Who is it? Klein jerked his head up to look at the door.

He felt as if he were suffering from an illness; the fear of hearing the doorbell ring was identical to the symptoms he had experienced on Earth—being afraid of his cell phone’s ringing.

Putting down the newspaper and magazine, he looked at the empty plate which had been cleaned even of its seasonings, then he stood up, and he walked to the door.

Before he got a hold of the handle, he already knew that it was Dr. Aaron outside.

Don’t you need to work? Klein mumbled as he opened the door.

“Good morning, Aaron. The fog is gray today.” He smiled.

Aaron was still wearing his cold expression, but there was an additional sense of anxiety and fear written on his face.

He nudged his gold-rimmed spectacles and, without bothering to greet him, bluntly said, “Sherlock, I had another dream! I dreamed of Will Auceptin again!”

Ah? Klein almost froze.

That’s not right? The real paper crane is with me, above the gray fog, while the one I folded is with the Nighthawks. You’re still able to dream of Will Auceptin with a paper crane which was poorly folded by a Nighthawk? That’s not scientific, no—that’s not mystic… Klein became serious and asked, “The same dream?”

“No, it’s not that scary this time.” Aaron became a little calmer. “I dreamed about the Grimm Cemetery. You know of it, right?”

“Yes,” Klein answered simply.

Back then, he had caught a group of students and a mysticism enthusiast who was a complete beginner, Kapusky, engaging in a spiritual dance outside Grimm Cemetery. He later received another copper whistle from the latter which could be used to summon a messenger.

Aaron drew a deep breath of cold air and continued, “I dreamed of the woods outside Grimm Cemetery. I dreamed of a birch tree which had a layer of bark peeled off its trunk, Will Auceptin was sitting underneath that tree, looking at me quietly.”

“And then?” Klein pressed.

Aaron shook his head. “The dream ended there.”

What a strange matter… Has Dr. Aaron’s dream got nothing to do with the paper crane? No, if it wasn’t related, then there wouldn’t have been a situation where the dream changed after the paper crane was switched. Furthermore, I also performed a divination using the paper crane above the gray fog and obtained the corresponding revelations… Klein said in a measured voice, “This is no longer within my scope of understanding. What do you want from me, Aaron?”

Aaron breathed out warm air that dispersed into white mist. “I want to pay a visit to the area outside Grimm Cemetery. I want to do it now, while it’s still daytime. Can you protect me? I’ll pay you one pound.”

Heading over to the place that appeared in the dream now? He probably wouldn’t encounter anything too strange during the day… Klein thought for a moment and said, “I can accept this request, but I suggest that you go back to the same cathedral and tell your dream to the bishop you’re familiar with.”

Aaron agreed, then said doubtfully, “Why do you always suggest that I go to the cathedral? I know, you’ve explained it before, in a very logical way, that if mystical powers exist in this world, then the Churches, which have been leading humanity, must be the ones with the strongest mystical powers, and if there are none, then at least we can go to the Church to get psychological comfort and corresponding connections. However, why do you suggest that I go to the cathedral for something that isn’t considered too strange?”

Klein considered for two seconds, then replied seriously, “I’m a detective. I’ve come into contact with a lot of unusual things, so I understand the special nature of the Church. I also know when to ask for help.”

listened with a

corners of Klein’s mouth

“Just kidding.

going to change my clothes first. Uh, and also do the

time without his thick coat, he turned

opportunity, Klein went to the washroom, went above the gray fog, and divined the degree of danger for this mission. He

to reject the mission using the Church

Borough, Myriad

why don’t you hire a maid? As a great detective, you can afford to have several servants,” Aaron asked, as he led Klein

wanted to ask while in the carriage, but he had never found

and said heavily, “Aaron, let me tell you a story. There was a detective who hired two maids, a cook, and an assistant, and he was doing pretty well, but one day he took over a case and successfully homed

in the end, he was only slightly injured, but two of

you get it,

a hint of empathy. “Sherlock, I never knew that you’ve had

nothing to do with me. I just made up a story… It’s not like I can tell you directly that I’m involved in many strange and mystical matters, and that there will always be

by Mrs. Stelyn Sammer’s maid. She was responsible for the

talking, the two of them had already entered the

was dark, quiet, and devoid of candles, completely in line

a Dark Sacred Emblem. The stars were inlaid with self-illuminating pearls, and the crimson moon was made of rubies. The rest of the hall was filled with

glance, he could see that the place was filled with specks of light as the crimson light illuminated the area, making

design used by Saint Selena Cathedral in Tingen. That hall was pitch-black, with only light penetrating from the front through the fist-sized holes. It resembled a star sky, making one feel awe

night, the effect would be gone… Klein took a seat at random, took off his half top hat and leaned on his black hardwood cane, while Aaron continued down the aisle to

people who were concentrating on praying, Klein’s heart suddenly

is only my third time entering the

Cathedral of

put on his black windbreaker and red gloves and entered the room of the high-ranking deacon,

May the Goddess bless you.” Cesimir drew a crimson

mouth covered with his high

The honor is mine.” Leonard raised his right hand and gestured four points in

and went straight to

a mystical item. I’ve already ordered someone to prepare a Beyonder weapon for you

consideration certain clues to perform the search. For example, cases that have happened consecutively in Backlund and matters related to a

Reverend Cesimir.” Leonard held no objections towards the

my revenge… he silently said

Borough, in the periphery

while to walk around the nearby woods, coughing from time to time

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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