He actually named his price… Upon hearing the vampire’s request, Klein felt both irritated and amused.

He looked at the Bishop Utravsky, who was standing in front of him, and asked, “Father, may I borrow your candle? The one that you used last time. I’ve forgotten what it’s called.”

Before Bishop Utravsky could reply, the vampire in the basement spoke in a stunned voice.

“What do you want to do? What do you want to do?”

At this moment, Bishop Utravsky answered warmly, “It’s called the Mental Terror Candle. What are you borrowing it for?”

Father, you’re very cooperative. You even knew to ask… The corners of Klein’s mouth curled up.

“I plan to use it to directly inquire the deepest part of this friend’s heart.

“As you know, I’m quite talented in this area, and I’m very good at such matters…”

Before he could finish his sentence, the vampire in the basement had already shouted, “Bastard, give up on your idea!

“You will be cursed if you do this to a noble Sanguine!

“Hey, hey, hey! I’ll speak! I’ll speak! I’ll tell you the origins of the Master Key!”

Klein immediately chuckled.

“Thank you for your cooperation.”

“Hmph! The friend of that dirty old man naturally isn’t a good person! As a Sanguine, all I did was go to the hospital to steal blood bottles to drink. Why did I end up locked up in here and forced to listen to this naggy, housefly-like Bible of Life!?” the vampire in the basement angrily complained.

Frankly speaking, if you really are who you claim to be, and you bumped into me, at most, I would give you a warning. Unfortunately, you got lost and entered this cathedral. The priest you encountered used to kill people wantonly and enjoyed combat, but he’s now pious and repentant. You can only blame your poor luck… However, with Bishop Utravsky’s recovery, he’s unlikely to hurt you. At most, he will keep you to his side…. Klein silently responded.

The vampire in the basement paused for a few seconds and said, “About a month ago, I went to the hospital in South Borough to steal blood and ended up meeting a thief.

“He originally wanted to enter the hospital’s finance department, but he ended up lost. He opened the door to the blood bank and ended up being caught by me.

“He was using that Master Key. He told me that he had found it back when he had burgled a particular house. He had also obtained a pocket watch with inlaid diamonds. Uh, in the basement.

“At first, he thought that the key would correspond to a room or safe. He made several attempts and found that the key could open all doors. This is no doubt an unimaginable surprise for a thief. After that, he enjoyed numerous successes until I caught him and confiscated his key.

I didn’t expect that the key would make

owner was detained because he got lost, and the owner before that was caught red-handed because he got lost… Perhaps I should really throw it into the space above the gray fog and take it out when I need it. But, that will be a lot

“Are you doubting my intelligence? How could I

it was in the area south of the bridge, 48 Riverbay Avenue. I was planning to check it out

done answering.

answer. Instead, he slowly took out a halfpence copper coin and recited softly, “He’s

times, Klein’s eyes turned dark, and he flicked the coin up. He watched it spin in the air before it landed in the

was heads, indicating a positive

the vampire was

had seen through divination, so they confirm each other… The vampire must’ve lied about the exact address! Klein looked at Bishop Utravsky and said

about the reason why he

seek revenge on me, who is completely uninvolved. It would also be

call for help. That address might very well belong to a companion of his. Father, do you plan

basement suddenly fell silent. After a few seconds, the vampire laughed and said, “I just didn’t want to tell

forceful you are at trying to calm yourself down… Klein smiled and said, “Then, what’s the real answer? If you continue lying, I

really vicious…” The vampire sighed through gritted teeth. “The area south of the bridge, 32

coin again and got the

don’t have the ability to interfere with divination… Hmm, I should confirm it above the gray fog when I’m back… Klein pressed his hand to his chest, faced

you for your

the vampire in the basement snappily

to leave, the vampire suddenly shouted, “Remember that my name is

name? It’s not like I’m going to save you. Without preparation, and without a home ground advantage, I’m no match for Father Utravsky, and he has the mystical item to transfuse blood… Hmm, could it be that this vampire’s companion will offer a bounty, and he wishes for me to sell this information? Klein was surprised for a moment before he walked out of the Harvest

wrist and started to divine if he

there was some danger, but

What kind of danger would it be?Klein carefully analyzed the situation, suspecting that the Apprentice who died from losing control had turned into a ghost-type monster due to

the danger is in another secret location in the house? Klein thought for a moment and decided that it would be best for him to go only when he was sufficiently prepared. It prevented him from entering a situation in which he

until I buy bullets

previous battle with Dawn Paladin Bishop Utravsky, Klein suddenly felt that he could vaguely conclude the first rule of

would result in a high chance of messing up…

was in no hurry to eat. He opened

out from the newspaper and glanced at the envelope as he returned

slightly, tore open the envelope, shook the piece of paper, and sat down at the dining

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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