled without any hint of inexperience. They believed that he couldn’t be born with such skill

before. It’s a direction for investigation, and it’s what

over again for the past two days, I don’t think it’s comprehensive enough. Perhaps, he didn’t rely on killing people to

that he practiced with poor animals?

number of animals that die in Backlund daily is innumerable, and those that disappear

I hope to communicate

“Sherlock Moriarty”

reason of practice, hoping that

felt that this was

this time was because

the hunting of animals wasn’t something worth

inspire them… Klein folded the letter and dressed up to deliver it to the

and again, finally couldn’t stop his urge to

sort of.” Klein squeezed out a

to my house as a guest? After dinner, you can go back after dark. I know that you private detectives are very good at climbing.” Jurgen invited him in with

a second before he smiled

“It’s my honor.”

Jurgen’s grandmother had

he could also tease the cat while he was

dark, Klein, having had his fill, rested for

Street, on the south side of the bridge, and ask Bishop Utravsky about

of Dowsing Rod Seeking, he successfully arrived at the Harvest Church in the

tonight. There were only rows

slightly puzzled as he walked towards the living area at the back of the

walking up the basement stairs. The

in the basement? Klein instantly thought

Utravsky looked up and saw Klein disguised the same as before. He was also surprised

Do I look like someone who’s been lost for so long? Klein forced a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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