The crimson moon outside the window was obscured by the clouds, its moonlight that penetrated through the curtain barely outlined the large objects in the bedroom. The darkness and intensity became the main theme of the room.

Klein sat in such an environment and was in no hurry to leave.

He looked at the sleeping Dr. Aaron and began to analyze the images he had seen in the dream.

Will Auceptin eventually held the Wheel of Fortune card in his hand. And in such a dream, everything symbolizes something. It’s a revelation obtained by one’s Astral Projection… In other words, Will Auceptin’s matter is related to fate. Furthermore, that giant silver snake might very well represent the Snake of Mercury. This child might actually be related to a High-Sequence Beyonder, be of the Monster pathway, or some strange Sealed Artifact…

Does his danger stem from the Snake of Mercury or the result of greed due to the strange Sealed Artifact?

But the Snake of Mercury is Sequence 1. It’s an existence closest to that of a god. Just its name on its own is an embodiment of “His” high level. It’s impossible that “He” can’t do anything to a child like Will Auceptin. That Amon who is of an unknown Sequence number—perhaps Sequence 1, 2, or 3—could even invade the space above the gray fog with just an avatar…

This matter doesn’t seem to be that simple. There must be a huge secret behind his matter.

At this thought, Klein had already decided to pull back completely.

It’s obviously a very dangerous matter. Furthermore, that tarot card might not be a mystical item. What’s special might very well be Will Auceptin himself. Yes, apart from having nightmares, Dr. Aaron’s troubles are already settled. There’s no reason for me to get involved in it. To proactively act on this and challenge the impossible is nearly identical to suicide… Hmm, yes, I must follow what my heart tells me! Klein pushed the surface of the dressing table with his black-gloved right hand and slowly stood up.

Having just entered the dream, he was completely convinced that Dr. Aaron’s nightmare came from a revelation that his Astral Projection had received in the spirit world. And that revelation had been deliberately created and provided by a high-level existence. The paper crane was just a tool for locating him.

According to a chapter in the Book of Secrets, Klein could also try to use the paper crane to find Dr. Aaron’s Astral Projection in the spirit world and observe the source of the revelation, but he had already decided to not get involved.

Stretching his body, Klein flipped through Dr. Aaron’s leather wallet with the last of his curiosity, and he took out the paper crane.

He placed the paper crane on the tip of his cane, and he held them simultaneously. Then, his eyes turned deep as he softly muttered to himself, “Will Auceptin’s current location.”

After the divination sentence was repeated seven times, a breeze suddenly blew in the room, bringing with it a cool feeling as if it were blowing on one’s soul.

Klein let go of his right palm, and the cane stood firm before falling down with the paper cranes, pointing diagonally at the bed.

“There…” Klein frowned and moved to another position. He repeated the divination and successfully received his feedback.

And the intersection point of the two divinations was Dr. Aaron!

Will Auceptin’s position overlaps with that of Dr. Aaron… That’s interesting… Klein said to himself, amused and amazed.

was piqued

involved in this matter, he wanted

bring the paper crane above the gray fog for divination. With the gray fog’s obstruction, there won’t be any accidents… Klein quickly came

himself in Dr. Aaron’s

and he had hoped to find Will Auceptin, seeing if he had the opportunity to obtain the tarot card. Therefore, he had prepared another paper crane to replace

of it, Klein took out the paper

gray fog, just in case Dr. Aaron had suddenly decided to hand over anything related to

and the details would

Will Auceptin’s paper crane and his, to see if there were

them, Klein immediately

even comparable to a

original one carefully, then he wouldn’t be able to tell

this, he put his paper crane back into Aaron’s wallet and returned it to its original position. He then

he was taking a bath, he summoned himself and

and empty palace hall, he picked up the paper crane and carefully examined it for a few seconds,

wrote the same

and he was pleasantly surprised to see an image appear in the world of the gray

help of a chair

held a stack of tarot cards in each hand,

blocks formed a ring-shaped snake that connected itself from

scene outside the window was just as dark, and there was the faint sound of flowing

tapped the edge of the long bronze table with his finger, and he said to himself, That Ouroboros-like snake is indeed the Snake of Mercury? That means

of running water outside the window. Does that mean that Will Auceptin’s current position is close to the Tussock

divined his position, was the overlap with

curiosity. He barely interpreted the situation and planned to exchange the paper crane tomorrow night. He would then

leave such matters to the officials… Klein let out a chuckle and returned

leisurely bath, he didn’t get busy

clearly dreaming. He was

He turned his head to look at the door like he usually

a figure in a gray coat walked

old, with a long, thin face with a broad forehead,

Klein suddenly gave a self-deprecating laugh, let out a silent breath, and turned the Book of Secrets in his

flipped through the magazine,

his hat and sat down across him, seemingly casually asking him, “Aaron came to see you this

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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