Suggestions? My advice is to stay as far away as possible… Upon hearing The Sun’s question, Klein instantly had such an answer in his mind.

However, in order to preserve the image of The Fool and see what the others would suggest, he remained silent and did not manipulate The World to speak.

After a short moment of silence, Alger turned his head to look at The Sun. He said in a staid and gentle voice, “You have provided too little information, so it’s difficult for us to give any useful advice.

“The only thing we know of regarding that semi-destroyed temple is the presence of the True Creator, or in other words, the Fallen Creator’s unique statue. We don’t know what else is there, so naturally, we aren’t able to make much of an analysis of the situation.”

The Fallen Creator is indeed the True Creator… To think that there’s faith in the True Creator in the City of Silver where The Sun lives. There’s even a temple built… The Magician Fors listened with relish and almost wanted to write it down. Justice Audrey waited for The Sun’s description of the strange temple in anticipation.

Derrick nodded, his eyes looking up for a few seconds before he said, “In addition to the statue, there are also many incomplete murals with terrifying evil spirits lingering around. However, they have already been eliminated by the exploration team led by two elders from the six-member council…

“I’ve yet to see those murals with my own eyes. It’s said that it records the prophecy of the end of days and how the Fallen Creator will save his believers, as well as the corresponding bloody ritual…

“In the corner of a certain mural, there are some strange characters that appear to be evolved from Jotun. After some deciphering, a few elders believe that they meant: Rose Redemption.

“This might a code name for the original muralist. It might also be the code name of the organization that built the temple and the city.

“According to the Chief’s judgment, these murals are at least a thousand years old.

“The thousand years I’m referring to is the one that you know, uh, but I’m not completely sure. In the City of Silver, w-we use the frequency of lightning to demarcate our days. It’s considered night when the lightning eases up and day when there’s plenty of lightning. One cycle is a day, and the four seasons only exist in books, so we can’t grasp the specific number of days. Only the Chief can confirm that.”

At this point in The Sun’s story, Fors suspected that she was listening to a fairytale.

A city without the sun, without the red moon, without day and night or changes in the seasons, it sounded unreal no matter how she listened to it! Only fairytales or novels would make such daring descriptions!

And the author has to smoke cannabis and be in a state of psychotic madness in order to create such a city… The first thought that came to her mind after her astonishment was, I want to use the City of Silver as a blueprint for a novel!

However, she soon gave up on this idea, for she didn’t know what the City of Silver really implied. She wasn’t sure if it was a secret that was collectively concealed by the Seven Churches, and she was afraid that as soon as the book was published, she, as the author, would have the Nighthawks knocking on her door, claiming to collect the copper pennies in her gas meter.

The Sun also often mentions of monsters lurking deep in the darkness… Unfortunately, I’m only at Sequence 8. Otherwise, I would really like to ask Mr. Fool to send me there for an adventure. No, Audrey, you are no longer an innocent girl. You should

in existence for more than three centuries. It might not even be two centuries old. It’s unlikely to be built by them… Hmm, perhaps the True Creator’s faith had begun as early as the Fifth Epoch or even the Fourth Epoch. However, the organization that revered “Him” wasn’t the Aurora Order… In the next one to two thousand years, the seven Orthodox Churches have been repressing it, causing the True Creator’s believers to be in a crisis. The Churches have destroyed them again and again, and finally, they had resurrected themselves as the Aurora Order? Klein,

paused for two seconds and continued, “A preliminary clean up of the terrifying monsters in the city ruins and the half-destroyed temple has been done. Our mission this time is to explore the underground parts

understanding of the Fallen Creator, what

Alger said without almost any hesitation, “My advice is absolutely not

if ‘His’ temple has been destroyed, it might still contain abnormal danger which cannot be easily detected. If the one leading your team is one of the other elders of the six-member council, then there’s nothing wrong if you insist on going. It will just be risky. But you just mentioned that the person in charge

the half-destroyed temple. You could’ve come up with this conclusion with the conditions at the beginning… I understand. Mr. Hanged Man, you were doing it on purpose. This way, you got a rough idea of the state of the temple without paying anything… You’re really just bullying a little kid… Sitting at the end of the table, Klein leisurely reached

having been put in a tough

Hanged Man chuckled and said,

mission? Find an opportunity and deliberately let the monsters injure you. As for how serious it should be, you can reference the past


“That actually works?”

confusion, Derrick frowned and said, “But I

Alger sneered.

can push yourself to the brink of losing control. Under such a situation, I believe the higher-ups of the City of Silver would definitely not bring ‘dangerous baggage’ with them on the exploratory

is a trick; as long as you keep your spirituality in an empty state for two days, you will begin to hear auditory hallucinations and show signs of losing control. If

Your recovery would definitely be quick, so you need to time yourself

was stunned for quite a while before he muttered to himself, “Yes, those who show signs of losing control will be placed under control and be quarantined

of this trick of pushing yourself to the brink of losing control? If you use this trick often, losing control might really

was dumbstruck when she heard this. She felt

lie to the City of Silver’s elders, Alger slowly asked, “Do the other elders of the six-member council know that the Fallen Creator controls the

don’t.” Derrick shook

again, “Do you think it’s possible that Shepherd Elder Lovia will do harm to the City of Silver? Just answer yes or no;

Yes.” Derrick finally

only one who knows of this matter, but you haven’t found a way to warn the other elders of the


changed his seating posture

that half-destroyed temple, then who will be able to find a way to expose the strangeness of Shepherd Lovia? Who can save

are not pretending to lose control or lying to others for your own

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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