After a brief moment of blankness, Audrey quickly understood what The Sun was saying—he was saying that Mr. Fool had sent “His” angel to purify Amon’s avatar!


Mr. Fool sent an angel!

Mr. Fool really has an angel as an attendant!

Every angel has at least the power of a Sequence 2…

Although that’s expected and I’ve already expected it, it’s still amazing because it has finally been verified!

And only deities can control angels!

Audrey’s eyes shone with excitement. She couldn’t help but wonder what Mr. Fool’s angel looked like.

I wonder if I’ll be lucky enough to see that… She looked towards the end of the long bronze table with admiration and zeal.

At the same time, her spiritual perception told her that Mr. World, who was always gloomy, had also sat up straight in shock, which pleased her inexplicably.

Fors recalled what had happened to her previously. She had only asked Mr. Fool to interfere with any divinations, and she ended up seeing a twelve-winged archangel descend, enveloping her Spirit Body with its wings.

It really was an angel… Black wings, an archangel with twelve pairs of wings… And this really is just a routine procedure for Mr. Fool. “He” would send an angel to help members of the gathering get out of trouble… Fors suddenly didn’t dare to look up at the gentleman who was sitting leisurely at the end of the long bronze table.

Although she was still only Sequence 9, and she hadn’t received a complete education in the field of mysticism, she had been involved with different Beyonder circles for three years. She would’ve learned of certain things even if she didn’t deliberately find out about them.

In the midst of all of this, there was a very important clause: “You may not look directly at God.”

In the past, this sentence didn’t leave much of an impression on Fors, but now she suddenly felt that it was the truth, the truth derived from countless bloody lessons.

Angel? Mr. Fool really does have an angel by his side! The Hanged Man felt a wave of fear and baffling excitement hit him, causing his body to tremble slightly.

and responded to prayers and rituals, this had indirectly expressed the notion that Mr. Fool was equivalent to a god. However, direct evidence was still lacking. But now, an angel has appeared! The existence of that alone is enough to explain many things! Amongst them, the most important thing is that Angels represent the most direct form of deterrence! Mr. Fool is not without influence in the real world… Even if “He” doesn’t go through his adorers, “He” can still project his majesty onto a certain region… Alger immediately thought of

that, he started to think about the details of what The Sun

that ritual, “He”

obstacles? This is consistent with my earlier judgment that “He”

before was because “He” has escaped a little? “He” is gradually freeing


new member were to question me in the future, I would make preparations in

of Mr. Hanged Man and Miss Justice. From his point of view, wasn’t it normal that an angel served

was purified, I coughed out a worm that was exactly identical to the one in the dungeon. Do you know what it

successfully conjured a projection of a

time, they shook their heads, indicating that they had never seen or heard of

related… This can barely be considered an explanation and can be verified from two angles… However, why is it that the current Eternal Blazing Sun is the Inextinguishable Light, Embodiment of Order,

his gaze

thought for a moment before saying, “It should be the vessel

of Time. However, no one has ever seen them before. Many people suspect that it’s actually the

echelons of particular Churches and above, the information itself is of great value. Is Mr. Hanged Man saying this

vessel that Amon created for his avatar…” Derrick whispered to himself, as

asked, “What can it be used for? I

don’t know.” Faced with The Sun’s trust and respectful

that moment, The Fool, who was sitting at the very end of the long

what Klein had surmised from the

worried that he would say anything wrong, because it was

the ritual that requires a Worm of Time just serves to prove that you’re not

rituals… Audrey and the others instantly

threatened the existence of the City of Silver. “The exploratory team is back. I’m referring to the team led by Shepherd Elder Lovia. They completed the exploration of the

by the True Creator,” Alger didn’t hesitate to

Creator? Audrey couldn’t help but look

by Mr. Fool’s adorer. She had even guessed that the leader of their Tarot Club was going to be “The

refusing to

Man calmly said, “Describe

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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