In the Berg household in the City of Silver.

Looking at the bloodstained scalp, Derrick suddenly recalled what it previously looked like. It was a beautiful and alluring “mushroom,” one that he almost couldn’t control himself from swallowing.

The Doom fruits, that Darc had shared with him and produced crisp, crunchy sounds when they were bitten into, were actually bloody pieces of human fingers with slightly pale skin!

At that moment, Derrick had a violent spasm in his stomach before a gush of acid surged to his throat.

Resisting the urge to vomit, he quickly croaked a line of lyrics, “God, please have your kingdom descend upon this land. Your enemies will disperse, and your followers will relish in joy!”

There was a touch of warmth and holiness in the song, and Derrick felt all the discomfort in his body weaken. His spirituality also became full and lively.

His courage, his strength, and his agility were all greatly enhanced by this song.

That was the Beyonder powers of a Sequence 9 Bard.

Darc stared at his former classmate and teammate singing with an increasingly dark expression. The way he spoke became more and more inhuman.

“What is that thing on your body…

“What is that thing on your body?

“What is that thing on your body!”

All of a sudden, Darc’s clothes were stretched out in bugling strips, as though a nest of slithering venomous snakes was underneath them.

Whoosh! Bloody strips of flesh pierced through the black skintight clothing, and its surface had rough skin covered with hair.

Strands of meat began to flail outwards, causing Darc to look like a bloody, furry hedgehog!

With a swoosh, the meat strands surged towards Derrick, who was still standing at his original location.

Derrick was a patrol squad member who had seen quite a number of monsters, so he wasn’t too flustered by this situation.

He twisted his waist, raised his arm, and swung the Axe of Hurricane that he was already holding in his hand.


The Axe of Hurricane hacked down at a few bloody strands of flesh, directly splitting them in half and causing them to fall to the ground.

strike didn’t bring about any lightning. Even more bloody strips of flesh began to surge forward,

was as if two small suns had descended into the room, and his other hand was holding something close to his mouth and

pillar of pure light descended from the sky, striking the bloody flesh that

scream, and many bloody strips of flesh fell to the

struggling as if they were

the control of its original owner, and gradually, they merged with the natural power derived from the sacrificial ritual’s

dim yellow candle flame, causing the light to suddenly burgeon,


was all prepared

this constituted a simple


flailing the bloody strips of meat. There was no


creaking sound, the illusory door that had many strange patterns on it opened

in which countless transparent and indescribable shadows

lights of different colors that

grayish-white fog, and above

out from a dark corner, covering Darc who was

pitch-black, viscous liquid as he seemed to turn

extended across the ground, rushing towards Derrick, who had already dodged to another location, and shouted sternly, “Stop!

from the sidelines and record the corresponding anomalies.

He instinctively believed that this was

location to be as far from the shadow as possible; therefore, to stop the boy who was possessed by the

his choice was the latter. Because of the obvious abnormality with Darc. Leaving his back to

out the iron box from his concealed pocket and threw it towards the illusory door conjured by the candle flame, towards the crack that presented a

in strange symbols and characteristics, closed

Mr. Hanged Man’s words, and he deliberately warped his facial muscles and savagely moved

the “shadow” blanketed him, he suddenly coughed violently and covered his mouth with his hand before falling to the

shadow emanated and

room returned to silence, but there were now two huge black

liquid withdrew

silhouettes of Derrick and Darc

tiny, strange worm with twelve transparent rings dropped from his hand. The latter had already turned into a lump of flesh, squirming and

and once again wrapped him up, using his shadow-like black “liquid” to envelop Darc Regence,

help but take a deep breath. Using his Beyonder powers to control

examine Derrick’s situation and saw the strange, translucent

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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