He’s dead?

Will Auceptin is dead?

And he seems to have been dead for some time!

Could this be fake?

Klein looked at the body of the child in surprise and suspicion as many thoughts bubbled in his mind.

From what he knew, Will Auceptin was a special child who could be involved with a Sequence 1 of the Monster pathway, Snake of Mercury, in some way.

In the divination game he played, a casual “Doctor, your luck will get worse” was enough to make Aaron suffer from bad luck for an extended period of time. The paper crane he folded allowed Aaron’s Astral Projection to be located in the spirit world and be instilled with artificial revelations. Even above the gray fog, Klein only received an inkling of his location and couldn’t come to an effective conclusion… How could such a child die for no reason? He was dead before Dr. Aaron’s dreams? What about his family?

Klein narrowed his eyes, and despite his intense nausea, he carefully examined the highly rotten body. He noticed some torn tarot cards in the surrounding soil.

His spiritual intuition told him that the corpse in front of him was most likely Will Auceptin.

It’s really shocking and difficult to understand… I should go above the gray fog later and confirm if it’s a fake death from Will Auceptin… Wait, what does this have to do with me? I had already decided not to get involved in this matter any further, in case I get entangled by some Snake of Mercury. This might be even more terrifying than Sealed Artifact 0-08… Klein snapped out of his daze and said to the terrified tomb keeper and Dr. Aaron, who was on the verge of a mental breakdown.

“Call the police!”

“Okay! Okay!” The tomb keeper was taken aback at first before he repeated his reply.

With the shovel in hand, he turned and ran out of the woods, at a speed that was so fast that it appeared as though he was being chased by a zombie.

As expected, he’s just an ordinary person and isn’t cautious at all. In this kind of situation, shouldn’t he be wary of the people around him who might have malicious intent? By exposing your back, it would be easy for you to be hit by a shovel… Klein glanced at the back of the tomb keeper and shook his head with a sigh.

When he was a Nighthawk in Tingen, he had read a lot of case files and found out that many of the victims had ended up becoming victims of their companions.

Thinking of this, Klein walked to Dr. Aaron, bent down, and stretched out his hand.

“There’s nothing to be afraid of. He’s already dead.”

“… It’s the death that scares me.” Aaron calmed down a bit, and without accepting Klein’s help, he got up by himself.

His black frock coat was covered with dirt, and Klein felt his heart pain for the clothes for some baffling reason.

seeing anything

was still panicking, Klein laughed and said, “At such times, praying to the deity you believe in has quite

was stunned. He tapped his chest four times in a clockwise manner and chanted softly, “The Evernight Goddess

and over again, he gradually calmed down, no longer feeling as terrified

chest and silently whispered to himself, God of Steam and Machinery,

that he might be smote to death by

Storms, and it isn’t in the domain

about 20 minutes, the two of them found themselves sitting in an

frankly informed the police that he was a private investigator who wasn’t too sure of what was happening. As for Dr.

they immediately changed their attitudes, saying that there was nothing suspicious about Dr. Aaron and Detective Moriarty. All they

wasn’t surprised. It was obvious that the Nighthawks

having the doctor head to the Myriad Star Cathedral in advance

station, Klein wasn’t surprised to see a familiar figure. It was the Nighthawk who had entered his

was obviously more resistant to the cold than

his glasses, put on half top hat, and left the

his carriage driver to head to Minsk Street first, Aaron turned to Klein and

really belongs to Will Auceptin, then you shouldn’t be troubled any longer.” Klein paused and continued, “Aaron, have you found anything else that’s strange during this period of time?

it and shook his


celebrating!” Klein sighed and said

any divination afterward, he was still a little worried that some Nighthawk would suddenly think of something and use it to find some clues. And now, with the

statement was very convincing. Why did the

and said, “I thought I’d have to get my lawyer to take

you seem to have a

and replied in a deep voice, “It’s the fate

Wall was wearing a long black dress and a black bonnet with a fine mesh hanging down.

to visit Viscount Glaint, and they had successfully gotten a verbal agreement for borrowing 400 pounds without

ensure his safety. He was anxious to procure a Royal Jellyfish’s venom crystal so that he could complete the

family treasury, and she had taken one out in the name of doing a biological experiment, effectively offsetting part of

condition for Viscount Glaint to get the help of Duke Negan’s children to confirm if the dragon specimens in the treasury had a Thousand-faced Hunter and whether there were

hurry to pray to Mr. Fool to close the deal as quickly

horse carriage to get to Grimm

her into an Apprentice was the Beyonder

help but pay a visit and put a bouquet of flowers in front of Mrs. Aulisa’s grave and thank

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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