Sharron took the sedative that was stored in a glass tube, looked at the liquid that looked pure, and lightly nodded.


As expected of someone who doesn’t waste her breath… Klein smiled and said, “Miss Sharron, can you tell me the candidate locations for the battleground that you’ve decided on? I wish to familiarize myself with the surroundings in the next few days. This way, no matter where you ultimately choose, my preparations would be more than sufficient.”

And since they have the right to choose the location of the final battle, they won’t worry about the possibility of me informing the authorities or any other Beyonder who might try to take advantage of the situation… Of course, if she really doesn’t trust me, she could try another “notarization”… Klein thought quietly.

Sharron stared at him for a few seconds with her blue eyes before saying, “Prepare a map of Backlund when you’re back.

“Leave it on the coffee table.”

“No problem. I hope that this cooperation will not only go smoothly but also be enjoyable.” Klein habitually leaned forward to shake hands.

Sharron lowered her head to take a look, and her figure gradually faded into the air.

Klein continued his motion and raised his right hand to smooth his black hair, laughing dryly in the process.

He had asked for the location of the battleground ahead of time, not only to prepare for the mission but also to be on guard against Sharron and Maric.

Although their philosophy was to suppress and restrain their desires, and it was unlikely they wouldn’t kick someone to the curb when they’d outlived their usefulness. Klein couldn’t be sure that Wraith Steve, Zombie Jason, and Werewolf Tyre didn’t have what they had abnormally desired. If there really was a treasure that would cause any ordinary Beyonder to have strong malicious intent, Klein really couldn’t guarantee that the two Mutants would be able to control themselves.

Therefore, he had to figure out the environment in advance and prepare an escape route in the event that they wished to silence him.

It wasn’t that Klein didn’t trust Sharron, who he had went through life-and-death with, but it was the most basic form of self-protection.

One shouldn’t have the heart to harm others, but one must be vigilant so as to not be harmed… Klein turned his head to look out the window and sighed inwardly in Chinese.

One gas lamp after another kept being left behind as the carriage went forward. The streets became more spacious and cleaner, and it took him more than half an hour to get back to Minsk Street.

It’s really expensive taking a carriage at this time… Klein looked up at the nearly black sky and the red moon that seemed to barely pierce through the clouds.

He walked on for a while, and suddenly he saw that the house of Lawyer Jurgen was dark.

Pulling out his gold pocket watch, he pressed it open and glanced at it. With a chuckle, Klein detoured to Jurgen’s door and used the key that he had been given to open it.

At that moment, Brody the black cat was already quietly sitting behind the door, staring at the visitor with his pair of dark, round green eyes. The room was dark and silent, bleak and lonely.

but Brody quickly moved back and flung his hand

head with laughter, he got up, opened the valve, and lit the gas lamp. Following Jurgen’s descriptions, he went

he went into the kitchen, lit the kettle to boil some water,

it reached the counter. It sat

it, rehearsing the shredding of chicken breast in his mind

worried about

Are you feeling lonely and uncomfortable on your own? Do you feel like you lack a sense of belonging

voice slowly faded into

remained sitting there, quietly watching him. It didn’t make any noise, nor did

was invited to tea

a psychologist and a

forties. He looked to be

particularly outstanding. He

baby-faced lady who looked like a young girl studying at a public or grammar school even

four centimeters shorter than Audrey, and she had long raven-black

exchanged a few pleasantries with him, then she sat down, keenly

field of mysticism, she constantly paid attention

I’m already a Beyonder, and that I have already taken the Spectator and Telepathist potions… Audrey knew exactly what role

rounds of exchanges, she asked, “Do you know

of those,” Audrey cautiously answered, using only the knowledge she had obtained from

from Mr. Hanged Man what a Major Year and

to the number of years it takes for the planet to deviate from its axis, totaling 25,920 years. In the field of mysticism, this is considered a complete cycle that goes from the beginning to the end. A Major Month refers to the number of years it takes for this deviation to pass through one of the twelve constellations. Each Major Month represents 2,160 years. During the transition of Major Months, terrible disasters will occur. And according to calculations, we aren’t too many years away from the end of the current Major

as she asked the wrong questions from

of tea time, Alucard and Escalante stood up at the same time to take their leave, leaving Lady Norma’s

that they would eventually hint at the matter regarding the Psychology Alchemists, but in

direct… From the looks of it, they will need to interact with me a few times and observe me

Lady Norma walked her to the door, smiled, and said, “Audrey, I see that you’re also interested in psychology? Why not consider being a psychiatrist before

of the Goddess. They should be

to an agreement on marriage required a long process. Only after careful consideration and comparisons would they be able to make a decision. This was because this wasn’t only a matter between two youngsters,

of 18, proclaiming their adulthood and consideration for marriage, they often started a family after the age of 26

entry into politics for the first time was 28.5

years to do what she

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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