West Borough, 2 King’s Avenue, Royal Museum.

Although it wasn’t a weekend, there was a long line at the door when Klein arrived.

According to the descriptions in the newspapers and magazines, he knew that the world’s middle class had fewer ways of entertaining themselves. Other than reading newspapers, reading novels, listening to opera concerts, playing tennis and squash, enjoying plays, and holding or attending banquets, there were only three options: going to a park, going to an exhibition, and going on vacation. Due to Emperor Roselle’s influence, annual vacations were already common phenomena.

At nine o’clock sharp, Klein, who was wearing a silk top hat, a black cane, and a long double-breasted frock coat, followed the people in front of him and entered the museum.

There was a split here, and the different guides led a number of visitors down different passages.

Klein and nearly twenty people followed a good-looking woman and listened to her introduction of Roselle’s life.

This was of zero value to Klein, who was half a historian, so he was so bored that he began confirming the location of his wallet.

Since his wealth had soared to 952 pounds, just a step away from a thousand pounds, his wallet could no longer hold so much cash, and he could only carry some of it selectively. As for the rest, Klein didn’t feel at ease to just leave them at home without protection, so he threw them all above the gray fog.

As they walked, they entered the first exhibition hall. The female guide excitedly said, “Ladies and gentlemen, these are the daily necessities of Emperor Roselle.

“Look, that’s his velvet quilt, and that’s the golden glassware he used to drink his wine.

“That’s the toilet he used, the first toilet in the modern sense.”

Even a toilet he had used before is being exhibited? Klein suddenly felt some sympathy for Roselle.

Then, he looked at the toilet with a flushing system behind the glass wall and saw that it was shimmering with golden light. It seemed to have a layer of gold foil on its surface, and it was engraved with an exaggerated and artistic pattern.

How extravagant… Klein no longer sympathized with Roselle.

Separated from the toilet by only a glass layer was Roselle’s everyday clothing, including cuffs, a shirt with pleats at the collar, and so on.

It was obvious that the female guide was rather impressed by Intis’s dress culture.

After the Daily Necessities Exhibition Hall, there was a display of the original versions of the important documents which Roselle had issued, including the Civil Code and other extremely valuable historical relics.

At that moment, the female guide pointed at a display cabinet and said, “This is one of the diaries left behind by Emperor Roselle. It uses his self-created mysterious symbols that have yet to be deciphered to date. Many historians and archaeologists believe that these notes contain the least known secrets of Emperor Roselle.

my own guesses. Perhaps these are the symbols he had agreed upon with his most beloved woman. They wrote about each other, but were never

writing novels… The corner of Klein’s mouth twitched. His eyes then turned to the notebook that was spread open in the display cabinet. On it were the simplified Chinese

March. Dammit, I’m almost constipated from eating the food

the ladies of Intis so open? Did I hit on her, or did she hit on me?

one side is the Church of the

doubt. Praise you, God of All

will make the Church of Craftsmanship change its name to the

be a diary entry written by Emperor Roselle in his early days. It’s

that were

are. I wonder if there is a chance of sneaking in and flipping through them… Klein looked around and saw that there were quite a few security personnel

the Church of the God of Steam and Machinery…he muttered under his breath and followed the female

created—”When You Are Old 1 .” The female guide looked at the manuscript in the

coffin can’t be held shut any longer! Klein couldn’t help

is a bracelet he made. This is the original manuscript of his novel… ” The

hard not to let his expression

Emperor Roselle, who was an Artisan in his Beyonder profession, was definitely very skilled

similar to Intis chess, but somehow it didn’t become popular… These are the toy blocks he invented; these were also for his children…” the female guide said

Chinese Chess… Furthermore, Lego wants to collect the licensing fees from you!

a single glance, he noticed that there was a woman over 1.7

hair that fell to her waist, and she had a perfectly

a young girl, but she wore a black, out-of-fashion bonnet, and

in front of the display cabinet and stared at the items inside for a long

when Klein and the others followed the guide to the next exhibition hall, she remained

female guide pointed ahead and

it’s only a

the exhibition

a library, lined with shelves which were two stories high. There were ladders sitting beneath them and aisles between them leading to

how the owner of this place had once climbed up and down the ladder in search of the book that he wanted to read…” The guide painted a vivid

seek it out for him. He wouldn’t do it himself…

row of bookshelves were desks, chairs, brass lampstands, and the like. They were all protected under the cover of glass and were blocked from making contact with the outside

found a stack of manuscripts which were all yellow

stack of manuscripts weren’t spread out, so one could only see the

detailed description: “This is a portable, miniaturized application of the telegraph. Through it, one

positioning. I think we can boldly cast our sights to the sky. There are

you aren’t even letting go of a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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