Capim lay flat on the ground, itching and aching, wishing he could tear himself apart on the spot to rid himself of this hellish pain.

Then, he saw a scarlet wave of fire that spread over in a flash, and he heard a deafening explosion.

He imagined that this last moment would seem infinitely long and that it would allow him to recall all of the beautiful scenes when his wife and children were still by his side. He thought that he would feel relieved because he would no longer have to endure this inhuman torture, but at that moment, extreme fear and an intense desire to live surged from the bottom of his heart. And the so-called memories didn’t even flash past his mind before he was overwhelmed by an excruciating pain before being plunged into deep darkness.


The dining room windows were blasted apart, accompanied by countless brick fragments and rubble, as well as the burning tongues of fire that kept reaching outwards.

The guards patrolling this area were immediately knocked over. Those who were lucky enough to not get hit had their ears left ringing. Their bodies either swayed, staggered, or fell.

They saw that more than half of the dining room’s outer wall had collapsed and that the flames seemed to be floating in midair.

The residents of the entire street and the police officers in charge of the surrounding area heard a loud boom at the same time, leaving them confused and frightened.

In the dining room, dressed in black armor and a black crown, Klein stood there, bathing in the red flames and enjoying the strong blasts of the waves without flinching.

A lot of the black gases around him had dispersed, and even his Spirit Body had suffered some damage, but it wasn’t serious at all.

Beside a toppled table, Parker and Capim were blasted into a corner, their heads were cracking and their bodies charred.

The surface of their bodies was still quietly burning with flames, and the rest of the servants were in a similar state.

In the area opposite the fireplace, Katy, who had been unable to avoid the attack in time, was slammed into the wall and then fell to the ground. Her body was mangled and covered in blood, and there were a lot of charred marks on her skin. Not a single piece of her skin remained intact.

She wasn’t dead yet, but she had fainted from her severe injuries. Even so, she still coughed while convulsing, inhaling large amounts of the lingering flames.

The black whip also suffered similar damage. Many cracks appeared on its surface, and a small portion of the whip was ignited. None of the Beyonder bullets that she possessed were spared from the explosion.

Katy was no longer capable of fighting.

Harras had rolled in time to protect his vitals, but there was still a lot of blood and charred flesh on him.

He staggered to his feet, revealing that his back, his hairband, and his legs were ablaze with red flames.

His breathing became more difficult, and his body suffered relatively severe injuries.

However, this was sufficient to prove the robustness and strength of his body. Or rather, having worn the black iron glove, his body became sufficiently robust, and his physique was sufficiently strong!

However, this was within Klein’s expectations.

Since he was unable to assess how much damage his opponent could take, he had overestimated his enemy’s constitution while coming up with a plan.

Out of the corner of his eye, Harras saw that Klein was almost perfectly fine. His pupils shrank as he hurriedly stretched out his left hand and pointed in that direction. He said in a low voice, “Exile!”

Again, Klein failed to resist and was pushed away like scrap paper in a hurricane. He flew out of the dining room. In the hall outside, after the momentary ignition, the fire had already weakened. Another wave of disaster was brewing due to the wooden staircase, but the damage here wasn’t too severe because the main body of the explosion had been “confined” to the dining room.

this opportunity, Harras suddenly turned around and ran outside without

flames covering his body were still burning,

of losing control. Furthermore, the effects of the poison would soon reach its peak. Compounded by these two factors, he didn’t think

believed that if this battle continued, the only thing that awaited him was having the poison act up

to run, he didn’t care about Katy, who was still

immediately raised his head, opened his mouth, and let out


feet paused for a moment. His skin, which was still in relatively

quickly recovered and continued his mad

kill… Klein didn’t pursue him, in order to avoid an

to rescue the victims and not

injuries. If he were to give chase, he might not be able to stop Harras’s berserk


fingers and fired

in the head, ending her

that, Klein turned around and flew towards the

an eye on the situation outside, but he didn’t dare to

he held a high-pressure steam rifle and had his Spirit Vision activated. He had

specter fly over, and


mist was ejected from the barrel, and a sharp-tipped pale-gold

and long had a hunch. He had drawn out a small

past the front door, and to the

steam rifle and took on a threatening pose as he quickly moved

big commotion must’ve attracted a lot of attention. He couldn’t be certain that the Mandated Punishers would come over to investigate. Therefore, his only choice was to

by a hammer. He saw stars as a few drops of blood dripped

at Klein to stop him,

on chasing and fighting. He turned off the main valve, went to

Bang! Bang! Bang!

the invisible

of Harras’s Confinement in the underground dungeon, as long as it wasn’t a frontal assault, he didn’t have to worry about

been held based on the revelation from his prior

his body turned illusory and melted into the metal

Creak! Creak! Creak!

after another, as though an invisible specter was running to unlock

Creak! Creak! Creak!

side was done, he did it

the other girls were frightened by the explosion outside. After a while, she was surprised to find that the door to her cell was open

disciplined at all since they were recently kidnapped, mustered

they left the burning


they could just barely make out an imposing figure standing upright on top of the evil building. It was clad in full black


the figure began to

sought a nearby cathedral with their mistrust towards the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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