Darc? The image of Darc appeared in Derrick’s mind.

He was of medium height, slightly plump, and strong. He was an optimistic, cheerful teenager who often beamed with a friendly smile. He was a classmate during general education and a teammate of the patrol squad.

But after this exploration of the Fallen Creator’s half-destroyed temple, he had become reserved and merely smiled at everyone.

Once he recalled Darc Regence’s changes, Derrick couldn’t help but quiver as he felt a chill down his spine.

Why did he suddenly come looking for me? Shouldn’t he be heading home after being removed from quarantine? At that moment, many questions arose in Derrick’s mind.

Suddenly, he thought of a possibility.

Elder Lovia knows that I’ve suspected that something abnormal had happened to them, so she sent Darc to deal with me?

Derrick was first shocked and filled with horror. But immediately following that, he felt that it might not be a bad thing.

Mr. Hanged Man said, “if there isn’t a suitable audience to testify for you, then you might as well use the Beyonder who’s monitoring you.” And now, the person monitoring me is in that corner. If Darc were to suddenly attack me, then he would definitely expose the fact that there’s something wrong with him!

This way, even if I don’t use Mr. World’s item, I can still make things go smoothly!

Derrick turned his head to look out the window.

At that moment, the frequency of the lightning had dropped to its nadir. Only after a minute or two would a bolt of lightning streak across the sky, illuminating half the sky. The entire world and most of the City of Silver was immersed in a deep darkness most of the time.

If he were alone, Derrick wouldn’t have searched for a candle to light. He liked to lie quietly in bed and think about all sorts of things.

Of course, he knew that this was actually rather dangerous. If there was no light to dispel the darkness, then monsters could suddenly appear, even within the City of Silver. However, Derrick was a Light Suppliant himself, so he came equipped with the attribute of light and wasn’t afraid of something similar happening.

Knock! Knock! Knock! Darc knocked three more times, as if urging the master of the house to open the door.

He wasn’t like that before; he was very polite… Derrick suddenly felt a deep sense of sorrow.

He took out a candle from a wooden box and placed it in the middle of the table. He then rubbed his fingers, creating a golden flame.

The flame lit the candle, filling the room with a faint but warm glow, and this was accompanied by a faint, pungent aroma.

oil refined from

walked to the door with a strong sense of

so long?” Darc asked with a

looking for candles,” Derrick

dare to leave his back to the other party, and he chose to walk side by side with Darc. With his classmate and teammate, he walked back to the table and took their respective

fruits?” Darc asked with

the very rare snacks in the City of Silver. It came from a plant called the Doom Blood Vine, a type of organism that didn’t need light to grow. It grew

black fruits, which could be eaten directly. They were crispy and sweet, but they were unable to fill one’s stomach and didn’t provide the necessary nutrients. They could only be used as a daily snack. The merit points received from a single patrol could be exchanged for several large bags of

Derrick shook his

pile of black fruit from the bag, picked one up, and popped

moment and took the initiative to ask, “Did you encounter any

were easily eliminated by us. That place was destroyed for a long time,

“We found some strange plants at the bottom of the temple. They looked like mushrooms in the general

spirituality and strengthen one’s body. If it’s combined with roasted monsters, then it

palm-sized mushroom-shaped object from another small cloth bag. The stem was milky-white, and the cap was bright crystalline red. It

sight of the plant made Derrick gulp a mouthful of saliva, as though he had been

the beautiful mushroom-shaped object had an alluring luster that whet

for you.” Darc smiled

stuff it into his mouth, but in

didn’t say anything else. He pushed the mushroom in front of Derrick and

away from the “mushroom” and

a black Doom fruit, replying extremely seriously, “We found a lot of murals, a continuous series of murals. Do you remember that statue in

with a naked man nailed to it while hanging upside down, and its surface was deliberately

Lord didn’t abandon this land, but instead helped us shoulder the vast majority

knows no bounds. We are not the abandoned, but instead, the beloved chosen ones. Without the Lord bearing our sins and shedding blood in our stead, the City of

the Loen Kingdom where Mr. Hanged Man, Miss Justice, and the others are located, there are no curses,

honorific name during a ritual, and we can receive the Lord’s response again…” Darc went on, describing the murals under the temple and speaking

the others, completely corrupted by the Fallen Creator and become a fanatical believer… Even if there’s someone monitoring me, they wouldn’t notice anything amiss… Derrick felt a surge of horror that he had to do something

Darc away and return the “mushroom” to him? However, this is equivalent to giving up on this opportunity… Opportunity… Derrick’s gaze

the plan he had discussed with Mr. Hanged Man

thumb-sized Doom fruit into his mouth,

recited the honorific name

for you to take

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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