With a crackle, branched lightning lit up the early-winter night with a silvery-white flash.

It didn’t smite the ground, but instead, it tore through the air, illuminating the spot where Klein stood, as if it was daytime, making him stand out.

Spellsinger of God, Ace Snake, retracted his gaze, his face was gloomy as he whispered, “Rose School of Thought?

“It’s not a wraith, nor is it an undead creature…”

The mature middle-aged man with a pair of golden eyes turned his head to the side to look at Capim’s corpse and said, “Covering the target’s corpse with tarot cards…

“This is the second time something like this has happened in the past two months.”

“When was the first instance?” Cardinal Snake asked in a deep voice.

The mature middle-aged man in the well-ironed formal suit coughed lightly and said, “The time when the True Creator attempted to descend into this world with the help of a swindler.”

“Then it’s not the Rose School of Thought.” Cardinal Snake made a definite judgment.

Although those organizations that worshiped evil gods weren’t fond of anyone, they wouldn’t deliberately foil the plans of their counterparts; instead, they wished to see their counterparts succeed, waiting for them to make a mess of the situation.

“I think so too. Perhaps it’s the appearance of a new secret organization. Their characteristic feature is to scatter tarot cards all over the target’s body.” The middle-aged man smiled. “And the different appearance of the tarot cards imply different meanings… This corpse has two cards over his face. One is ‘Judgment,’ and the other is ‘The Emperor.”Judgment’ is the motive and goal, while ‘The Emperor’ is the organization’s code name? Of course, this might also be a type of ritual.”

Cardinal Snake didn’t respond as he surveyed the area.

“Let’s see what exactly happened here.”

It was only at this point in time that the first batch of Mandated Punishers arrived at Capim’s villa.

Above the gray fog, having only used Paper Figurine Substitutes thrice and not being pushed to his limits, Klein was about to use divination to confirm Daisy’s safety afterward.

“Daisy will successfully return home.” Holding the spirit pendulum in his left hand, he closed his eyes and silently chanted the sentence.

After repeating it seven times, Klein opened his eyes and saw the topaz pendant turning counterclockwise, but it moved with a very slow frequency and a tiny amplitude.

This means that Daisy’s journey home will be quite a bumpy one but almost negligible… After interpreting the revelation, Klein was relieved of his final concerns.

He then looked at the two items in front of him, both of which were radiating with a strong spiritual luster.

One of them was a light blue, translucent hexagonal pillar. There were traces of light flashing through it, as though it was lightning that came from the depths of one’s consciousness. This was the Beyonder characteristic left behind by Ma’am Katy.

The other belonged to Parker, who hadn’t been able to play a role in the battle. His Beyonder characteristic had condensed into a ball, like a child’s fist.

was made up of three colors—iron-black and dark red

and paper. He was ready to use these two Beyonder characteristics to

to Sequence 7, because of the additional influences that had been left on the Beyonder characteristics he had, it was almost impossible to use divination to determine the formulas. Even if this mysterious space

method Klein could use,

characteristic for a divination above the gray fog; however, there was a high probability of

exception, Klein had

he also had some gains, and that was to be able to find out the corresponding

Interrogator… Aren’t these from the Arbiter pathway? This pathway is controlled by the royal family, the military, and a small number of ancient aristocratic families in Loen. Any leaks of formulas

doesn’t make sense… Harras is much more powerful than Katy, so perhaps he’s a Sequence 6 of this pathway. After wearing that glove, he might even be as

Kingdom, Feynapotter’s Castiya family also possesses this Beyonder pathway, which is then transmitted to their army and intelligence system…

to divine a few of his conjectures, but he

the long bronze table as he muttered to himself, As long as I have the formula, with the corresponding supplementary ingredients, these two Beyonder characteristics will be able to turn a person into a Sequence 8 Sheriff and Sequence 7 Interrogator… Miss Magician’s friend who’s called Xio

doing it through The World doesn’t seem rather appropriate. I deliberately left the tarot cards this time. If Miss Justice were to hear of this matter, then

Beyonder characteristics fly to the

names are for the Arbiter pathway’s Sequence 6 and 5… It seems like something that uses order and laws… Judge? Klein put away those thoughts and closed

lively as the potion stirred. He felt that his digestion of

of the “Magician rules.” The remaining minutiae were good to have,

fountain pen and goatskin, Klein enhanced his memory

“The Magician’s Rules:

“1. Never perform unprepared.


two core tenets of the “Magician’s Rules.” Grasping them would be key, and the

Take the initiative

get applause

control of

the dark red fountain pen, Klein skimmed through it and judged

“acting” instances would be enough to allow me to digest the Magician potion before new year’s. If I were to challenge an impossible performance during this period,

about two

this, Klein rubbed his temples,

he suddenly laughed and said self-deprecatingly,

his voice echoed, Klein’s figure disappeared from the space above the

the cheap hotel in the Backlund Bridge area, he suddenly opened his eyes and

quickly clearing up everything, Klein put on a thick worker’s jacket

the sweet iced tea that he had bought earlier and looked at his blurry figure which was reflected in the window. There was a heartfelt smile on his face as he whispered,

his sentence, he touched the glass with his

hotel. The nearby gas lamps were already fully lit up, and pedestrians and carts

7:58, he knocked on the door of the Beyonder gathering organized by

wore an iron mask and a hooded robe, acting completely

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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