Derrick was originally anxious to ask about the Fallen Creator, but when he heard The Hanged Man’s question, he answered honestly, “He’s dead.”

“He’s dead?” Justice, The Hanged Man, and The Magician expressed their surprise at the same time.

They really didn’t expect this turn of events. After all, the former captain of the exploration team had been locked up for decades without any problems. Who would’ve thought that he would die right after they discussed about him!?

At this moment, aside from Mr. Fool, only the gloomy and reserved The World maintained his original state.

Derrick nodded and said, “Yes. After I returned to the City of Silver, I wanted to glean more information from the former captain using Mr. Hanged Man’s suggestions, but he suddenly appeared behind me, asking me if I was looking for him.”

Upon hearing this, Audrey suddenly drew a short breath.

Although The Sun obviously lacked the ability to tell a good story, his simple descriptions still gave her the feeling of reading horror novels late into the night. It was as if someone was standing behind her, also asking, “Are you looking for me?”

Fors was as frightened as she was excited, having found the feeling she had as a child listening to her mother’s recount of a ghost story. Despite covering her ears in fear, it felt like someone had possessed her and pried open the gaps between her fingers, allowing the voice to be transmitted into her brain.

This passage can be written into a novel! As a best-selling writer, she had outstanding professional instincts!

Alger, being experienced and knowledgeable, subconsciously asked, “Doesn’t your City of Silver’s dungeon have seals targeting Rampagers? Is there no barrier between them? I remember that last time you said that there was a very powerful and mysterious item at the core.”

“Yes, but I don’t know how or why he came to my room. He had completely lost control of himself—his head had split open in the middle and fluid kept flowing out. There were many cracks on his body, and each crack was a mouth,” Derrick said, describing the scene in passing.

“Then, how did you survive? How did you escape from his, no—its jaws?” Fors felt immersed, and it was also a question which Audrey was concerned about.

Alger’s reaction was very different from theirs. He thoughtfully murmured, “It doesn’t make sense to put you—a person who only shows signs of losing control—next to such a dangerous fellow.

“From the looks of it, the upper echelons of your City of Silver, the members of the six-member council, deliberately made you interact with him, hoping to gather useful information from him and observe any corresponding changes.

“So, which elder saved you?”

Derrick’s mouth gaped a little, feeling as if Mr. Hanged Man had personally seen and heard everything that had happened.

the situation I described, he was able to guess the truth. How amazing!Derrick answered with admiration, “Yes, just as you said,

admiration from The Sun, Alger

as one is experienced enough, you’ll easily


ran her

didn’t think in that direction… The World

frowned slightly and slowly asked, “You said that not long

control for decades, but he suddenly lost control after

and looked at Mr. Fool. Seeing that Mr. Fool was very calm and without any hint of abnormalities, his mood immediately eased. All the uneasiness he had just

person discovered the Tarot Club and the secret above the gray fog, but

two reasons. One was because I chose the Sun pathway, and you said that the Amon family was the descendant of an ancient sun god. The other reason is that he noticed that Mr. Fool was pulling me in to attend the gathering, so changes happened to him, and it was

it proven?” Alger pressed, leaving no stone

that Mr. Fool was pulling him in to attend the gathering? Someone can really detect it? How

at the end of the long bronze table, and she was

Fool, it’s just a trivial matter… Audrey

As expected, with so many pathways and so many Sequences, there would always be a Beyonder power that can detect this… But for me right now, this is a very bad

finished off by the

Derrick conjured a

matching pointed hat, a crystal monocle, a

any of you seen him before?” Derrick

Justice, The Magician, and The

Derrick continued, “Amon’s shadow was eliminated by the Chief with the help of the

me that it was

I was fine, he allowed me to return home.

strange and terrifying incident, and the Chief let you go home just like that? And the moment you returned home, you didn’t

“Yes,” Derrick answered blankly.

with that? He found Mr. Hanged

couldn’t immediately figure out what was wrong. She just believed that if she were in his shoes, she definitely wouldn’t have done

of that was to use up a stone on my bracelet and start bearing the curse

“After having such an interaction with that strange Amon, do you think the Chief

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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