After the private communication between The World and The Sun, the Tarot Gathering began its free discussion session. Audrey asked with great interest about the unique scenery of the sea and of any strange happenings, while Alger gave selective descriptions according to his own knowledge.

Fors listened quietly and was inspired to write a novel about a Pirate King, of how he captures a female passenger and has a complex love affair with her, a fantasy that coexisted with reality.

Derrick could only imagine what the sea looked like based on the paintings in the City of Silver and the corresponding words.

In the end, Klein, whose spirituality was gradually drained, announced the end of the Tarot Gathering. After which, he quickly returned to the real world and made up for it with a nap.

Half past seven at night. In Empress Borough. Inside a particular noble’s house.

Fors put on a hooded robe. After so many days, she was once again attending the gathering organized by Mr. A.

She sat quietly in a corner, and whilst pretending to casually survey her surroundings, she noticed that Mr. A, who was sitting alone on the sofa, seemed a little different from before.

This wasn’t a change in appearance or temperament, because the other party’s face was completely hidden in the shadow of his hood, preventing her from making out anything.

The difference she felt was an almost intuitive feeling.

Mr. A is no longer as carefree and indifferent as before, with him always looking at everyone in a supercilious manner. The current him seems to be very repressed —like he’s trying his best to control something. He feels a lot more dangerous now.

In the past, Mr. A was a mountain. Now, he’s more like a reared up snake, sticking out its tongue vociferously… The best-selling writer, Fors, suddenly felt grateful that she hadn’t gotten Xio to come with her since she needed to hide matters about the Tarot Club and not let her know that she was looking for something in the Sun domain.

This way, even if there are any accidents, my escape would be much easier… She rotated the bracelet which only had two stones left.

She was in no hurry to write down her request to hand over to the attendant. Instead, she patiently observed for a while.

It wasn’t that she was naturally cautious, but the lessons of the past had left her with deep impressions. The two stones on her bracelet were evidence of this.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, she finally picked up a piece of paper and a pen in front of her and wrote in deliberately distorted handwriting: “Seeking to buy mystical items or powerful Beyonder weapons in the Sun domain.”

After handing the note to the attendant, Fors looked around again, but she couldn’t find the Eternal Blazing Sun believer, who had helped with the purification and exorcism ritual, among the disguised or masked figures.

Trades took place as the attendants shuttled about. The entire hall remained quiet and orderly.

After an exchange in the middle of the gathering, Fors’s request was added to the two chalkboards right in front.

Not long after, she received a reply from the attendant.

slip of white paper was filled with dense

It can make the wearer an Envoy of Light, an attendant of the Sun. They will be immune to various diseases and wield sacred powers. The wearer can summon blinding light and use several spells in the Sun domain. It can purify all dead spirits

the ring, they will be enhanced; otherwise, they will

if the wearer utilizes it too often, they will slowly become a believer of

to obtain it, then please pay me 9,000 in cash at once. I can

Fors’s mouth gaped open, as though the

she wouldn’t be able to borrow, even

deposit for the assassination of the Intis Ambassador, the amount of money she had seen so far combined had never been

with 9,000 pounds in cash was considered a tycoon, even in

getting the 9,000 pounds and not participate in Beyonder gatherings anymore and leave the circle so as to enjoy life in peace? For a moment, she didn’t

minutes, but when she received no additional response or response to relatively inexpensive Beyonder weapons, she got up and went to

toilet door and sat down on the toilet. She recited Mr. Fool’s

sounds, quickly went above the endless gray

pounds? He mouthed the number, his expression twisting

could raise in a short period of time, he let out a breath, conjured the fake person,

this mystical item is too serious. I do not wish to be a believer of the

this anymore. We’ll

and you’ll get

finished his sentence, he cut the connection. Watching as The World disappeared, he raised his hand to rub his forehead and muttered to himself, “Next, I’ll have to see the information on what kind of items that

can only purchase that brooch

sigh of relief. She indicated that she would

opportunity to see if there are any Beyonder ingredients I need… She returned to

much less consider bargaining. Even if the seller was willing to discount it by a thousand

the end of the gathering, and because of Mr. A’s changes, she didn’t linger or talk to anyone.

more than ten minutes, the gathering came to a

A got up and walked down the stairs

his knees buckled, and he fell to the ground, rolling down

was sprawled on the ground, and the shadow beneath him

and blood melted and mixed into the shadow, making it look like a brand-new, skinless,

to normal as his

blood and flesh, that had

returned back

and knelt in the basement,

that he wasn’t vigilant enough and caused the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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