A-aren’t you making things difficult for me? Upon hearing Aaron’s request, Klein almost drew the crimson moon on his chest, but he ultimately resisted the urge and replied very seriously, “Perhaps there’s something about my behavior that has led you to misunderstand.

“But I have to tell you that faith is something that cannot be changed after it’s decided upon.”

Aaron immediately raised his arms and made an apologetic gesture.

“I’m sorry that I misunderstood your faithfulness. I shouldn’t have taken your faith as a joke.

“Alright, our differences in faith do not prevent us from becoming friends.”

Klein wiped away the fake expression he put on and smiled.

“That’s not true in Feysac and Feynapotter. They can only accept one faith.”

In comparison, with so many Churches coexisting for more than fourteen hundred years, Loen and Intis are much more open in this respect.

Before Aaron could answer, he casually changed the subject.

“Did you see Will Auceptin again? I’m referring to the kid that had one of his legs amputated, the one who said that your luck would turn for the worse.”

He was certain that the Nighthawks would follow the clues provided by Aaron, so he wondered what the outcome was. He was curious if the child who changed Aaron’s luck still had the tarot card in his possession.

“No, I haven’t seen him since he left the hospital.” Aaron shook his head firmly.

What a pity. The Nighthawks can find his address according to the hospital’s records, and it’s not convenient for me to be involved… Of course, the child might’ve moved away long ago. After a brief exchange with Aaron, Klein decided to head for the underground shooting range, familiarizing himself with his free revolver with ordinary bullets.

At this moment, two more acquaintances came in. One was a member of the National Atmospheric Pollution Council, Coim Company shareholder, Ma’am Mary, and the other was Klein’s landlord, Stelyn Sammer. They were all wearing relatively light skirts, making them look much younger.

According to the rules of the club, each member could only bring in one additional person; therefore, Mary’s maid and her bodyguard were left in the reception hall.

Klein politely greeted them and praised them out of courtesy, “Ladies, you two are as beautiful as ever today, and yet there is a beauty that’s different from your usual beauty.”

Having come into contact with a lot of important figures recently, Mary smiled and said, “Roselle said that exercise is a necessity of life, and Stelyn is always at home, dealing with trivial matters. Even when she’s out, she would be participating in parties and listening to operas. Her health is much worse than it used to be, so I brought her here to play tennis and squash.”

With her high cheekbones, she looked around and saw a member of the House of Commons and two other Members of Parliament of the greater Backlund area. She then turned to Stelyn and said, “I see someone I know. Excuse me while I head over to greet them. You can wait for me at the library.”

“Alright.” Compared to Mary, Stelyn was clearly much prettier, but towards this lady, she seemed very respectful and docile.

After Mary had gone some distance away, she slightly raised her chin, looked at Klein and asked, “Mr. Moriarty, you seem very busy these days?”

with a lot of detectives to help the police investigate the serial murder

covered her mouth


like? Why did he kill those ladies? The newspapers had been

have to comply with the confidentiality clause.” Klein deftly made up an

I can tell you that it had a body of black fur; a smooth, glistening tail;

and then she asked

was split among quite a number of us.” Klein didn’t

there fifty

“Yes.” Klein nodded “honestly.”

Stelyn Sammer smiled.

a lot more than I imagined. You really are a capable

come across such a case.” Klein

heh, there will be a lot of unmarried ladies at the party, and their fathers or mothers will have decent jobs, and their families will earn more than 200 pounds a year. Some of them have part-time jobs that they can

date party… Mrs. Stelyn has approved of my ability to make money as a detective, so she plans on introducing me to a girl? But in her eyes, am I only fit to be with a

all goes well, I’ll be there on

smiled and said, “Then Luke and

while Klein proceeded to practice his shooting and Beyonder

his desk, watching as the crimson moon gradually pierced through the clouds, revealing a full

red “veil” slowly spread out, and time passed by the minute. When it was quarter past ten, he heard illusory pleas that

easily guessed that it

went above the gray mist. There, he reached out to touch the shrinking

split-second, the hazy figure of Fors appeared on the chair with the symbol


Mr. Fool, you have saved me

to worry about,” Klein replied in a

was left speechless and sat

had just happened, so she didn’t say anything. As for Klein, he didn’t take the initiative to bring up any subjects in order to maintain his

towering palace which looked like a giant’s residence, the

suddenly felt that this atmosphere was a little

stifling! I need to say something, I have to. I can’t just sit here like an idiot… That’s Mr. Fool! He certainly wouldn’t care about anything, but I’m so nervous and restricted! Fors

he could clearly see Miss Magician’s restraint and uneasiness. He smiled and said, “Maybe

Apprentice formula and that bracelet… Klein silently added the real question he


three years ago. I just graduated

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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