On Sunday morning, shortly after Klein finished his breakfast, he heard the doorbell ring as he had expected.

But to his surprise, it wasn’t just Reporter Mike Joseph. Dr. Aaron was with him as well.

“Sherlock, I had that nightmare again last night. I don’t think it’s normal.” Aaron didn’t keep matters a secret even with Mike around, revealing it the moment he entered the living room.

Without waiting for Klein’s reply, he took out his wallet and took out a paper crane.

“Do you think this is the problem?

“Ever since I found it and started to carry it with me, I’ve been having nightmares.”

Klein nonchalantly glanced at it when his expression froze suddenly. If he hadn’t been a Clown in the past and had great control over his facial muscles, then he might’ve revealed an undisguised smile in front of the reporter and doctor. Yes, a smile.

This… this paper crane is even uglier than the one I made… This was the first thought that came to Klein’s mind.

At that moment, he had the urge to cover his face and sigh.

Could having poor handicraft skills be a tradition of the Nighthawks?

There was no doubt that the paper crane in front of him was the result of another switch. After receiving accurate information from Klein, the Nighthawks had seemingly sneaked into Dr. Aaron’s bedroom without any delay and switched their folded paper crane for the one in his wallet.

But what they didn’t expect was that the one in the wallet was also a fake. It was folded by Klein above the gray fog and appeared rather crude.

I feel an inexplicable sense of joy… Klein glanced at Dr. Aaron, who didn’t notice it, cleared his throat, and said, “Perhaps. I suggest that you go to the cathedral again and talk to the bishop you previously talked to. We need to believe that the gods that we believe in are always watching over us.”

As he spoke, he drew a triangular Sacred Emblem on his chest.

After the Nightmare had left last night, Klein had specifically gone above the gray fog to divine if it was dangerous having switched the paper crane. The result was that it was very safe. Thus, he was now able to make this suggestion with great interest, in an attempt to tease his former colleagues.

I wonder how they would feel seeing the paper crane that they didn’t fold very well return to them… Klein placated Dr. Aaron in all seriousness and turned to the reporter and said with a smile, “Mike, to tell the truth, what I really want to advise Aaron to do is to go see a psychiatrist, but faith can certainly soothe his soul.”

“You’re not being frank at all.” Mike laughed. “All right, let’s go.”

The next day, Klein accompanied the Daily Observer reporter into East Borough to interview the rescued girls.

With a full pound as payment for the interview, no one refused it, not even some of the abused girls.

the main focus. The current situation of the girls was another main focus. The former made people angry, while the latter left people feeling

for food. Less than a third of those who were rescued were like her, and most of them were the kinds with some savings at home, and they were in a position that allowed the

working hard in order to survive. And in the face of the mass unemployment of textile workers, they were often only able to find temporary jobs with low wages. Those with parents and siblings who hadn’t lost their jobs were still okay; at least, they were able to help each other, barely filling their stomachs. The families in less optimistic situations had

turn silent like before, and it was only when it was dark and once he left East Borough before his spirit

to you. Otherwise, I definitely would’ve been blackmailed today

that why you hired me?” Klein smiled politely

had helped search for Daisy for free. Especially when Daisy, who was pretty smart, was

and walked on in silence for a

he boarded the carriage, he suddenly let out a

use Capim’s estate to set up a bursary fund, which will use the annual income to help the rescued girls and others who have

Bandit, his greatest wealth is the property he

said in sincere praise, “You’re the best reporter I’ve ever

are plenty of reporters like me. There are always idealists in the world.” Mike

pounds to Klein and took off

in the other direction when Mike suddenly opened the window and asked with a jibing smile, “Sherlock, I’m

stunned for a moment, then he


City of Silver.

trapped beast, Derrick Berg

He was worried that the exploration team members, who had been affected by the Fallen Creator to an unknown extent, would cause devastating damage to this

a situation, he was eager to obtain advice from Mr. Hanged Man, Miss Justice, and company, who were rather familiar

was the Tarot Gathering he anticipated

me, I will pray directly to him… Derrick tried to

saw the endless gray fog and heard the messianic voice say, “Prepare for the

Derrick sat down on the edge of the bed carefully and lay down, pretending to be ready to sleep due to

silently counting a thousand rapid heartbeats, he waited for a while before he

streaked across the sky outside his window, keeping the

corner of his bed, a black figure

figure quickly grew tall and

for nearly a minute, then withdrew

shadows remained

fog lingered beneath his feet as usual. The long bronze table in front of him was mottled with green rust, but it didn’t seem to be rotten at all. The first things that Derrick saw were Miss Justice and Miss Magician sitting opposite him. The familiar, jovial greeting

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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